How to prepare your muscles for snowboarding and skiing. First steps on a slope Turning and braking

So, your first day on the track. You look incredibly cool - your new equipment shines under the slanting rays of the winter sun, and you are no different from a real professional. But there is one problem. If you haven't trained properly, you're in for a not-so-pleasant surprise. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, use simple exercises and approach the opening of the winter season fully armed!

Autumn is the ideal time to prepare for winter sports. From year to year, the autumn months are filled with exciting anticipation for the start of the season, because the first snow, and, therefore, the first time on the track, awaits you literally around the next turn of the calendar. It's been about eight months since you last snowboarded or skied, and you can't wait to get on the slopes and rush down.

So, first day on the track. You look incredibly cool - your new equipment shines under the slanting rays of the winter sun, and you are no different from a real professional. But there is one problem. If you haven't trained properly, you're in for a not-so-pleasant surprise.

In just a few minutes, your legs will burn with fatigue, your heart will jump out of your chest, and even a driven racehorse will not envy your breath. Be careful, because in this condition your chances of getting seriously injured are greater than ever. And get ready for the fact that the next day you will turn into a wreck, and it will seem like it will last for the entire winter season.

Regardless of whether you are a beginner or a professional, you will need a specific training program to prepare for the winter season. The main goals are strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination. The main task is to prepare for going out on the slopes in order to fully enjoy the breathtaking snowboarding!

Master a few key exercises, and your interaction with the snowy slopes will become much better and longer, and the risk of injury will be significantly reduced. This material outlines a four-week training program that will help you prepare for the downhill. So, let's go!

Four Week Plan

Jump Squats

Jump squats are the best way to increase leg strength and explosive power for snowboarding. These qualities will be especially useful when performing a clean big jump, which you have long dreamed of mastering. You should start the exercise in a deep squat, holding your hands in front of you or on your belt. From this position we sharply push off with our feet and jump as high as possible.

Turns with a pancake (medicine ball)

Turns with a plate (medicine ball) strengthen the muscles of the torso and at the same time contribute to the development of turning skills on a snowboard, because turns back and forth with the participation of the abdominal press are an integral part of descending from a snowy slope. We sit on a gymnastic mat, take a pancake (med ball) in our hands and hold it at the level of the abdominal press; arms are slightly bent at the elbow joints.

We tilt our torso back a little and lift our legs off the floor. We turn left and right and touch the floor with a pancake (medicine ball) on each side. Do not forget that the core muscles should be tense throughout the entire time of turning from side to side.

Power push-ups

This exercise will help you strengthen your upper body muscles, and the explosiveness used in power push-ups will prepare you for the inevitable falls on the track. Starting position – toes rest on the floor, hands at a distance slightly greater than shoulder width.

The head is located on the longitudinal axis of the body, the eyes look at the floor. While inhaling, we slowly lower ourselves as deeply as possible so that the elbow joint is located slightly above the plane of the back. As you exhale, we energetically push off from the floor, straightening our arms. If it’s hard, start with emphasis not on your toes, but on your knees.

Calf raise

The position of your feet on a snowboard with a primary emphasis on your toes creates a tremendous load on the calf muscles. Calf raises are an exercise that will help you strengthen these muscles, as well as the muscles in your foot and ankle area. For safety reasons, this exercise is best performed in a squat rack. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly outward. Keep your back straight, knees slightly bent. This will be your starting position. For greater range of motion, you can place a wooden stand under the toes of your feet. Smoothly lift your heels as high as possible, gently rolling onto your toes, tensing your calf muscles. Pause at the top before lowering down.

Walking lunges

Lunges are a great way to strengthen your leg muscles for the upcoming snowboarding season. From a standing position, take a giant step forward and lower yourself down until the knee of your back leg almost touches the floor. In this case, both knee joints should be bent at an angle of approximately 90 degrees. We push off and complete this step, after which we continue in the same spirit, alternately changing legs.

Pull-ups on the bar

When preparing for the winter season, many people ignore the muscles of the upper body. Meanwhile, a strong back will provide stability, improve coordination and help maintain balance. As a result, your turns will be flawless and will look really cool. We grab the bar with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart. All that remains is to pull the body up as high as we can.

Riding a bicycle or exercise bike

Cycling is a non-core sport that is perfect for snowboarding enthusiasts. The bicycle helps develop superhuman endurance in the leg muscles, thanks to which you will be able to cover long distances without stopping every 30 seconds.

Snowboarding - riding technique

Mastering and improving skating techniques - exercises

Exercises using the NLI-LIR 2007 method + additions 2009
(Austrian method of teaching snowboarding)

In this section, I will briefly talk about the exercises used when teaching by National League instructors according to its methodology (the Austrian teaching method is used). Visitors to this site quite often ask “snowboard exercises - which ones are used?” What should proper execution of the exercise look like? There are standards for their implementation among snowboard instructor associations in different countries. And the instructor takes the appropriate exam when receiving a certificate and retakes it every couple of years.

In this section I will link to videos from YOUTUBE, there will be links to two options - how they do it wrong beginners and how to do it more correctly Instructor. As a rule, all national instructor associations produce such films.

How to snowboard correctly

SNOWBOARD. Beginners


Exercises with one leg fastened (in place):

1. Explain how to fasten the fastener and fasten it.
2. Move the snowboard forward and backward.
3. Step forward, backward, placing the snowboard on the edge.
4. Raise and lower the snowboard, do GRAB
5. Make 360 ​​turns around your free leg.

Exercises with one leg fastened (in motion):

1. Walking, sliding in a circle on a flat surface and up a slope.
2. Scooteg, i.e. SCOOTER (push with one leg).
Exercises in place with two legs strapped:
1. While sitting, fasten the snowboard and show how to stand up and roll over.
2. Light jumping in place.
3. Alternately touch the nose and tail of the snowboard.
4. Slide on the snowboard, raising the nose and tail of the snowboard.
5. Changing from the front to the back edge with the help of a partner and independently.
6. Easy jumps with small turns.
7. Explain how to fall.

