How to teach girls to do push-ups from scratch. How to teach a girl to do push-ups. How to do push-ups correctly for girls: mastering the technique

Beautiful, strong hands, the absence of flabby skin in the forearm area, a light sculptural relief - something that will adorn every woman, and something that is difficult to achieve. During general training for all muscle groups, these zones are not worked, so all the trainers remind us about push-ups for girls. How to learn them at home and create a program for yourself?

How to do push-ups correctly

Visually, this exercise is easy to perform: bend your arms, keep your body parallel to the floor and force yourself back. In practice, learning this is a little more difficult: for a beginner, a push-up program is unlikely to include more than 2 elements. Until the basics are mastered - that is, “how to do push-ups”, and not “how to learn more exercises”, and the goals become clear, there is no point in expanding it.

Doing push-ups correctly means:

  • Do not “turn off” the elbow joint at the top point.
  • Learn to keep a straight line from your heels to your neck.
  • Maintain tension in your abs and back at all times.
  • Touch the floor at the lowest point with your chest.

How to do wall push-ups correctly

This type of physical activity is mainly used to learn how to hold part of the body weight on your arms and at the same time minimally prepare the arm muscles for subsequent exercises. It is easier to do push-ups correctly from a wall than from the floor, but some people forget that there are conditions here too:

  • You cannot bend your legs: half the effect will disappear instantly. The knees should be almost "off".
  • Find your distance: Take a big step back while facing the wall. Start with this distance, then try to increase it to 0.8-1 m.
  • Do not arch your lower back: if you do push-ups from the wall, it is more difficult to watch your back than the rest of your body, and at the same time it is the main element here.
  • These push-ups from scratch are the easiest, so the number of repetitions per set for them should be increased.

How to do push-ups correctly

The uniqueness of this exercise is the inclusion of most of the upper muscles, maximum work with your own weight, the ability to easily control the degree of load on different zones by changing the angle of the body. Learning how to do push-ups correctly without outside help is difficult. Technical features:

  • The shoulders need to be fixed.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Stretch the spine, do not bend.
  • It is advisable to take a hand grip shoulder width apart.
  • Collect your legs, bend your knees, tighten your buttocks.
  • Try to leave the entire body static, not dangling in the air.

How to do grasshopper push-ups

This name is slang and hides a special technique for positioning the arms, in which the area from the shoulder down to the elbow should create a line parallel to the floor when the body goes down. You can learn how to do grasshopper push-ups at any stage of mastering this type of physical activity, but before attempting the exercise, it is recommended to watch a detailed video that will explain the intricacies of this technique.

General scheme:

  1. Take an emphasis lying on your hands.
  2. Palms along the body, elbows near the body.
  3. Begin to bend your arms at the elbow joint.
  4. Stop when your forearm is parallel to the floor.

How to learn to do push-ups

Based on the information given above, you can already draw up a rough plan of action for yourself for several weeks. The training system to correctly learn how to do push-ups from the floor will be as follows:

  1. If there was no preparation at all, start the first 3 workouts at the wall, doing 20-30 repetitions per set.
  2. For the next week and a half, try doing push-ups from your knees, but do 10, 15 or more repetitions per circle.
  3. Do you feel ready to embrace the emphasis on your feet? Be patient and pay attention to breathing that you hadn’t thought about before. Lower as you inhale, rise as you exhale, and do not pause.
  4. Have you figured out how to do push-ups correctly and breathe regularly? If 20-25 repetitions were performed correctly, rise from your knees and master the classic technique, focusing on your feet.

How to teach a child to do push-ups

The given method of mastering this exercise does not have an adjustment for the age of the “student,” however, teaching a child to do push-ups is more difficult than teaching an adult. Here you will need to especially focus on breathing technique, starting with 4-5 repetitions per set, and increasing the load very gradually, over weeks, not days. Additionally, it is worth considering that the child needs to constantly switch, so do not repeat the same exercise: change the position of your hands, speed, etc.

How to learn to do push-ups from scratch

If you decide that you want to immediately give a large load to the body and ignore the wall stage, you can try to learn how to do push-ups from the floor from scratch through working with an elevation. It uses a low bench, a step, several bricks stacked on top of each other, etc. It is important to reduce the distance between the body and the floor. They start training with the traditional emphasis on the palms near the body, and as they master it try:

  • change the width of your arms;
  • do jumping push-ups (pull your knees to your chest, push back to the plank and do a push-up);
  • circular push-ups (going down, shift the weight from right to left and rise in the opposite direction).

