Casein-rich foods. How to take casein protein Protein casein

Casein is a complex protein found in milk. Its formation occurs with the help of lactic bacteria. Casein is necessary for both young children and adults. It is able to increase the shelf life of food, gives it a special taste and is often used as a food additive. Isolating casein from milk is a fairly simple process that makes the protein available. What foods contain casein?

What is casein for?

Casein is a source of amino acids that are essential for the body. This element is present in baby food and various formulas. Due to its high amino acid content, casein is an essential element in the diet of every person. It supplies our body with phosphorus and calcium salts, which are necessary for the skeletal system. Protein is very easily digestible and there are many medications containing it. Casein can be found in many cosmetics.

During intense physical activity, protein should only be consumed during rest periods. Otherwise, you may end up consuming too much casein during exercise. The body uses casein as a material to build muscles. Thanks to it, muscle tissue grows and bones strengthen. Products containing casein help combat hunger and allow you to lose weight. Many athletes consume casein when they are hungry.

What foods contain casein protein?

An adult needs about 25 grams of casein per day. You can get this element by including milk, kefir and cheese in your diet. Almost all dairy products contain casein. It is found in yoghurts, curdled milk, cottage cheese, tan and whey. The largest amount of casein is found in goat and cow milk.

There is slightly less protein in the milk of sheep and donkeys. Casein is found in large quantities in cheeses. In this case, you should choose hard varieties of cheese. However, it is worth knowing that they contain no more than 30% protein. It is best to give preference to goat milk, which contains about 80% casein.

Casein is an integral component of sports nutrition. Most athletes use it to gain muscle mass. To do this, it is enough to consume at least 40 g of casein per day. Casein should be taken before bedtime. Calcium and phosphorus, which are contained in casein, help the body develop and overcome intense physical activity.

Lactose intolerance

Casein and dairy products are good for children. Their bodies produce an enzyme that effectively breaks down lactose. Over time, many people develop lactose intolerance, which results in indigestion, bloating, nausea and vomiting. In this case, it is best to replace milk with fermented milk products. The bacteria they contain break down milk sugar, which makes many fermented milk products harmless even for those with lactase intolerance.

Nowadays you can buy special food supplements with a high casein content. It is included in sports drinks and mixtures. However, it is best to consume casein in the form of natural milk. The deficiency of this element can be easily compensated by kefir, tan and yogurt, which are natural products.

There are a large number of sports supplements that help you achieve better results in working on your body. One of them is casein. It is a protein obtained from the fermentation of milk, which forms a curd mass when soured. This product has a number of unique properties that allow you to satisfy the body's protein needs for a long time. In sports, it is used both for weight loss and for building muscle mass.

Casein, as already mentioned, is a complex protein obtained from the fermentation of milk. The complex vegetable protein gluten is also added to casein mixtures, which is also converted into peptides and amino acids necessary for cell structure. In the human stomach, casein is digested for up to eight hours, gradually saturating the body with the amino acids it needs. Casein also slows down the digestion of other types of protein.

When casein powder enters the stomach, it coagulates under the action of gastric enzymes, forming a curdled lump that gradually releases nutritional components. Due to the slow breakdown of casein, it can be used before bedtime and before long meals.

The nutritional value of casein is high, since its part in milk is 80%. Modern technologies have been able to obtain an improved version of it, known as micellar casein. This component is able to retain even more beneficial properties, since it is not subjected to heat treatment. It is absorbed by the body within 12 hours and gives the body a feeling of fullness for a long time. Therefore, micellar casein for weight loss is considered very effective.

Casein is useful for weight loss for girls due to the fact that it not only helps reduce appetite, but also speeds up metabolic processes, which also makes weight loss even more effective. This substance can also increase activity during the day.

Casein can be used for both weight loss and muscle gain. The results are determined by how you take it and what regimen you use.

Casein is no different from conventional protein foods, and it is harmless to the body. However, it is contraindicated in cases of lactose intolerance and pancreatic diseases.

The main features of this substance include the following:

  • it is slowly absorbed by the body;
  • can reduce appetite;
  • contains a lot of gluten;
  • includes all the amino acids that the body needs (in addition to glycol, which the body can synthesize itself);
  • has anti-catabolic properties;
  • saturates with amino acids evenly and for a long time;
  • is completely broken down during digestion;
  • Because casein is easy to produce, it is inexpensive.