You can view How to fall correctly on a snowboard video


Goal: descend straight, practice balance during descent, practice sliding.
Slope: gentle, cultivated.
Safety: Wide, safe area with plenty of space between students and other people on the slope.
Basic stance: Relaxed and straight stance on the snowboard, ankles, hips and knees slightly bent, weight distributed evenly on both legs, shoulders and hips should be slightly turned in the direction of movement (position +), looking forward, arms slightly bent at the elbows - slightly away from the body.

Descent straight with one leg fastened:

2. Repeat the main stance.
3. Descent straight.
4. Descent straight with vertical work (flexion and extension at the knees, ankles, hips, keeping the back straight).
5. Direct descent: bending forward, backward, touching the nose and tail of the snowboard with your hand, raising and lowering your back leg.
6. Descent straight, alternately touching the front and rear edges.
7. J-turn with stop
J-turn video rotation
J-turn video
J-turn video starting from 5:45 the turn itself

Description of J-turn: On a gentle slope from a straight descent, place the board on the edge with an inclination toward the inside of the turn (without bending your back). Practice such turns towards the front and towards the rear edge on a flat rollout. slope
8. With easy edge adjustment under a stable body
9. Descent directly with throwing snowballs, gloves.
Descent straight with two legs fastened:
1. Explanation and demonstration by the instructor.
2. Descent straight with vertical work.
3. Descent straight with forward and backward bends.
4. Descent straight, alternately touching the front and rear edges.


1. Explanation and demonstration by the instructor.
2. Sliding with and without the help of a partner.
3. Stopping and moving after stopping.
4. Slow and fast sliding along the fall line of the slope. you can compare

instructor demonstrates

SLIDING ALONG THE DOWN LINE (i.e. snowboard across the slope).

Purpose: control of sliding along the slope line; speed control, stop.
Slope: cultivated, with a slight slope. Safety: safe wide area.
Description of movement: The snowboard is positioned across the slope. We start sliding from the correct basic stance (hips and shoulders parallel to the snowboard). When you bend your ankles and knees, the snowboard begins to slide. Then we increase the edge angle and brake. You need to learn how to do this on both the front and back edges.

1.Sliding along the ramp line with the help of an instructor and stopping.
2.The same on your own.
4.Sliding at different speeds.


Purpose: control the speed and direction of movement, change direction while moving.

Slope: cultivated, with an average slope.
Description of the movement: We slide along the fall line of the slope in the main stance. To change the direction of movement, we shift the weight (slightly turning the shoulders and hips in the direction of movement). To stop, we return to the main stance, simultaneously increasing the edge angle. We slide and look in the direction of movement.

1. Explanations and demonstration by the instructor.
2. From sliding along the decline line, shift your weight, begin a side slide and slightly turn your shoulders and hips in that direction.
3. Connect side slips ("falling sheet")
4. Linked side slips - fast and slow.
5. Do a side slide “on target”. :) :)

Correct execution:

you need to learn how to make a falling leaf, first on the back edge, then on the front edge.


The instructor on the plane tows the student to simulate the movement on the lift. It is necessary to tell about the rules for using the lift of the type existing in the GLC.


Goal: Linked, sliding turns using weight transfer.
Slope: flat, prepared slope. Safety: safe wide area.
Description of the movement: From the traverse in the main stance, we shift the weight diagonally to the front leg, bending the ankles and knees, the snowboard turns and slides to the fall line. Slightly tilting the body into the next turn, we begin to edge, and finish the turn in the main stance with the angulation corresponding to the given slope.

This video does not quite correspond to THIS description!

There may be two options

1. Sliding turn with weight transfer - progressive path. (This is how to learn faster).


1. Demonstration by instructor.
2. On your own: in place from the main stance, transfer the weight to the front leg and return to the main stance.
3. While sliding in Fakie, shift your weight to your front foot, change edges, turn up the slope and stop.
4. One turn with the support of the instructor by the hands, then on your own.
5. Related turns.
6. Elements from the technical program (see below)

2. Sliding turn with weight transfer - standard way. (This is if option 1 doesn’t work)

1. Explanation and demonstration by the teacher.
2. Half-turn - with an increasingly increasing amplitude of movement.
3. Garland.

4. One turn with the help of a partner, then one turn on your own.
5. Related turns.
6. Technical program.


Goal: connected turns with upward unloading.
Slope: medium, prepared.

Movement description:
From a low stance traverse, we begin the turn by moving vertically up diagonally (shifting weight to the front leg) while actively extending the legs. The snowboard becomes flat and turns towards the fall line. Squatting, while simultaneously leaning slightly towards the next turn, we begin to edge. Squatting for a long time increases the pressure on the snowboard. We finish the turn in the basic stance.
Detailed description: In a traverse from a low main stance, we transfer the body weight diagonally to the front leg simultaneously with vertical work (we perform active leg extension). We slide to the fall line of the slope, change the edge. Make a slipping turn, gradually bending your legs, returning to the starting position with angulation corresponding to the given slope.


1. Explanation and demonstration

2. In place - vertical work in the ankles, knees and hips. While in motion, repeat the vertical work while sliding sideways.
3. Half turn - fun progression (at first incomplete parts of the turn, then more and more fully with a gradual increase in radius), we start the movement from a high stance.
4. Garland.
5. One and a half turns.
6. Related turns.
7. Technical program.
8. Associated turns with changes in slope, speed, radius. TURNING IS MADE IN BOTH WAYS!!