How to learn to do push-ups

You should not master this exercise from scratch, since it requires good physical preparation, especially for girls. Learning to do push-ups on uneven bars is more difficult than the classic way, so professionals advise finding lessons in open sources (preferably videos, not photos), or taking a lesson from a competent trainer before mastering this technique on your own.

For girls the scheme is as follows:

  1. Turn your back to the machine and place your hands on the bars.
  2. Pressing your elbows to your body, bend forward while inhaling (angle - 30 degrees) and go down.
  3. Rise up with effort, straightening your body and exhaling.

How to quickly learn to do push-ups

It’s important to understand right away that trying to do the same exercises every day will not yield results. The body needs rest, which restores the condition of the disturbed muscles. You can quickly learn how to do push-ups if you work systematically and properly build a training schedule. Do 3 classes a week every other day, and between them do cardio with a mandatory load on the muscles of the arms, chest and abs to increase their endurance. However, real progress will appear only after a couple of weeks or even a month.

How to teach a girl to do push-ups

The benefits of such exercises for the fair sex are not only in strengthening the arms and tightening their contours. Beautiful, high breasts are also a merit of this type of physical activity. You can master push-ups for women using the same schemes as for men, but professionals advise increasing the load as carefully as possible and, in the absence of training, first try doing push-ups from the wall, then from your knees, and then using the classical method.

Push-up program for girls

In terms of technique, women's push-ups do not differ from men's, especially for beginners, but there are some “relaxations”. Firstly, you don’t need to use weights if you don’t plan to build muscle. Secondly, the number of approaches is reduced compared to the men's program, and it is also advisable to keep the speed moderate. The training program is built according to the girl’s level of preparedness and her goals.

A simple task for a week to teach a beginner how to do push-ups:

  • Take no more than a minute's rest between sets.
  • Continue to increase the load in the same way, by 3-5 repetitions per circle each time.
  • Be sure to record your results to monitor your progress.

Push-ups for girls

The main difference between the female version of this exercise and the male one is the position of the hands. Most girls only need to tighten their contours, strengthen the chest area and work on their back, so the emphasis is placed on the triceps more often than on the deltoids. The number of repetitions will also be less than for men (the norm is 20-25), and the push-ups themselves for girls are performed at a fast pace.

  • Start doing push-ups only when you learn how to do it from your knees confidently and without breaking technique.
  • Place your hands near the body or hip-width apart - this way you will work the muscles of the chest and the back of the forearm. For the latter, you should move your elbows towards the body when lowering.
  • When you have mastered the classic exercise, try taking “steps” with your arms to the side before lowering - this will give more stress to your chest muscles.

Knee push-ups for women

The entire scheme of actions for this exercise looks absolutely similar to that given for push-ups. Only the degree of load and distribution changes: the press is involved a little less. Otherwise, you can also try changing the position of your palms, placing emphasis on your knuckles, etc. Homemade push-ups from your knees for women of average fitness level look like this:

  1. Emphasis on palms, knees on the floor.
  2. Spread your arms wider than your shoulders, keep your core tense.
  3. Without lifting your shins from the floor, do push-ups slowly, controlling your breathing. The lowest point is a right angle at the elbows.

Wall push-ups for girls

If you are trying to learn this difficult task completely from scratch and have not been involved in sports before, then it will be difficult to master classical methods without preparation. For such a situation, professionals advise starting with wall push-ups for girls. The action plan is simple:

  1. Move 0.6-1 m away from the wall (the taller you are, the further you should move).
  2. Move your body forward and rest your hands (elbows at the body). Rise up onto your toes.
  3. Without bending your knees or breaking the line of your body (inclination relative to the floor), do push-ups, bringing your chest as close as possible to the wall (or other vertical support).

Video: how to learn to do push-ups from scratch

Each workout program consists of push-ups. The main advantage is a comprehensive study of the main muscle groups.

Often girls ignore this type of exercise, not realizing that they train endurance, strength and chest muscles, as well as correct their figure and eliminate calories.

Benefits for girls

Classic push-ups are no different from the familiar school physical education classes.

They work on the following areas:

  • press- help achieve abdominal definition;
  • back- exercises are performed with a straight back, which allows you to improve your posture;
  • breast- the bust size is not increased, but the shape is corrected;
  • triceps- the main effort is directed to the hands, and this strengthens them.

