Health disk instructions for use. How does the “Health Disc” exercise machine work (exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and waist). Possible harm and contraindications

The main reason why our mothers used the health disc was weight loss exercises that can be done regardless of fitness level.

What would you say if you were offered to purchase an exercise machine that is small in size, easy to use, extremely cheap (300-500 rubles) and, at the same time, can bring significant benefits in the formation of a beautiful figure and a thin waist? Most likely, you would decide that they want to deceive you. After all, when we come to work out in any modern gym, we immediately see huge iron exercise machines, one glance at which inspires awe.

Of course, these “monsters” are effective, but due to their large size and sometimes “astronomical” cost, they are completely unsuitable for home use. But the fashion for visiting fitness clubs and gyms, which originated in the USA in the 80s, came to Russia only in the 2000s of this century. But the seductive curves of the female body are among the eternal values ​​and did not appear in the world with the emergence of the fitness industry. Our mothers persistently did gymnastics and dance to please their fathers.

So this is what I mean. Think back to your childhood.

Surely your parents had such a simple simulator as the health disc (it was also called “Grace”). The main reason that prompted our mothers and grandmothers to purchase a health disc was the exercises for the abdomen and waist for which it was intended. The small and compact health disk, which first appeared on sale after the 1980 Olympics, quickly gained popularity among the fair half of the USSR and was available in almost every apartment in the 1990s. Currently, the health disc is practically not advertised, but its modern version (made of plastic with a grooved covering for the feet) can still be purchased at any sporting goods store.

In today’s article we will try to figure out how effective this simple exercise machine originally from the USSR is and what exercises for weight loss your health allows you to perform.

A thin waist and trim silhouette have fascinated men at all times.

How do disc exercises affect your body?

Exercises on the health disc involve numerous twists, and therefore an intense impact on the core muscles. Also, when performing exercises, the muscles of the legs and arms are partially involved, and a load is placed on the vestibular apparatus.

Based on the mechanism of action, the following advantages of exercising on the health disk can be identified:

Exercises on the health disc perfectly train the vestibular apparatus.

  • The rectus and oblique abdominal muscles and back muscles are strengthened, and with intense work, the fat burning process is activated.
  • The body becomes more flexible, dexterity and coordination of movements develops.
  • The vestibular apparatus is trained.
  • Twisting massages the abdominal organs and improves their blood circulation.
  • Exercises on the health drive do not require any physical preparation. The low intensity of the load allows everyone to perform exercises on the health disk, regardless of age.
  • Exercises on the health disk can be used as a separate complex, or as a warm-up before a more intense workout.
  • If there is a massage coating on the health disc, additional stimulation of acupuncture points on the feet occurs.
  • Blood circulation, overall well-being and mood improves.

There are also disadvantages to such activities:

    • First of all, people who have any problems with the spine should not perform exercises on the health disc.
    • Exercises on the health disc, like any other exercise machine, require regularity. Three days of intense “twisting” will do nothing. To achieve the effect, you need to exercise for at least a couple of months.

How long to practice and how often?

In order to feel the effect of the exercises, it is recommended to continuously perform the exercises for 30 minutes every day, or (if difficult) every other day. Each exercise can be performed for 2-3 minutes. Thus, your entire workout will include about 10-15 exercises.

Exercises with one disc health

There are many different exercises with both one health disc and a pair of such discs.

  1. Standing with both feet on the disc, straighten up and bend your knees slightly. Bend your elbows and spread your arms out to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. Begin to rotate your hips left and right, while trying to keep your upper body motionless.
  2. Sit on the health disk with your buttocks, placing it on a chair or stool, with your feet on the floor. Raise your arms until they are parallel to the floor and bend your elbows. Rotate your hips left and right, trying to maximize your range of motion. The upper part of the body does not rotate, only the hips, the gaze is directed forward.
  3. Stand on the disk, place two chairs on either side of you with their backs facing you. Hold onto the chairs with your hands and rotate your lower body to the right and left. Then try using your arms to simultaneously turn your upper body in the opposite lower direction. Then do the same, placing your hands on the wall in front of you. Then without any support at all, with my arms down.
  4. Sit on a disc on a chair, turn 90 degrees so that the back of the chair is near your shoulder. Now push your feet off the floor and “rotate” 180 degrees. Now the back of the chair is already near your other shoulder. Repeat several times.
  5. Place one foot on the disc and the other foot on the floor. Rotate the foot that is on the disc from side to side. Then move your feet.
  6. Now let's work on the muscles of the chest and arms. Hold the disc between your palms at chest level. Turn your palms in opposite directions without releasing pressure.