Goal: connect turns with downward unloading.
Slope: for beginners, then intermediate, groomed. Safety: safe wide area.
Movement description:
From the traverse in the main stance, we begin the turn with a vertical movement downwards on a diagonal (shifting the weight to the front leg). The snowboard becomes flat and turns towards the fall line. Standing up, simultaneously with a slight tilt towards the next turn, we begin to edge. Standing for a long time increases the pressure on the snowboard. We finish the turn in the basic stance.
Detailed description: In the traverse from the main stance, we transfer the body weight diagonally to the front leg simultaneously with vertical work (we perform active leg bending). We slide to the fall line of the slope, change the edge. Make a slipping turn, gradually straightening your legs and returning to the starting position with angulation corresponding to the given slope.


1. Explanations and demonstrations.
2. In place - vertical work in the ankles, knees and hips. While moving, you also need to repeat it, doing a side slide.
3. Half a turn - fun progression, gradually increasing the radius, starting the movement from a low stance.
4. Garland
5. One and a half turns.
6. Related turns
7. Technical program.
8. Change of slope, speed, radius in connected turns.


Goal: connected carving turns.
Slope: smooth, groomed.
Safety: safe wide area.
Required skills:

Description of movements:
In a carving turn, the entire body is tilted towards the inside of the turn. The edge change occurs BEFORE crossing the fall line, with constant monitoring of the pressure force. Then the snowboard follows its radius, cuts without slipping.


1. Tell and demonstrate.
2. Do the exercise on the spot with the help of a partner.
3. Half a turn - fun progression.
4. Garland - vertical work downwards.
5. One and a half turns.
6. Related turns.
7. Practicing technical elements.
8. Change of slope, speed, radius.


Goal: improvement and stabilization of skills and technique. Opportunity to apply acquired skills.
Exercises for large radius turns without using improvised means:
Exercises on the spot - simulating movement with the help of a partner,
Developing the correct stance when making turns (position +)
Balance exercises in place and in motion - bending back, forward, high, low stances.
Front hand on front knee.

Front hand on front knee, back hand behind back,
Both hands behind your back
Exercises with objects (slalom racks, ski poles, etc.).
Correction (verbal) of the correct stance during movement,
Developing balance - bending back, forward, high, low stances.
Hands on knees - knees bent, low stance,
Hands on hips - balance and stance,
Cross your arms across your chest - balance and stance,
Hands behind head - correct stance,
The back hand is behind the back, the front hand is placed on the front knee when turning.

Change of slope, speed, turning radius, snow conditions. Half a turn, garland, one and a half turns.
Carving turn without angulation

Exercises with slalom poles:

In place - an imitation of the correct stance.
Riding in a low stance with a pole in your hands.
Riding in a basic stance, the pole in front of the body.
Same thing, a pole over your head.
The same thing, a pole behind the head.
Same thing, a pole behind your back.
The same, a pole under the knees. The same, a pole under the front knee
Change of slope, speed, turning radius, snow conditions.
The same, practicing the correct stance, following the teacher.

Control exercises:

Half a turn, garland, one and a half turns,
In place - an imitation of the correct stance,
Constant control of the created pressure,
Jumping while riding.

Exercises with rope:

Descend in a basic stance, rope in front of you.
When descending, we pass the rope between our legs
Descending in a basic stance, rope behind your back
Abseiling with rope under the front anchorage


Goal: learning the basic elements of freestyle, fakie jump in motion, performing freestyle tricks while riding.
1. fakie.
Moving forward, turn, fakie. Let's try different options.
Try on the spot, jump with two legs. Jump while moving straight.
Jump during traverse.
Small jump. Jumping through the gauntlet.
Jumping on a wavy slope.
Explanation and demonstration.
Try it on the spot with the help of a partner. Slide forward and backward with the nose and tail raised. Jump in place from nose to tail. Jumping in a straight line and in a traverse.
Jump over the barrier
Explanation and demonstration.
On the spot - jumps 180 degrees in different directions
Jump 180 while moving down the fall line.
Jump 180 during a traverse. And on the second edge too.
Options, turn up, jump 180, fakie.
Jumps in connected turns.
5. TURN THROUGH THE NOSE OF THE SNOWBOARD (from front to front edge)
Explanation and demonstration.
Exercises in place: weight transfer, turning around the nose,
twist through the nose, fakie
6. TURN THROUGH THE HEEL (from the front to the front edge)
Explanation, demonstration.
Exercises in place: weight transfer, heel rotation,
While driving, turn up on the front edge, heel turn, fakie
Explanation and demonstration

NOSEWHEELE, touch the snow with your hands while moving.
NOSEWHEELE while driving.
Explanation and demonstration.
Exercise on the spot with the help of a partner.
TAILWHEELE while driving. The same goes for touching snow or a snowboard.
Related video




Goal: learn the basic elements of carving - leading, edging and making related simple carving turns.
Slope: flat, processed with an average slope, safe rollout
Safety: safe, wide area, visible from above
Necessary skills to learn carving:
Stable basic stance, high speed riding.
Description of the principles of movement in carving:
In a carving turn, the entire body is tilted towards the inside of the turn. The edge change occurs before crossing the fall line, with constant control of the pressure force. Then the snowboard follows its radius, cuts without slipping.
Description of movement: Make a carved turn from the traverse while maintaining the stance (performing an optimal tilt towards the inside of the turn). Begin the initiation of the next turn (decreasing the lean angle). Simultaneously with the edge change, make the optimal lean towards the inside of the next turn. The side cut of your snowboard will help you start your next turn. We continue to make a carved turn with the necessary inclination, increasing the pressure on the snowboard.
1.Explanation and demonstration of rotation
2.Make an imitation of the movement (leaning into a turn) on the spot with the help of a partner
3.Make half a turn with a gradual increase in radius
4.Make half a turn to initiate the next one
5.Make one and a half turns
6.Make connected turns
7.Make elements from a technical program
IMPORTANT: carving turns are performed without unnecessary movements; turns without angulation are made closer to the slope line, the radius of the turn depends on the side cutout of the snowboard and the slope; For carving, the correct selection of equipment is very important; mastering carving can take a long time if the student’s roll-up is insufficient; maintaining balance in a turn is achieved by the edging angle using a lean.