Important!DThe duration of the preliminary warm-up is at least 5 minutes.

Push-ups are easy to do at home. This type of training is indispensable when you want to keep yourself in shape, but there is no time to visit the gym.

How to learn to do push-ups from scratch

You should not give up classes if they were not successful during school time and did not work out the first time. Special simplified exercise options have been developed for beginners.

From the wall

Wall push-ups are one of the most common simplified options:

  1. Stand facing the wall, setting a small distance. Hands are shoulder-width apart and chest level.
  2. Place your hands on the wall and push up with your elbows fully clenched and unclenched.
  3. Perform the exercise smoothly, keeping your knees and back straight.
  4. If you are ready to increase the load, step back slightly from the wall. Start with one set of 10 reps.

Bent over from the bench

Bent-over push-ups are performed to work out the area of ​​the back of the arms, which is often problematic. Beginners can even bend their legs and then start doing the exercises. Please note that in this option the load is minimal.

Did you know?Johann Schneider from Austria developed his push-up technique so much that he was able to perform 112 push-ups on raw chicken eggs.

Frequent visitors to the gym fix their legs on the second bench and supplement the exercise with weights:
  1. Place your feet together. Place your hands on the gymnastics bench. In the absence of this equipment, use a sofa or table.
  2. Hands are shoulder-width apart. Gently unclench and straighten them.
  3. If you are just starting to learn push-ups, start with high supports, and then gradually “lower down”.

From the floor from your knees

Knee push-ups - a basic functional exercise:

  1. Spread out the mat.
  2. Place your knees on the floor.
  3. The technique is similar to the previous exercises. The same muscles are worked, but less tension is directed at them.

How to do a classic push-up correctly

Start classic push-ups if you have worked out simplified versions or if you are actively involved in sports.

Important!Make sure you are breathing correctly. On exhalation - strengthening, on inhalation - relaxation.

Technique for girls:
  1. Take a perpendicular position to the floor. Keep your balance by resting your toes and palms.
  2. Bend your arms and lower yourself towards the floor until your chest touches.
  3. As you exhale, rise up.

Video: technique of performing push-ups

What does the width of your arms affect?

Push-ups are also practiced with a wide stance. Intensively works the shoulders and pectoral muscles.

Execution rules:

  1. Press your hands and toes into the floor. Place your hands wider than your shoulders. Direct the tension to your back and abs.
  2. Lower yourself with light movements, slightly missing your chest towards the floor.
  3. Straighten your arms with a strong push.
Narrow hand placement works the triceps.

Did you know?Triceps are larger in size than biceps.

Execution rules:
  1. Place your hands on the floor. The width of the arms is at shoulder level.
  2. To increase stability, spread your feet apart. Do not lower your chest to the floor.
  3. Rise up with an effort directed from the triceps.

When to use additional weights

If you think regular push-ups are too easy, use weights. Such exercises are only for “advanced” people. The pectoral muscles are worked with intensity. Use weighted vests.
At home, you can simply fill your backpack with something heavy. The technique is the same. She also works the forearms. This type of exercise is used by those who have set themselves the goal of pumping up muscles.

30 day training program for beginner girls

If you are just learning to do push-ups, train according to the instructions for the first month. This will allow you to start from feasible positions and gradually increase the level of loads and monitor progress.

Day Number of push-ups for 5 sets
1 3, 2, 2, 2, 3
3 4, 3, 4, 3, 4
5 5, 4, 4, 4, 5
7 6, 4, 4, 6, 4
9 7, 5, 4, 4, 6
11 8, 5, 5, 7, 5
13 12, 9, 10, 7, 7
15 12, 10, 8, 12, 8
17 13, 9, 11, 13, 9
19 16, 14, 10, 11, 12
21 16, 18, 12,12, 14
23 20, 18, 13, 13, 16
25 23, 21, 15, 15, 17
27 25, 23, 17, 15, 21
29 27, 25, 25, 15, 19
30 29, 27, 23, 15, 17

To make the classes useful, done correctly and not too difficult, follow the rules:

  1. Perform the exercise at a medium pace.
  2. Increase the load gradually. For the first time - 1 approach out of 10 times. The intensity depends on your personal condition and how quickly you cope with the assigned tasks. Include push-ups in every workout routine.
  3. Don't lift your buttocks. Keep your head and back level.
  4. If you have injuries from which you have not yet recovered, then it is better to hold off on training.
  5. The greatest load is when pushing up from the floor. Don't forget this.
  6. Watch your breathing: exhale - rise, inhale - fall.
  7. Keep your abdominal and thigh muscles constantly tense.