It is customary to divide casein into the following types:

  • Sodium caseinate and calcium caseinate are formed when milk is processed through the acid coagulation method, which involves precipitation of milk proteins. Caseinates are the cheapest type of casein, and the disadvantage is that they do not dissolve very well in liquids.
  • Micellar casein. It is obtained by ultrafiltration of milk, purified from fats and carbohydrates. Compared to caseinates, it has a more pleasant taste and is easier to use.

Since micellar casein is absorbed more slowly than caseinates, it is preferable for weight loss. It helps maintain the necessary concentration of amino acids in the blood, prevents muscle loss, and helps suppress appetite for a long time. Another positive property of micellar casein is that it dissolves well in water or milk.

Casein for weight loss: how to take

It is important to know how to take casein for weight loss in women. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to consume it 2-4 times a day:

  • before having breakfast;
  • before lunch;
  • before or instead of dinner;
  • before training or before bed.

You should not consume casein more than four times, as this can negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system. If you don’t have a normal meal or want to reduce your appetite for 6-8 hours, you can take about 30 g of casein, which will help saturate your muscles with nutritional components and replace your usual food.

Casein has a curd-like taste. It can be consumed in its usual dry form, but it is better to use it in cocktails with milk or juice. You can also prepare dietary products with casein yourself. Here are some examples:

  • Cocktails with casein protein, for which you can use water, juice, milk, or filtered whey as a base. Blend in a blender according to the instructions on the casein package.
  • You can mix casein with low-fat yogurt, cereal, and crushed steamed dried fruits.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with casein: casein is mixed with milk to dissolve it, low-fat cottage cheese, chopped fruits or berries are added.
  • Baking with casein - you can add it to diet bread, to cookie flour.

When it comes to girls taking casein for weight loss, it is important that the daily dose is no more than 30 grams. Excessive use of casein can cause stomach upset. Also, before consuming casein shakes for the first time, it is better to understand the body’s reaction to them. To do this, it is enough to take 10-15 grams of protein and see how you feel and how your body reacts within a few hours.

Casein is useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who actively train and want to gain muscle mass. It helps prevent the destruction of muscle cells due to severe overexertion. It is recommended to use it immediately after training or at night. Casein helps reduce the intensity of muscle pain after exercise and speed up the process of gaining muscle mass. You can also take it at night for weight loss without worrying about your figure - pure protein cannot be deposited into fat.

Casein is a calcium-rich protein or otherwise a protein that has anti-catabolic properties. It is one of the most important nutritional supplements for professional athletes and bodybuilders.

The path to an ideal physique and overall health of the body begins, as we know, with proper nutrition. With regular physical activity, the body begins to experience a greatly increasing need for protein. It is not always possible to satisfy it only with the help of ordinary food products. This is where protein supplements come to the rescue.

Many people are familiar with whey protein, but few know that casein can be even more valuable in many situations. This article will help you fill your lack of knowledge about casein protein supplements. We will tell you what casein is, how it is produced, what advantages it has over whey protein, and to whom it is recommended.

What is casein?

Casein is the main protein component of animal milk ( it accounts for about 80% of the total milk proteins). Its main advantage is considered to be extremely slow digestion. The most important source of casein proteins for humans is cow's and goat's milk.

Casein is heterogeneous in its composition. There are four factions, designated as alpha-s1-, alpha-s2-, beta- and K-casein. The ratio of the various fractions may vary depending on the source from which the casein was obtained. ( Further in the article, by the term “casein”, used in the singular, we will mean all four types of casein proteins.)

A characteristic feature of casein is its extreme low solubility in acidic medium (in particular at a pH corresponding to the acidity of the stomach). Its slow digestion and absorption is associated precisely with the ability to coagulate ( those. roll) when exposed to stomach acid. The resulting coagulum precipitates and provides a slow but steady supply of amino acids into the blood. It is for this reason that casein provides a longer-lasting anti-catabolic effect than fast-digesting proteins such as whey.

Benefits of Casein

Casein protein has many benefits, and they become especially obvious for those who strictly adhere to their training regimen. Great interest in casein and the correlation between its consumption and observed muscle hypertrophy arose after the publication of research results comparing the effects of natural milk and soy on the body. These studies showed that Dairy proteins are significantly superior to soy proteins in their ability to promote muscle growth . Not only casein, but also other proteins contained in milk, in particular whey and albumin, can stimulate the formation of muscle protein. This occurs due to the activation of a regulatory protein called “target of rapamycin” (mTOR). An important factor here is the fact that milk proteins are complete ( those. contains all essential amino acids) .