Goal: Performing controlled carving turns with medium to long radius angulation. Use of inertia from the previous turn when turning.
Slope: wide, prepared with medium slope
Security: wide viewing area
Description of movement: Make a carved turn from the traverse with optimal angulation. Do diagonal work at the same time as you roll over (shifting your center of gravity to the inside of the next turn). The side cut will direct the snowboard to the slope line. Optimal angulation will help maintain balance and allow you to use the momentum of the previous turn throughout the ride. We continue to make a carved turn with the necessary angulation, increasing the pressure on the snowboard.
1.Repeat the carving turn without angulation, gradually increasing the radius of the turn.

3.Make an imitation of the movement (angulation in a turn) on the spot with the help of a partner
4.Make a half turn

6.Make one and a half turns

IMPORTANT: Review the concept of angulation; Correct execution of long-radius turns is facilitated by long-term preservation of the optimal combination of inclination and position of body parts (angulation); you need to learn how to make carving turns on flat, gentle, wide slopes; when performing carving turns with long radius angulation, it is necessary to remember that the steeper the slope, the greater the speed, the shorter the radius, the greater the angulation; In long-radius carving turns, distribute your body weight evenly to ensure proper driving.


Goal: Perform controlled turns of medium and long radius on edges with controlled speed. Using the dynamics in a turn obtained from the applied pressure on the snowboard in the previous turn. Introduction to the technique of sports skating.
Slope: prepared wide with medium slope
Description of movement: Make a carved turn from the traverse with the necessary angulation. Simultaneously with the extension forward-upward and inside the turn, we perform an edge transition (use the dynamics obtained from the applied pressure on the snowboard in the previous turn). The snowboard's sidecut will help you initiate your next turn, while optimal angulation will help you maintain your stance. We continue to make a carved turn with the necessary angulation, increasing the pressure on the snowboard.
1.Repeat carving turns with angulation
2.Explanation and demonstration by the instructor
3.Make an imitation of the upward unloading movement on the spot with the help of a partner:
-repeat vertical work
-same thing with turning
4.Make a half turn
5.Make half a turn to initiate the next one
6.Make one and a half turns
7.Make connected turns
8.Make elements from a technical program
9.Make related turns with changes in slope, speed, radius
IMPORTANT: Maintaining the optimal combination of tilt and position of body parts will allow you to correctly perform long radius turns; It is recommended to learn carving turns on flat and gentle slopes; in carving turns, you can use not only upward unloading, but also downward unloading for edging.


Goal: Perform short rhythmic carving turns
Slope: gentle with rollout
Movement Description: Short turns are performed under a stable body with a lower center of mass position (the body follows in the direction of movement). Short but firm pressure (moving your ankles and knees forward and into the next turn) will put the snowboard on the edge and help you make short carving turns. Do not tighten the pressure in short turns - the right rhythm, optimal speed. timely edging, using the dynamics of the previous turn, all this will help make the right short turns near the ramp line.
1.Explanation and demonstration
2. Do the exercises on the spot - tilting to the front and back katn, taking a lower stance.
3.Make a garland crossing the line of the ramp
4. The same thing, start from the ramp line
5.Make connected carving turns near the fall line
6.Make carving turns with increasing dynamics, for this do the following exercises:
-on site without a snowboard
-in place with a snowboard
-same with hands on knees
-make connected dynamic turns, starting from the ramp line.
7.Make elements from a technical program
IMPORTANT: To learn the technique of a short carving turn, you need to choose a long, gentle slope with a rollout onto the plain;
-when performing this turn, pay attention to:
a) on the position of the hands (there should be no unnecessary movements)
b) weight evenly on both legs!
c) footwork occurs under a stable body
- the speed must be controlled!
-you need a snowboard with a certain radius and stiffness


Goal: improvement and consolidation of acquired skills. Improving the level of free skating and technical skill.
Balance exercises for large radius turns:
1.Use a slalom pole or ski pole
2. Bend backwards, forwards, in a high, low stance.
3.Make connected turns with your hands on your hips, + position, core stability.
4. Make connected turns (with a lower center of mass) by placing your hands on your knees.
5.Make connected turns with your hands on your chest to control your upper body.
6.Make connected turns, keep your hands behind your head.

Exercises for short turns:

1.Do exercises on the spot with a partner to correct your position.
2.Do the exercise. with objects - a pole, a stick.

3.Make related turns and descents according to the instructions:
- keeping your back hand on your front knee
- keeping your back hand on your hip, your front hand over the nose of the snowboard
- keeping your hands on your knees, in a low stance - knees bent
- keep your hands on your hips - balance and stance exercise
-keep your arms above your head - balance and stance exercise
-keep your hands behind your head - balance and stance exercise
-make connected turns, keep your hands as low as possible.

Exercises with a slalom pole for balance and stance in turns:

1. Make turns in a low position with the pole in front of you (keep the pole parallel to the slope)
2.Make turns with the pole in front of you (pole parallel to the slope, hand above the nose of the snowboard)
3. Make turns with a pole above your head
4. Make turns with a pole behind your head, straightening your back
5. Make turns with the pole behind your back (the pole is parallel to the slope at the elbow joints).
6.Make turns in a low position (weight under your knees).
7.Repeat turns with the same radius, following the teacher
8.Make several descents along the slalom sports course.
9.Make turns by rotating the pole in front of you.