Did you know?Push-ups are great for invigorating, especially in the morning.

Regular push-ups are a guarantee of a slim figure, flat stomach, and developed chest. They help tone your muscles and invigorate you.

Video: how to learn to do push-ups

Push-ups are a universal basic exercise with your own weight, with which you can strengthen not only the chest, shoulders and triceps, but also almost all the muscles of our body. It’s not for nothing that this exercise is included in almost everything at home. However, for some beginners, especially girls, push-ups are something unattainable. This raises questions about how to learn to do push-ups from scratch. This is exactly what will be discussed further.

How to learn to do push-ups from scratch?

Most often, the question of how to learn to do push-ups from scratch is asked by girls. After all, guys, whatever one may say, are still stronger than girls (there are exceptions). However, there are cases when, for one reason or another, even representatives of the stronger sex do not know how to do push-ups. Fortunately, all the ways to learn how to do push-ups are suitable for both girls and guys. So let's go.

Learning to do push-ups is not as difficult as you might think at first glance. It's even easier than . The main thing is to set yourself a goal and under no circumstances lose heart. It may be difficult at first, but you can't give up. Only forward!

So, in order to learn how to do push-ups, you need to do push-ups! Just like a child would never learn to walk if he didn’t try again and again to get on his feet and take a step, then a second, a third, and so on. Likewise, you will never be able to learn how to do push-ups if you do not purposefully follow your goal.

First, you need to strengthen the muscles that are used during push-ups. First, there are the core muscles, which help you stabilize your pelvis, hips, and spine, and maintain an upright posture. In order to strengthen your stabilizer muscles, start regularly doing a plank exercise or a push-up while lying on your hands - the starting position for push-ups from the floor. Try to hold this position for as long as possible.

The second step is to start doing push-ups. Take a position lying on your straight arms. The grip is slightly wider than shoulder width. To begin with, you can only do the negative or eccentric phase of the movement. That is, bending your elbows, slowly lower yourself to the bottom. Then, stand up and again take the position lying on straightened arms. Perform 6-10 such repetitions, after which do more push-ups from the floor on your knees or push-ups from a bench (sofa, bed) - the maximum number of times.

How often to train?

The best option is to train 3 times a week, every other day. Still, it is necessary to alternate training days with rest days so that the muscles have time to recover and become stronger. However, if you feel full of strength and energy, then you can do push-ups every day.

Exercise regularly, believe in yourself and your strength, and you will very soon achieve your desired goal. Now you will be interested in the question not about how to learn to do push-ups from scratch, but what you can read about in the corresponding article by following the link. I wish you good luck, friends!

Many girls do not know how to do push-ups, because their shoulder girdle is less developed compared to men. Therefore, it is not surprising that fitness lovers are often interested in the question of how a girl can learn to do push-ups from scratch?

The advantage of this exercise is that it can be performed in any conditions - in the gym, at home, on the sports field, since it does not require special equipment. Usually, to learn how to do push-ups from scratch, a girl needs about 2-3 weeks, depending on her initial level of training. With zero knowledge it may take a month, the main thing in this matter is regular training - 2-3 times a week.

What muscle groups work during push-ups?

The main muscle group, which is the pectoralis major muscle. Of course, this will not enlarge or tighten the mammary glands themselves, but it will strengthen the muscle corset, help get rid of unsightly protruding bones and increase endurance.

The deltoid muscles help push the body upward and are actively involved during push-ups. Despite the fact that the exercise is not basic for the deltoid group, push-ups can outline a pronounced line of the shoulders and give them roundness.

While straightening your arms, the triceps are trained, and if you do push-ups with a narrow grip, this muscle will receive a greater load. does not work as actively during push-ups, but this way you can increase their overall endurance and strength. The abdominal muscles also receive static load.

Push-up technique for girls with zero knowledge

To learn the technique from scratch and perform the exercise easily and confidently, you should start from the first stage, consolidate it and only then move on to the next one. There will be 4 stages in total, after which you will learn how to do push-ups correctly.

This is the easiest way to do push-ups and even a complete zero in terms of physical fitness can learn it. Its peculiarity lies in its vertical rather than horizontal position.