Although casein is certainly very important as an effective stimulator of muscle protein synthesis, its main advantage is its ability to provide a steady rate of absorption of amino acids into the blood. This differs from whey protein, which, after ingestion, gives a rapid but short-term increase in the content of amino acids in the blood. With this in mind, casein may be more beneficial for people who require a protein supplement that provides several hours of nutrition for the body, rather than the quick satiation that whey, for example, provides. The prolonged anti-catabolic effect of casein makes it the best option for consumption before a long forced break without food. A casein dietary supplement taken in the evening guarantees a positive nitrogen balance for the entire period of night sleep. However, it is useful to use this dietary supplement not only in the evening, but also at any other time of the day, including before and after training ( We will discuss this issue in more detail a little later.) .

Another characteristic feature of casein is its high calcium content. The latter is an important macronutrient necessary to maintain healthy bones and teeth. In addition, some researchers suggest it may help reduce body fat in overweight people. If you are unable to meet your body's daily calcium needs with regular foods, we recommend that you start taking dietary supplements that include casein proteins.

The main advantages of casein:
stimulates muscle protein synthesis by activating the mTOR mechanism;
is a source of complete protein;
Provides anti-catabolic effects over a longer period of time than whey protein;
is able to suppress appetite, providing a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
is a rich source of calcium.

People who need to quickly increase their protein intake may benefit most from casein supplements. These include:
bodybuilders and athletes involved in strength sports;
those who engage in restorative physical education;
everyone who feels a lack of protein in their diet.

Casein production

The source of casein protein is fresh mammalian milk. The technological process of isolating casein from milk includes the following sequence of operations: acidification, filtration, enzymatic hydrolysis, salting out. Casein powder has a creamy color and a mild taste/smell. The shelf life of unopened packaging is two years ( when stored at room temperature) .

Hydrolyzed and micellar casein

To make it more clear to you what the difference is between these forms of casein protein, it is necessary to say a few words about protein in general and the process of its absorption by the body. Proteins consist of a huge number of amino acids connected to each other by peptide bonds. During the process of hydrolysis, these bonds are cleaved, which leads to the formation of shorter fragments - peptides, and then free amino acids. If hydrolysis occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, and not in a test tube, then at the next stage the amino acids begin to be absorbed, entering the blood through the walls of the stomach or small intestine.

Hydrolyzed casein is produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of the original protein. This is necessary to increase the rate of its absorption by the body. The increase in the rate of protein digestion, absorption of amino acids and delivery to muscle tissue is a consequence of the fact that the protein has already, in fact, been pre-digested, dividing it into smaller peptide fragments.

Micellar casein is essentially a whole, undenatured form of casein. In nature, most of the casein protein exists in the form of micelles, which are colloidal particles. The biological role of casein micelles is to bind insoluble calcium phosphate complexes ( More than 90% of the calcium contained in skim milk is bound to casein micelles) . This is why casein dietary supplements are a valuable source of calcium.

How to use?

Many people, especially young and very active people, find it convenient that this dietary supplement can be consumed, as they say, “on the run”: simply add a serving of casein powder to water or other liquid ( approximately 200 ml water for every 25 g protein powder) and mix using a spoon/blender/shaker. The drink, it should be noted, will be a little thicker than whey protein.

The ability of casein protein to coagulate under the influence of high temperature somewhat limits the imagination of those who like to be creative in the kitchen. However, there is still plenty of room for culinary experiments. Try making, for example, “protein pudding.” It can be an excellent alternative to the liquid form of casein nutritional supplement for those who are tired of the traditional protein shake.

When should I take it?

Dietary supplements that include casein can be taken almost any time you feel that your diet is lacking protein. It is especially useful if there is a long break between meals. To enhance the effect, casein protein can be combined with whey protein. If you are looking for the best post-workout nutrition for your body, try a combination of whey and casein in a 2:1 ratio.

Whey or casein?

Whey protein is easily soluble in the acidic environment of the stomach, as a result of which it causes a rapid increase in the concentration of amino acids in the blood. Casein, under the influence of stomach acid, coagulates and precipitates, which leads to its slow digestion. Moreover, both are capable of stimulating muscle protein synthesis by activating a mechanism involving the target of rapamycin (mTOR).