Exercises with pressure changes:

1.Make half a turn, garland, one and a half turn
2.Make slip turns and transition to carving turns
3.Make turns with edge changes with a jump
4.Make a descent with a change of unloading
5.Make several turns with a long radius and reduce it during one descent
6.Make several turns of short radius and increase it during one descent

Turning exercises

1.Associated turns
2. Make the beginning of the turn with a slip, then go into carving (do this for half a turn, one and a half turns).
3.Make turns, replacing: sliding with tilting and in reverse order.
4.Make turns with a change of technique during one descent
5.Make a double edge in the second part of the turn
6. During the traverse, make a transition from slipping to cutting sliding (make several transitions per trip).

Pros and cons of the League of Instructors methodology:

The same properties of this technique can be both its advantages and disadvantages. If you do everything according to the method, consistently and control the correctness, the result will be competent skating. I believe that this is exactly what will happen in Austria - people will come every year and gradually improve their level of skating. Our formulation of the question is often different - people want to learn quickly, albeit less correctly. The instructor’s demandingness and difficulties with 100% correctness can discourage some people from interest in snowboarding.

“There are different options. In summer you can ride in the mountains of another hemisphere. There are also summer schools in Russia, for example, in the Caucasusor in Europe, where in the summer you can snowboarduton glaciers. Most often, snowboards are put aside for the summer. Not everyone can afford Chile, Argentina and New Zealand. The most important thing for snowboarding in the summer is to stay in excellent physical shape to be ready for the opening of the new season. Active lifestyle. Trampoline. You can study theory in the summer - avalanche training, coursefirsthelp" ( Mikhail Grinev).

Snowboarding is obviously a winter activity. However, what should snowboard fans do in the summer, as well as in the off-season? “Off-slope time” should work with “on-slope time.” To progress well, a good rider must develop year-round. Otherwise, muscle memory will very quickly be lost, clear coordination of movements will disappear, excess weight will appear, and muscles will weaken. And then, at the beginning of the next season, a lot of time will have to be lost, just to restore what was gained last winter. In addition, constant training allows you to develop an excellent reaction to sudden danger, as well as a sense of balance in the snowboarder. A physically prepared body also more successfully absorbs impacts during falls. For a trained rider, the likelihood of snowboarding injury is reduced.

There are several ways to fill the summer months with training:

  • Jumping on a trampoline, which strengthens muscles and improves coordination.
  • Pool.
  • Other boarding types of active recreation (surfing - a board on the water, skateboarding - a board on asphalt, sandboarding - a board on sandy slopes).
  • General physical training on the sports field. A typical snowboard workout in the summer consists of strength training, jumping and stretching, and endurance exercises.

Strength exercises for legs, torso and back.

Exercise No. 1.

Exercise increases leg strength. Lying on your side, slowly lift your top leg up, then slowly lower it down. To increase the load, you can add weight. Three sets of 10 repetitions. The legs alternate.

Exercise No. 2.

This exercise increases leg strength and effectively prepares you for the snowboard pose. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Maintain the position by tensing your abs, stick your chest forward and up, and your shoulders back and down. Slowly squat down into a half squat, making sure your knees point forward and are over your toes. Keep your weight evenly distributed on both legs. You will notice that your upper body will move forward slightly while your butt will move back. Slowly return to the starting position. You can't sit down completely. You can use weights to increase the load. From 8 to 15 repetitions.

Exercise No. 3.

This exercise increases leg strength and balance. Starting position - one leg stands at a distance of a large step from the other, dumbbells are located on the sides. Keep your abs tight and maintain good posture. Your front knee should remain on top of your front foot throughout the exercise and this front leg should support the majority of your body weight and should be your working leg. Begin to slowly lower yourself and lunge forward until your upper thigh is parallel to the floor. Now slowly begin to straighten, the movement should come from the front leg. Stay on straightened legs for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 8-15 times on each leg.

Exercise No. 4.

Exercise increases leg strength. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and extend your arms in front of you. Place one foot in front of the other. Now step with your back foot so that you are in a position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then place one foot behind the other foot and step back to the starting position. Increase your speed and bend your knees as much as you can. Repeat 8-15 times.

Exercise No. 5.

Exercise strengthens your back and torso. Stand on all four limbs - hands and knees. Make sure your hands are in front of your shoulders and your knees behind your hips. Keep your abs tight and your back stable throughout the exercise. Now slowly, without moving your back and keeping your neck in a neutral position, lift one arm and the opposite leg. Think about straightening your limbs more than lifting them as high as possible. Try not to tilt your body too much for support. Repeat 8-10 times for each side.

Exercise No. 6.

Exercise strengthens your back and torso. Starting position - you stand and hold bent arms with dumbbells in front of you, elbows and dumbbells pressed to your chest. Tighten your abdominal muscles, arch your chest forward and up and your shoulders down and back. Keeping your knees slightly bent, slowly bend forward, bending at the hips, continue bending until you can continue without additional bending at the knees. Keep your back straight throughout the entire exercise. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings (at the back of your thighs) and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times.

Exercise No. 7.

Triceps exercise to easily rise from the “sitting on a slope” position to the “standing on a board” position. The exercise also prepares the upper body to resist injury after falling backwards. Sit on a bench or chair with your hands placed on the bench at shoulder width. Now lift your buttocks off the bench and position them in front of the bench. Keeping your shoulder blades together, your shoulders down and your chest forward and up, and your legs straight, slowly shift your body weight down. Keep your hips close to the bench. Make sure your elbows are on top of your wrists and don't go more than 90 degrees to your elbows (top arm parallel to the floor). Repeat 8-15 times.


Exercise No. 1.

The exercise develops coordination. Mark an "X" on the floor with string. Within a minute, jump from the top area to the bottom, then from the left area to the right. Repeat for a minute.