Exercises with two health discs

  1. If you have not one, but two health discs, here is another useful exercise for the lower body. Place the discs on the floor and stand on them so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body straight, rotate your feet simultaneously, first inward and then outward.
  2. Spread your discs a little wider and bend your knees. You can lean your hands on the wall to avoid falling. Rotate your feet simultaneously, first inward and then outward, just as in the previous exercise. You will feel the strain on your calf muscles and abs. After completion, repeat the exercise, but first turn both feet to the right, then both to the left.
  3. Rotation of the hands during push-ups. Take a lying position, placing your palms on two health disks. When doing push-ups, when you lower your body to the floor, rotate your hands inward; when you straighten your arms, turn them in the opposite direction.

A modern health disc is usually made of plastic and has a grooved surface for foot massage.

So we took a closer look at the most popular home exercise equipment from the USSR - the health disc (or “Grace”). One of the main reasons to purchase a health disc is exercises that are unique in nature and work the core muscles without creating excessive stress. And this is in addition to the low price and small size. In addition, training the vestibular apparatus is also an important thing. Therefore, if you prefer to do fitness at home, and your apartment is not a royal chamber where you can allocate a separate room for a gym, feel free to add this compact exercise machine to your set of sports equipment. It will add variety to your workouts – that’s for sure!

In technical terms, a circle or disk is two round metal plates (approximately 24 cm in diameter) connected to each other by a special bearing, due to which they rotate relative to each other. But it should be noted that technologies are improving, and now in sports stores, instead of a metal disc, you will most likely see a health circle made of durable plastic, with various “bells and whistles”, which include comfortable foot massage and the sound of different music in rotation process.

This trainer is quite convenient device for performing weight correction and weight loss workouts in the office during vacation, at home, in the park, gym, and wherever you want, since it is absolutely undemanding for transportation and takes up little space.

What is special about the health disk?

Probably the main useful properties of this simulator are its ease of use, simplicity and low cost. Since anyone can easily buy it, which is actually a big advantage.

First of all, the load when working with the health disc is aimed at the muscles of the abdomen and waist, although it also tightens and strengthens the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks, increases the elasticity of the spine and, in general, the body’s performance, increases blood circulation, intestinal motility, mood, promotes overall weight loss and has a positive effect on coordination of movements.

It is important that the person who performs exercises on the health disc can determine the duration of the workout and the amplitude of rotation. Since the higher the amplitude of movement and the longer the duration of the session, the faster the muscles become toned and energy is intensively consumed. However, just 30 minutes on the disc will allow you to burn about 300 calories.

Women who want to form a slender and beautiful waist can use the disc without any worries and get excellent weight loss results in a short time.

How to practice on a health circle: rules and description

To use the disk safely, you must install it on a non-slip and secure surface. For example, it could be a training rubber mat or even a regular one, the most important thing is that it does not slip.

Sometimes beginners at first, during training, feel very dizzy. To reduce this phenomenon, you need to monitor the position of your head and avoid very sweeping, sharp rotations. To avoid losing your balance, place a chair near you so that you can sit on it in a timely manner and avoid falling from dizziness.

Some people think that using the health disc correctly is as easy as shelling pears, but it’s not! To make your waist smaller, you need rotate only the lower part of the body, and the shoulders must remain in place. If you do not strictly follow this rule, you may not expect any effect.

  • For increased blood circulation and results, you need to drink a glass of warm water half an hour before exercise.
  • Circuit training is a great way to warm up the body before exercise.
  • The result of losing weight in your belly and reducing your waist will be much more noticeable if you simultaneously use a hoop while working on the disk.

Exercises on the health disk for weight loss

In addition to the positive effect of losing weight on your health, it is also an excellent exercise machine for maintaining body tone.