Stand straight one meter away from the wall. Extend your arms at shoulder level and rest against the support. Then begin to simultaneously bend your elbows and lean towards the wall until you touch it with your forehead. Then straighten your arms and take the starting position.

The further you are from the wall, the more difficult it will be to do push-ups. If your feet slip, it is better to rest your entire foot on the floor. Repeat 12-15 times for 3-4 approaches. When doing push-ups, it is important to keep your back and legs straight. It is enough to conduct a lesson no more than 3 times a week, and any girl will learn to do push-ups.

level of training

Now you will have to use a bench or chair as a support. Take a lying position with your hands on the bench. Begin to bend your elbows, touching the middle of your chest to the support. At the maximum point of the movement, exhale and return to the starting position. Do not forget that your back and legs should form one right angle, do not bend.

Do also 12-15 repetitions of 3-4 sets. When you learn to do push-ups in this way 15-20 times, you can safely move on to the next stage.

push-up stage

This variation is most similar to the standard method of execution, but at the same time reduces the load by almost half.

Bend your knees, place your hands on the floor, take a breath and begin to bend your elbows, trying to touch the floor with the middle of your chest. If you feel discomfort in your knees, you can place a small rug to soften the support.

classic version

When all the previous stages have been mastered, you can move on to the last one - standard push-ups. It is better for girls to place their hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, as in this case the pectoral muscles are best used. If you need to focus on the triceps, then you should perform push-ups with a narrow hand position, that is, slightly narrower than shoulder width. In the second case, the elbows should be directed strictly along the body, and not spread to the sides.

Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms. Start bending your elbows until there is no space between your chest and the floor. It is important to look straight ahead without lowering your gaze. Exhale and take the starting position. To maintain the achieved result and maintain the tone of the pectoral muscles, perform classic push-ups 1-2 days a week, 12-15 times, 3-4 approaches.

Before learning the technique of this exercise, it is recommended to eat a hearty meal 2-3 hours before the lesson and immediately before performing a warm-up complex, or run for 5 minutes.

You should not exercise if you feel unwell, hungry or tired. Also, you shouldn’t do push-ups every day to the point of exhaustion; two or three times a week will be enough. The load should be smooth and regular, and then the result will not be far off.

Push-ups are one of the basic exercises for both boys and girls. In addition to the health benefits, as well as the demonstration of health, doing them well lays the foundation for many other, more complex elements. Various types of push-ups allow you to work out almost all the muscles of the chest and arms, which has the most beneficial effect on your appearance: men get good relief, and girls can even correct their breasts by tightening them. In addition, the ability to do a lot of beautiful push-ups will always allow you to shine in a company or win some kind of bet. :o) How so learn to do push-ups from scratch right, if you don’t know how to do it at all, or is it very difficult for you to do it? Watch the video:

I said about push-ups from a hill, but I forgot to add an important thing: once you get the hang of it, gradually lower the level of support until you reach the floor.

And finally, a few facts about the benefits of push-ups:

1. When doing push-ups, the muscles of almost the entire body work and therefore develop (fingers, arms, shoulders, upper and lower back, stomach), with the exception of the legs. And to work specific parts of the body, there are hundreds of different types and variations of the basic exercise.
2. Muscle mass is gained, muscles are strengthened, and good relief appears. Which has a positive effect on overall fitness.
3. Push-ups help you get rid of excess weight, if you want to lose weight - when you do them, the load increases and the heart and circulatory system are strengthened. The heart works faster and pumps blood, this increases the speed of metabolic processes and allows you to burn extra calories faster. You can look at my figure:o)
4. Regularly performing push-ups develops the body's endurance, overall strength, and also prepares the necessary basis for performing more complex and interesting elements.
5. As I said earlier, push-ups are also useful for girls because they allow you to adjust the shape of your breasts, making them look more attractive: with push-ups you can tighten up large breasts, or visually enlarge small ones using muscles.
6. By correctly performing this strength exercise, you also form the habit of breathing correctly, which cannot but have a positive effect on your overall well-being.
7. Developing self-confidence: being able to do push-ups is awesome! By setting and achieving goals, first to master the exercise, and then to increase the number of push-ups at a time, you will feel increasingly stronger and inspired by the results obtained, which will increase your self-confidence and positively affect other areas of your life.

Wish you learn to do push-ups from scratch, success!

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