Exercise No. 2.

This exercise develops leg strength. Get into the stance you are riding in (right or left foot forward, head facing forward and downhill, knees bent). Jump up as high as you can and land gently, returning to your starting position. Repeat 8-15 times on each leading side.

Exercise No. 3.

This exercise develops leg strength and speed. Place a rope or thread on the floor. Face her. Get into your riding position (right or left foot forward, head facing forward and downhill, knees bent). Now jump forward over the rope, controlling your landing. Then jump back. Try to go faster, not higher. Repeat for a minute. Repeat in reverse stance.

Stretch marks.

Stretch #1.

The shoulder and Achilles tendon (back of the lower leg) are stretched. Get on your knees, bend forward and straighten your arms until you can keep your palms on the floor. Raise your knees and straighten your legs so that your body forms a triangle. Bend at the waist. Hold this pose as long as possible, at least 15 seconds, and then repeat 3-5 times.

Stretch #2.

The Achilles tendon (back of the lower leg) is stretched. Stand with your arms extended forward and resting on the wall. Place one foot forward for stability and the back leg straight. Lean forward until you feel a stretch behind the knee of your back leg. Keep the heel of your back foot on the floor. After 30 seconds, bend your back leg at the knee, keeping your heel on the floor. Repeat 3-5 times. Alternate your legs.

Stretch #3.

The quadriceps muscles (the large muscles in the legs) are stretched. Stand up straight and use a chair or wall for balance. Raise your leg back and grab it with your hand. Pull your leg toward your torso, keeping your knees together. The entire upper part of the leg is stretched. Stretch one leg, then switch and stretch the other. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

Stretch #4.

The hamstring is stretched. Sit down and stretch your legs in front of you. Stretch your arms forward as far as possible, try to reach your toes and hold in this position. Repeat 3-5 times. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

Stretch #5.

The hamstring and back of the thigh are stretched. Keeping your feet together, bend over and grab your ankles or toes. Hold this position, feeling the stretch at the back of your thighs. Make sure your knees are straight. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

Stretch #6.

Exercises increase the degree of bending of the legs at the knees and the time of squatting. Standing with your back to the wall, squat down. Hold this pose for as long as you can, at least 30 seconds.

Stretch #7.

The calves are stretched. Stand on a step or curb and let your heels drop below the level of the step. Then rise up on your toes. Repeat slowly 3-5 times, pausing at the bottom each time.

Stretch #8.

The abdominal muscles are stretched and the lower back, which can be stiff after riding, also relaxes. Lie face down on the floor with your hands in front of your face. Keeping all your muscles relaxed, push yourself up from the floor with your hands and reach back. In yoga, this stretch is called "cobra". Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

Stretch #9.

The inner thigh muscles and perineal muscles are stretched. Sit with your back straight and feet together. Pull your legs toward your groins and allow your knees to spread out to your sides. Slowly lower your hips down until you feel a good stretch. Hold this position for 30 seconds and try to bring your feet closer to your groin and gently push your hips down again. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

Stretch #10.

Shoulder stretches. Place your hands behind your back and slowly lift them up until you feel tension in your shoulders. Keep your back straight. Don't lean forward. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

This set of exercises, in an arbitrarily shortened version, can be used before any snowboarding during the winter season. It's only 5-10 minutes, but the benefits of such a warm-up are great. Firstly, without warming up before snowboarding, the rider risks getting sprains and bruises. Secondly, it’s a way to wake up your brain and set yourself up for a good ride. Warming up prepares both your mind and body for snowboarding. This is the time to hear yourself.

After an active day on the board, you can repeat the stretching to relax tired muscles and, if possible, warm up further in the sauna.

Proper work on your body in the summer, as well as regular warm-ups and cool-downs on every day of riding, will significantly reduce the likelihood of injury. However, the rider needs to know about other methods of protection when

The exercises described below are designed to maintain good athletic shape in the off-season. In addition, with the help of this complex you can prepare for the upcoming winter season. The exercises are adapted for skiing and snowboarding.

Each of your workouts consists of several main blocks:

  • warm-up
  • strength exercises
  • stretching

Separately, we will also consider

Try to exercise at least twice a week. If you don't train regularly, start training for two months before the start of the season or before a trip to the mountains, try not to force the intensity of your training.

1. Warm up

If you have a past injury that is bothering you, it is always better to treat it than to re-harm yourself. If you have any doubts about the consequences of your injuries or are concerned about your health, be sure to consult your doctor. Be attentive to the stress on your back and knees - these are the most vulnerable parts of the body.

The exercises in the Warm-up section are static, so when performing them, try not to make sudden movements; during the exercises, breathing should be calm, the muscles should be toned, but should not be very tense. Warm up the main muscle groups first to prepare them for more intense loads.

Hold each position for 10 seconds, make sure you feel the tension in the stretched muscles and ligaments.

Start by jogging at a leisurely pace for 15 minutes. At the beginning of the lesson, for 5 minutes, use jogging in place, gently to warm up. This will increase blood flow to your muscles, warming them up and relaxing them.
Instead of running, you can jump rope. Jumping rope for 5 minutes is equivalent in intensity to running for 30 minutes.

Lean against the wall and push yourself against it. Keep your legs as shown in the picture, back leg straight, heels in line.

Repeat the same exercise, but with your knee and back bent.

Stand on one leg, keeping it slightly bent. Keep your knees together as in the picture, you can hold on to the wall, try to pull your bent leg to your buttocks.

Place your front foot on the floor, moving it slightly forward, with your back leg slightly bent. Shift your body weight forward and try to reach the knee of your forward leg with your hands, thereby supporting your body weight. Then switch legs and repeat the movement.

Stretch your left arm across your body as shown in the figure towards your right shoulder, pressing with your right hand on the elbow of your left hand.

