Superman exercise lying on the floor benefits. Home exercises for the buttocks. Core workout for cyclists

Lie face down, straighten your arms in front of you. This is the starting position. As you exhale, simultaneously lift your arms, legs and chest off the floor, while straining your lower back as much as possible. Stay in this position for 2 seconds. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

Exercise "Superman": video

Rules for performing the exercise

  1. Lie face down on the floor or training mat with your arms straight out in front of you. This is your starting position.
  2. At the same time, lift your arms, legs and chest off the floor and hold this position for 2 seconds. Tip: Tighten your lower back to get the most out of the exercise. Remember to exhale while performing the movement. Note: In the contraction position you should look like superman while flying.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower your arms, legs, and chest to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the recommended number of times. Variations: You can perform this exercise by lifting one arm and one leg at a time. Simply lift your left leg, arm and side of your chest, then repeat on the right side.

The superman exercise is one of the simplest and at the same time effective exercises for training and strengthening the lower back.

From a safety point of view, the superman exercise is technically much safer than other exercises for training the lower back (for example or). When performing the superman exercise, much less load is concentrated on the intervertebral discs, so the risk of injury is almost zero.

Another big advantage of the superman exercise is that you don’t need any special equipment and you can do it anywhere. However, the superman exercise should not be taken lightly - it is very intense and much more difficult than it might seem at first glance.

How to perform the “superman” exercise correctly:

  1. Lie face down on the floor and extend your arms forward. The head is slightly raised. This will be your starting position.
  2. Tightening your back muscles, lift your legs and chest off the floor and raise them as high as possible. Try to keep your arms and legs parallel to each other. Advice: At the top of the exercise you should look like Superman flying.
  3. Hold the contraction at the top for 2-3 seconds and slowly lower your legs and arms back to the starting position.

Superman exercise. Muscles involved:

Variations of the superman exercise:

  1. To increase the intensity of the exercise, perform it in 3 sets of 30 repetitions.
  2. To reduce the intensity of the superman exercise, you can perform the superman exercise without shoes or by not straightening your arms forward, but by pressing them towards yourself.
  3. You can also perform this exercise by lifting only one arm and one leg at a time. First, raise your arms and legs on the left side, then do the same on the right side.
  4. Alternative and more effective

Want to feel stronger on long trips? You need to develop your key muscles.

Although experts still debate which muscles constitute the "core" muscles, almost all agree that increasing muscle strength by developing postural muscles reduces the risk of injury and increases your performance.

Isn't that great? Your core muscles are the foundation for all other muscles (that's why they are called "core" muscles). If these muscles are underdeveloped, it will be much more difficult for your body to withstand long hours on the bike.

In addition, strong core muscles will allow you to avoid unnecessary upper body movements, conserving more energy for pedaling.

Key muscles include the postural muscles, which include the muscles of the back, abdomen and hips. Exercises for key muscles are quite simple. Here are some basic exercises to get you started. These exercises can be done every day, but to begin with, it is better to train every other day to give your muscles time to recover. Perform just a few repetitions at first, but gradually increase the number.

At first, hold the plank and Superman pose for 20-30 seconds, and then gradually increase the time.

Hold for 30 seconds, then relax and repeat. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and time you hold the pose.

Hold for 30 seconds, relax and repeat. Gradually increase repetitions and time.

Lie face down. Raise one hand from the floor and hold it for 20-30 seconds. Lower it and raise your other hand. Then engage your legs.

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Recently, sport has become associated not only with health, but also with fashion. Fitness centers are bursting with people, and Instagram is filled with photos of beautiful and toned figures. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to work out in the gym under the supervision of a professional trainer, but this cannot in any way affect the result. It is enough just to know what and how to do. Let's look at the top dangerous exercises in the gym and protect ourselves from unwanted injuries. Proper exercise is the key to a beautiful, and most importantly healthy body.

Exercise on a leg extension machine

Holding the supports, legs bent at the knees are placed between the bolsters. As you inhale, raise your legs without bending your knees (horizontal position). As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Danger. The legs in the exercise are raised in a way that is unusual for them. We don't use this position in life, and it can be dangerous. It is better to replace it with squats and lunges.