Whey protein is still more effective as a stimulator of muscle protein formation. Does this mean you should give up casein in favor of whey? No. Casein is a powerful supplement to whey, enhancing its anabolic response to exercise. There is no need to pose an “either/or” question: in the “battle” for an ideal physique, both casein and whey are your reliable allies, and the greatest benefit will come not from one or the other, but from their combination.


Can I take casein supplements if I have a milk allergy?
Unfortunately, casein is not safe to eat if you have an allergic reaction to milk. It, however, like other proteins contained in milk, is a known allergen.

Is it possible to use casein supplements if you are lactose intolerant?
Yes. The milk protein casein has nothing in common with lactose ( lactose is a disaccharide contained in milk or, in other words, milk sugar).

How much casein should you consume daily?
It all depends on your lifestyle, metabolic characteristics and, of course, your goals. Beginners can be advised to start with 2 g of protein per kilogram of muscle mass.

Is casein suitable for vegetarians?
Yes, casein is suitable for those who abstain from consuming animal protein.

Is it possible to just drink cow's milk instead of buying expensive casein supplements?
Of course. But in fact, consuming casein supplements turns out to be more profitable in terms of cost per gram of protein.

Casein is a complex protein found in milk, where it is present in the form of calcium caseinate (calcium salt). During the curdling process of milk, lactic acid bacteria become the causes of the formation of this protein, which is used in the food industry for the production of cheeses and curd products. Casein is a particularly important nutritional element needed by both children and adults.

Why is casein needed?

The basis of most high protein mixtures is casein. Produced in milk due to the action of special enzymes, this protein looks like a polypeptide-type chain, enriched with phosphate groups that promote calcium binding. In the modern world, casein is used as an additive to products, as a filler that performs multi-purpose functions: from imparting a specific taste to increasing shelf life.

This protein is extracted from milk very easily, which makes it inexpensive and accessible. When extracting casein with special enzymes (chymosin, etc.), strictly required proportions must be observed, since their overdose can cause the product to cause eating disorders of varying degrees of complexity in people. Sometimes manufacturers extract casein by exposing milk to reagents such as alkalis or acids. This is quite acceptable for the production of casein, which is planned to be used as a food filler in other products, but is not recommended for the production of mixtures in the “Sports Nutrition” and “Baby Food” categories.

One of the important properties of casein is the content of a large number of amino acids in this protein. This makes casein able to meet all the needs of the human body.

For this reason, this complex protein is a common dietary component and is present in milk and formula.

Casein contains almost the entire spectrum of amino acids. It does not only contain glycol, which is perfectly synthesized in the human body.

The essential amino acids contained in casein make it an important dietary protein. It is due to the content of this protein that milk and dairy products are considered foods rich in nutritional value. Among other things, casein is a rich source of phosphorus and calcium. Due to the fact that casein has a perfectly balanced composition and is easily digestible, preparations containing it are successfully used in medicine, for example, in parenteral nutrition.

Athletes are recommended to consume casein during rest periods or at night. This is explained by the fact that gastric juice breaks it down quite slowly, which eliminates the consumption of casein during intense training. This protein can be found in creams and ointments used in dermatology. In surgery, casein is part of many biological adhesive mixtures.

The human body uses casein as a reliable building material for muscles. This complex protein supplies the muscles with amino acids that promote muscle tissue repair and growth. At the same time, casein is also useful for those who want to lose a few extra pounds. Products that contain a lot of casein can provide a feeling of fullness even in small quantities. This is especially important for those who want to lose weight and try not to eat in the evening.

Since casein powder is not always a high-quality product, you should be aware of which products contain casein.

Casein in products

Knowing what foods contain casein, you can think of a balanced menu for every day, taking into account the protein needs of all family members. This will help maintain the active tone and health of children and adults.

  1. Body mass.
  2. Age.
  3. Individual intolerance (if any).
  4. The presence of diseases in which dairy products may be contraindicated (gastrointestinal diseases).

On average, for a healthy adult who participates in active sports and weighs about 80 kg, about 25-30 g of casein per day is recommended. It is advisable to include different types of cheeses, milk and a variety of fermented milk products in the menu. Products containing casein are milk and all dairy products without exception. About 80% of the total protein in cow and goat milk is casein. A slightly smaller amount (50%) comes from the milk of sheep, buffalos, and donkeys.