Sit on the floor with your legs bent, arms thrown back, weight resting on them. Leaning on your hands and feet, move your body forward, then back...

Close your straightened arms behind you, as shown in the figure, and lift them up.

Lower your head forward and tilt it to the sides (but not back).

Basic moments

The training cycle in this section consists of 10 exercises, each of which takes about 30 seconds. Try to perform each exercise in the quantity indicated next to the picture, then rest for 30 seconds.
Try to concentrate not on the quantity, but on the quality of the exercises. If you find it difficult to complete the required number of repetitions, you can safely reduce the number of repetitions.

Start with one set, increasing to two or three sets as the winter season approaches.
It is much easier to exercise with friends, as it is more fun and it is easy for your partner to count the number of exercises.

Be careful not to overload your body during your first sessions.


1. Knee flexion (20) (recommended number in parentheses)

Bend at the waist 45 degrees, bending your knees, then return to the opposite position. Keep your heels on the floor. do 20 times.

2. Jumping in place (depending on how you feel)

3. Abdominal exercises (20)

Lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs slightly bent.
Raise your shoulders trying to touch your knees.
If this is difficult for you, place your hands on your chest or lean on your thighs.

4.Jumping left and right (40)

Jump left and right and try to stay in the same place where you started jumping.

5.Leg raises (20)

While kneeling (on all fours), bring one knee toward your chest, then move your leg back while straightening it.

Raise your straightened leg back and up.

After 20 times, repeat the same with the other leg.

6. Triceps Raise (20)

Sit on the floor with your knees and arms bent, palms facing forward (see figure).

Relax your abdominal muscles and lower yourself to the floor, keeping your back straight.

Raise your body again by straightening your arms.

7. Leg Raise (20)

Lying on your side with both legs slightly bent, raise your upper leg.

After 20 times, change sides and repeat with the other leg.

8. Back muscles (20)

Lie on your stomach and extend your arms in front of you.

Raise your right arm and left leg off the floor at the same time.

After 20 times, repeat on the other side with your arm and leg.

9. forward lunges (20)

Standing on your feet (shoulder-width apart), lunge forward on one leg, bending your knee 45 degrees.

Make sure you have your knee far enough forward that it is over the middle of your toes, but not beyond your foot.
Return to the reverse position and repeat the lunge with the other leg.

10. Push-ups (20)

If the exercise shown in the picture is difficult to perform, then simply do it with your knees bent (resting them on the floor).

3. Flexibility exercises (stretching)

Finish each workout with a 10-minute warm-up using the exercises in the warm-up section. This will help eliminate lactic acid and therefore help relieve muscle pain.

Never rush while doing stretching exercises; every movement you make should be slow and smooth.

Here are the basic exercises that support elasticity, which can be lost during muscle inactivity, aging of the body, or muscle development as a result of pumping them up. In order to increase elasticity, repeat the exercises from the warm-up section, but try to perform each exercise for 30 seconds.

Stretching exercises should be performed when the muscles are warmed up after doing any exercise or after a hot bath.

In a few months you will be able to increase the level of elasticity of your muscles and ligaments.

Try several options:

1. 5-minute warm-up run, preparing us for warm-up, then we run at a fast pace - 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, 2 minutes, 90 seconds, 60 seconds, 45 seconds, 30 seconds, then one minute at a calm pace pace, alternating the intervals between periods of running at a fast pace with 10 minutes at a calm pace.

2. 7 minutes of calm running, 3 times for 3 minutes we run at an accelerated pace (3 minutes jogging during breaks), then 10 minutes of running at a calm pace

3. 10 minute warm-up run at an easy pace, 10 minutes at a fast pace, then 10 minute run at a calm pace.

4. Run for 10 minutes at a calm pace, then the first 1.5 kilometers at a fast pace, then jog to recover for 5 minutes. Then you run for a minute at a fast pace and jog again for a minute. Repeat this twice. Run at a relaxed pace followed by 8 sprints of 100 meters each. Finish running at a leisurely pace for 1.5 km to return to normal.

*Fast pace is a running pace at which you can run no more than 10 km.

Standard 10 minute run

Start with an easy jog for the first 10 minutes, and then move on to a 15-minute brisk run. If you run a kilometer in seven minutes, then you need to run it in eight minutes.

Warm up run

Start with a 5-minute moderate jog, then jog at a slow pace for 20 minutes for 10km (at half-marathon pace), then cool down with a 5-minute jog.

It would be more correct to run daily, changing your running speed and step size, rather than running from time to time. It’s not easy to force yourself to exercise regularly, but regular exercise is very effective. If you can't do regular exercise, try some of these exercises that you can do in your free time.

In terms of intensity of exercise, your well-being should be in the zone between normal well-being and if you were running at a fast pace for you. you should feel comfortable.

Classes throughout the year

To improve your skiing and snowboarding skills, stay in good physical shape throughout the year.

For example, cycling, running, swimming and jumping are good for the cardiovascular system as aerobic exercise. Classes should last 20 minutes continuously, at least twice a week.

Volleyball and basketball will help increase explosive muscle power, while weight lifting is most effective at developing muscle strength. A skier should not strive to lift weights or increase muscle size. Concentrate on developing your legs and back, but don't forget to train your abdominal muscles and shoulders. Aim for three to six sets of 20 repetitions with a fairly light load, while concentrating on the quality of the exercises.

you can also improve your vestibular system and coordination during the off-season.
Any active recreation contributes to this.
If you want to improve your technique before your next trip to the mountains, try grass skating or try artificial turf slopes.
The technique of roller skating is similar to the technique of performing carving turns on skis.

A holiday at a ski resort will be an exciting, impressive and fun event for everyone who gets into it. And only lovers of winter sports will be able to appreciate the fresh mountain air and fantastic-fairy-tale landscapes. To ensure that turns on slopes provide only pleasant moments, you need to prepare your muscles before the trip.