Pull-down of the upper block behind the head

Performed with a wide grip. When moving down, the body leans forward slightly, with the shoulder blades together. We lower it to the middle of the back of the head, then move upward, extending our arms to the end.

The exercise is dangerous because it can damage the shoulder joint. It is better to perform overhead rows only in front of the body.

Smith Squats

Inhaling, the bar slowly lowers, knees bend. Lowering to an angle of 90 degrees, the bar rises back, pushing off the floor with your heels.

A huge load falls on the spine and knees. It is advisable to replace the Smith exercise with squats with dumbbells or lunges with a barbell.

Exercise "Superman"

Lying on the floor (facing the floor), stretch your arms forward. Straining your back muscles, lift your legs and chest off the floor and rise as high as possible. Pause 2-3 seconds. Next, the body lowers to its original position.

It looks like a completely safe exercise, but it is worth noting that a huge load falls on the lower back.

Replacement: exercise “hunting dog stance” - standing on all fours, the arm and the opposite leg are extended parallel to the floor, the position is held for 5 seconds.


The position of emphasis on straight arms is accepted. The torso leans forward and the arms slowly lower, bending at the elbows. Pause 2 seconds. Slow return to starting position.

A very popular exercise that everyone has known since school. But if not performed correctly, the bench press can harm the heart, small back muscles and elbows. For those who are unprepared, it is better not to perform this push-up at all.


Starting position, lying on the floor. Legs are bent above head level. Hands behind your head. The body slowly twists, lifting off the floor (the back is rounded). Pause 1 second, then the body returns to its original position.

It would seem that this is a dangerous exercise, but when performed there is a huge load on the shoulders and neck. It's better to replace it with a bar.

Leg raises

Lying on your back, legs raise up. The knees are very slightly bent. Next, the body returns to its original position, but the legs do not touch the floor (hanging a little in the air).

The exercise cannot be done if the abdominal muscles are weak and not yet pumped up. This may cause back injury.

Replacement: plank to strengthen the abdominal muscles.


If you are an unprepared person and your muscles are still weak, you should not immediately grab every exercise machine. An experienced trainer will tell you exactly where to start. After all, first of all you need to think about health.

To make sport a useful hobby for you and bring only positive emotions, start small. Gradually move on to more complex exercises.

Doing exercises incorrectly, or doing dangerous exercises at all, can lead to serious injuries. Usually the back, knees, and elbows are the first to suffer. Even harmless twisting can damage the neck and shoulders.

Where to start training

In order to see positive training results over time, it is enough to follow a simple algorithm of actions in the gym. Do not rush to immediately load your body with complex exercises, go towards the goal gradually.

  • Start your workout with a dynamic warm-up. In order not to harm the muscles, they need to be thoroughly worked out and warmed up.
  • If you've already started lifting heavy weights, don't do it alone. A coach or friend will help in case of danger or injury.
  • Have a clear plan. Do not do chaotic exercises; each muscle group should be worked out efficiently and clearly.
  • Don't overexert yourself. There is no need to faint from exercise; it is better to gradually increase the load.
  • Stretch. At the end of your workout, it is important to stretch and give your muscles some rest.
  • Safety precautions

    • Before going to the gym, it is better to consult a doctor. Find out which exercises are not recommended for you.
    • Warm-up is required. To avoid pulling or tearing the muscles, they must be well warmed up.
    • When doing cardio training on machines, do not change the speed of the exercise suddenly, and also do not stop abruptly.
    • Train only in sports shoes.
    • If you feel unwell, contact your trainer immediately.



    When performing dangerous exercises, there is nothing more you can do except get injured. As practice and knowledge of professionals show, such exercises cannot boast of effectiveness. Analogues of dangerous exercises bring much more results and healthy muscles. Like everything around, sport is developing, and what may have seemed right before is now becoming irrelevant. Due to advancements in sports, people are constantly finding safer and more effective workout options. Knowing how to do exercises correctly and which ones are less dangerous, you can achieve results faster and better.

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