Among dairy products that contain a lot of casein, the leading positions remain with hard cheeses (Parmesan, Cheddar, Kostroma) and semi-hard cheeses (Roquefort, Bonbel). In addition to hard and semi-hard cheeses, casein is found in all other classes of this popular product (sliced, soft, fermented, young). Of the total amount of casein proteins, it can range from 33% to 18%. In addition, natural cottage cheese made from cow's or goat's milk, as well as kefir and yogurt, are also rich in this protein.

Product Substance content: % /100 g % of daily value for an adult
Whole cow's milk 0,80 20
Goat milk 0,80 20
Buffalo milk 0,60 20
Sheep milk 0,50 15
Donkey milk 0,50 15
Mare's milk 0,50 15
Gouda cheese 0,30 7,5
Cheddar cheese 0,30 7,5
Cheese Mimolet 0,30 7,5
Mozzarella cheese 0,28 7
Chees Feta 0,28 7
Ricotta cheese 0,28 7
Mascarpone cheese 0,28 7
Adyghe cheese 0,26 6,5
Sulguni cheese 0,26 6,5
Cheese Brynza 0,26 6,5
Camembert cheese 0,26 6,5
Brie cheese 0,26 6,5
Goat cheese 0,26 6,5
Sheep cheese 0,25 6,25
Fat cottage cheese 0,22 5,5
Low-fat cottage cheese 0,18 4,5
Sour cream (20% fat) 0,15 3,75
Syuzme (Asian fermented milk product with high fat content) 0,15 3,75
Kefir 0,15 3,75
Curdled milk 0,15 3,75
Ayran 0,13 3,25
Tan 0,13 3,25
Kumis 0,11 2,75
Cream 0,11 2,75
Curd cheeses 0,09 2,25
Curd mass with dried apricots, raisins, prunes, etc. 0,09 2,25
Kaymak 0,09 2,25
Bioyoghurts 0,09 2,25
Katyk 0,09 2,25
Kurt 0,09 2,25
Sausage cheese 0,07 1,75
Smoked cheese 0,07 1,75
Sausage cheese 0,07 1,75
Kutaby with cottage cheese 0,06 1,5
Sour cream 0,06 1,5
Milk custard cream 0,06 1,5
Sweet yogurt 0,06 1,5
Milk chocolate 0,05 1,25
Cheesecakes with cottage cheese 0,05 1,25
Cottage cheese casserole 0,05 1,25
Dumplings with cottage cheese 0,05 1,25
Sochniki with cottage cheese 0,05 1,25
Ice cream 0,03 0,75
Natural milkshakes 0,03 0,75

Casein in baby food

Casein is necessarily included in formulas intended for artificial feeding of infants. When casein, which is part of infant formula, enters the baby’s stomach, hydrochloric acid begins to affect it. Thus, conditions are created for the transformation of the protein into a curdled clot, which is ensured by the fact that casein contains a large number of hydrophobic amino acids. Thanks to the natural curdling of casein, protein breakdown turns into a long, prolonged process, during which amino acids are evenly released. Such regularity ensures a smooth supply of amino acids into the blood of an intensively growing child’s body.

In baby food, casein should be contained in its natural form, that is, supplied together with natural food products. Preschool children (from 2.5 years), taking into account product tolerance, should drink about 2 cups of milk per day. In addition, the child should be provided with cottage cheese, cheeses, bio-yogurt and kefir. Properly planned meals for every day, taking into account the mandatory content and other food groups, will provide every boy and girl with everything necessary for full growth and development.

Often, even children who are prone to allergies to dairy products at an early age no longer experience noticeable discomfort by the age of 3, which makes the consumption of dairy products acceptable in the child’s daily diet. Casein, which is part of dairy products, is irreplaceable and must be present in the diet of every baby. As for schoolchildren's nutrition, it is impossible to do without milk. And if a child has poor digestibility of this product, it can be replaced with different types of cheeses, cottage cheese and fermented milk drinks, which, as a rule, are perfectly absorbed by the body.

Casein in sports nutrition

Casein, due to its thickening properties, is the most popular ingredient found in many nutritional supplements for athletes. To gain muscle mass, athletes are recommended to consume about 40 g of pure casein per day. The powder is taken before bed and if the athlete feels very hungry. The period of action of one serving of casein drink lasts about 8 hours, and while the athlete is resting, catabolic processes occur in the body.

Casein protein is the most popular type of protein for bulking. This is due to the fact that the supplement was widely advertised as a slow source of protein or “night protein”. However, casein has become popular even among those losing weight, as it saturates the body for a long time, preventing overeating, has a high biological value and is quite affordable in price. But is it worth taking it when losing weight? To do this, it is important to evaluate its composition.