Special exercises for skiers will help you properly prepare for the alpine skiing and snowboarding season.

Why do you need to prepare for skiing?

It’s definitely not worth getting into snowboarding or skiing without sports training. You will get little pleasure from this, because untrained muscles will languish from stretch marks after exercise. In addition, since these sports are considered traumatic, you can ruin your entire vacation. It’s better to find time to take care of how to prepare for the ski season.

Already on the slope, do not ignore the warm-up, which should be done every time before you start skiing, but while you are still at home, prepare your muscles using the complex described below.

Home exercises for skiers and snowboarders

Before everyday training, you need to do a light voluntary warm-up. It will improve blood circulation in tissues, elasticity of ligaments and develop joints. You should not strain your body after eating or before going to bed. In terms of the number of repetitions and intensity, exercises should be increased gradually, listening to your own feelings.

For ski and snowboard enthusiasts, general physical training is practiced, based on exercises for skiers at home.

1. Learning to keep balance

In order for you to easily conquer slopes, to avoid maneuvering in risky positions, you must learn to keep your balance.

Initial training includes skateboarding, rollerblading, and walking in a straight line. In the future, it is recommended to perform various racks. For example, with your feet together, stand for a while with your eyes closed, complicating this exercise by standing on your toes and alternately standing on one leg. The “swallow” exercise is a good exercise, where you need to maintain balance for as long as possible. Rotational exercises with the head, pendulum movements of the torso, and rotations around its axis are gradually introduced.

2. Flexibility and stretching

The ability to control your body is an integral skill for fans of extreme skiing and snowboarding. Plastic exercises for skiers will help keep joints, ligaments and muscles healthy. The number of exercises must be increased gradually. Here you can use standard bends of the torso forward, as if trying to reach the toe, springy bends to the left and right with an outstretched arm, as well as lowering the arm bent behind the head as low as possible along the spine. Alternately pulling the bent leg to the buttocks, stretching the arms and legs while lying down or on all fours, and arching the back are ideal. An integral part of the classes is a variety of slow bends and turns of the head and cervical spine.

3. Strengthen your abs and back

To successfully control skis or snowboards, you must be fully involved in the work. Only thanks to his strong muscles will this task become feasible. A program of physical exercises will help you achieve the desired results, which includes lifting your legs and torso while lying down, various twists aimed at strengthening the upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles, with turns, “bicycle”.

Training the arms, chest muscles and shoulder girdle

Famous from the floor or on chairs - the best training for the arms and pectoral muscles. Swinging your arms and shrugging your shoulders will help strengthen your shoulders. Bringing your arms together will train your chest. You can strengthen the last exercise with dumbbells.

Strong legs are the key to successful skating

For skiers, the main load falls on the inner and outer thighs. The most accessible and ideal option for leg exercises for skiers is running or, and if you are swimming, then your legs are fully prepared to get on your skis. Squats, flattening and spreading legs while lying on your back, and “bicycle” will help tighten and increase the tone of the thigh muscles.

When snowboarding, the main load falls on the feet and ankles, which play an important role in stabilizing the body during movement. Therefore, in order to stay on their feet for as long as possible, snowboarders need exercise to strengthen the back of the thighs and calf muscles, which are directly connected to the ankle joint. To do this, introduce alternate leg abductions, exercises for the fingers and toes, their various flexions and extensions, lifting on the toes, as well as walking on the toes and heels, and rotation of the feet.

Strength training for experienced skiers and snowboarders

In order for exercises for skiers in the gym to give the desired result, initial physical training is necessary. If you feel that your body is in good shape, you can start training by doing a five-minute warm-up on the treadmill and stretching the main muscle groups.

The set of exercises includes:

  1. Crunches for the upper abs. You need to lie on the floor, throw your legs up on a hill at an angle of 90°. You need to perform the exercise slowly, without lifting your lower back from the base, about 20 times in a row, 3 times.

  2. Hip raises while lying down with your knees bent to train your lower abs. The exercise is performed in 2 sets of 20-30 times.

  3. Barbell press to strengthen the muscles of the thoracic region. It should be performed lying on a horizontal bench, with your legs lowered to the floor at an angle of 90°, 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

  4. The following exercise is done to strengthen the back using a hyperextension machine. For bending the body with fixed limbs, 2-3 sets of 30-40 repetitions are enough.

  5. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders. This exercise involves the muscles of the legs, back and abs. Perform 15-20 times, 2 approaches.

  6. Pulldown of a vertical block to the chest - to strengthen the spine and muscles of the thoracic region, about 15 times in 3 stages.

  7. Vertical bench press in a sitting position, in a simulator to strengthen the thoracic and shoulder regions, performed for 12-15 repetitions.

  8. Standing weighted arm curls to work the shoulder muscles. We do 3 sets of 12-15 times.

To quickly recover after exercise, it is recommended to work out on a cardio machine for about 20 minutes.

Strength exercises for skiers are aimed at strengthening the technique of holding a pose and the dynamics of movement. Preparation includes 60 and 100m sprints, downhill running, squat jumps, jumping rope, walking on the outer and inner arches of the feet. The sense of balance is improved by walking along a rope with closed eyes, long and high jumps, as well as imitation exercises in a half-bent position, typical of a running skier. Exercises with weights, all kinds of pull-ups and push-ups with the support of an expander are included in the preparation. Strengthened exercises for flexibility and strengthening of the arms are performed on gymnastic equipment. The best effect of strength training comes from circuit training, the meaning of which is to quickly move from one exercise to another.

With proper preparation, skiing and snowboarding will give you a lot of pleasant impressions and positive emotions. And don’t forget that or keep fit, if you don’t forget about proper nutrition.