What is casein and how is it obtained?

Casein is a complex protein found in milk in the form of calcium caseinate. Casein is obtained through the process of curdling milk with special enzymes. It has a complex structure and when it enters the stomach it precipitates, which takes an average of 5-6 hours to digest. This makes casein an indispensable source of amino acids that are gradually released over a long period of time.

Features of casein protein and differences from whey

Considering that casein can be digested for a maximum of 8 hours, it is called a slow protein. While, with a simpler molecular structure, it is absorbed in 1-1.5 hours. Thus, after taking whey protein, the body receives amino acids for a shorter period of time, which is why whey is valuable as a fast protein for closing. And the long digestion of casein in the stomach provides replaceable and essential amino acids, and most importantly, prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers at night.

The benefits and harms of casein protein

Benefits of casein for athletes:

  • It takes a long time to digest, on average from 5-6 hours, up to a maximum of 8. This makes casein valuable for preventing catabolism at night, avoiding protein breakdown during overnight fasting.
  • Allows, providing the body with amino acids for a long time.
  • Allows you to lose weight with proper intake and a low-carbohydrate diet, saturating the body for a long time, preventing overeating.
  • Suitable for a snack between main meals, as well as before training.
  • Casein is well tolerated, except for those for whom milk sugar (lactose) is contraindicated.
  • Mixes well in water, milk and juice.

Disadvantages of casein:

  • It is not suitable for taking in the morning after waking up, as it acts slowly and does not have time to prevent the production of cortisol, unlike whey varieties of protein.
  • Contraindicated for people who are lactose intolerant.
  • May cause digestive disorders. Possible side effects are nausea, diarrhea, bloating.
  • Contains milk sugar, carbohydrates and fats, so it is not suitable for athletes on a strict diet.

How to take casein for weight loss

Before taking casein, you should carefully read the composition. This type of protein is not free of fats, carbohydrates, including milk sugar, for example, like. Accordingly, the indications for use of casein for weight loss, since it dulls the feeling of hunger, is more like an advertising ploy. After all, when working on relief, you should completely remove simple carbohydrates, which are contained in casein.

If the diet conditions are not so strict and there is a need to get the body in shape without setting narrow limits in nutrition, casein can be consumed 1 serving in the morning, before or after training, diluted with water or low-fat milk. If you consume casein before training, then the body will receive amino acids throughout the entire workout. After training, casein is completely absorbed, like carbohydrates, continuing.

How to take casein for weight gain

To gain weight, in addition to proteins, you need carbohydrates and fats. Only with the correct ratio of BJU will the result be visible, and casein is a small part of the success in building new muscle fibers. For these purposes, casein acts as an anti-catabolic and is necessary, first of all, to be taken before bed.

Casein can also be taken throughout the day as a meal replacement. But in this case, casein cannot be the only additive, since fast proteins are also needed.

A portion of casein diluted in milk should be consumed daily before bed.

Portions and measuring spoons differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, so you must follow the instructions for use on the package and do not exceed the dosage.

Another portion can be consumed on training and rest days as needed, if it is not possible to eat when hunger strikes. Additionally, banana or juice can be added to casein.

Rating of the best casein protein manufacturers

  1. Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Gold Standard. American casein is a top seller and a favorite of athletes around the world. Has high biological value. Has a wide variety of flavors. The approximate cost for 1820 grams is from 2000 rubles.
  2. Weider Day & Night Casein. The German manufacturer took care to create high-quality casein protein with good solubility and yogurt consistency. The approximate cost for half a kilogram is from 1150 rubles.
  3. Dymatize Elite Casein. The product contains the most complete and most digestible amino acid composition. A serving contains 24 grams of casein protein, including as much as 10 grams of calcium (half the daily value). The cost for 920 grams is about 1890 rubles.
  4. QNT Casein Protein. Belgian casein is the lowest calorie and economical casein among the favorites. Approximate cost for 908 grams from 2050 rubles.


No matter what they say, casein is still more suitable for athletes who want to increase muscle mass. In addition, new forms of casein, like micellar, can be digested for up to 12 hours, this is necessary to prevent catabolism at any time of the day. When it comes to weight loss, casein is free of sugar and other carbohydrates compared to whey protein. Therefore, for these purposes, it is more advisable to take whey protein isolate.

About casein in video format