Are you returning home from work tired, and you have absolutely no energy left to care for your family? No problem, you just need to work out on the simulator for 5 minutes, and you are guaranteed you will feel a huge surge of energy.

Many people believe that disc training is limited to just one rotation. But that's not true! There are a lot of exercises, for example, you can twist it with both your arms and legs. You can train not on one circle, but on two at the same time. Let's take a closer look at the disc exercises.

A set of exercises on a circle:

After completing this set of exercises It is advisable to do some stretching, take 5 strong breaths in and out, and slowly walk around the room for a few minutes, then you can relax.

You can do this program every day, it takes no more than half an hour. For beginners, it is better to start with 4-5 rotations, gradually increasing the number, so the body can get used to the load.

Elderly people need to exercise very carefully and carefully. It is also best to first obtain consent from a doctor.

Contraindications to using the health circle

This simulator has some features: people who suffer from discogenic radiculitis or have a history of any problems with cerebral circulation associated with atherosclerosis should not exercise on the circle, so as not to worsen their health situation.

Such accessible and simple exercises will be able to help you achieve your goal in a fairly short time - to be the owner of a beautiful and elastic belly, as well as slim! You can also tighten your thighs and buttocks with the help of the health floor disc for weight loss.

The health disc is a simple tool that allows you to work out your entire body, especially the abdominal area, and burn excess fat. Training on this simulator is suitable even for beginners and will not take much time. Now such discs have received a second life. They are equipped with calorie and revolution counters and the ability to play music. There are also options for discs with expanders, which significantly expand their functionality.


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The benefits of exercising with a disc

The health disc is a floor-mounted sports exercise machine, consisting of two circles with a diameter of about 25 cm. They are fastened together by a bearing, due to which they rotate.

The second name of this projectile is Grace. He received it because it helps make the silhouette more flexible and toned.

The benefits of practicing on a rotating circle are as follows:

  • During training, calories and excess fat are burned;
  • coordination improves and the vestibular apparatus is trained;
  • wear resistance of joints increases;
  • the cardiovascular system receives a moderate load;
  • the abdominal and back muscles are strengthened, which helps improve posture and tighten the contours of the body;
  • blood circulation in the pelvic organs is normalized;
  • flexibility increases.

Thus, a gymnastic disc will be useful for losing weight and getting a slim figure. In half an hour of training with this apparatus, about 250–300 kcal are consumed. In addition, such training can significantly improve health.

One of the main advantages of such a simulator is that it takes up little space. Therefore, you can practice even in the smallest apartments.

Another advantage of the circle is that it is suitable for people with different levels of physical fitness. Beginners and seniors can perform the exercises as their main workout. Experienced athletes can exercise on a rotating circle to warm up.

It is believed that as a result of training with a disc, you can remove the sides. But this is realistic only if the classes are regular and intensive. In this case, a large number of calories will be burned, and the fat layer will disappear throughout the body, including the sides.


Despite all the benefits of disc exercises, sometimes they can be harmful. The list of contraindications includes:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • joint problems (arthritis, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • radiculitis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pregnancy in the second and third trimesters;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

If you have these problems, you should practice on the disc only with the permission of a qualified doctor.

Types of health discs

There are different types of gymnastic discs - from the simplest to the more complex.

Metal ones are considered the most reliable. They are able to withstand a lot of weight and serve the owner for many years. Many people still have such simulators from the times of the USSR.

You can also find shells made of plastic on sale. They are lighter, but less durable and will not be able to support people with significant excess weight.

Many discs now have a massage surface, which additionally kneads the feet and improves blood circulation.

Some models are equipped with special magnets. It is believed that they have a beneficial effect on the body, increasing the effectiveness of exercise.

Magnetic health disk

The most advanced simulators have a built-in computer. Installed sensors count the number of revolutions made, calories burned, etc. In addition, some of these equipment are capable of playing music during training.

Electronic health disk

To work out your entire body with a disc, you should pay attention to equipment equipped with expanders for the arms.

Disc with expanders

Class Rules

Classes on the disk will be beneficial only if you follow certain rules:

  • You must place the exercise machine on a stable, non-slip surface or place a rubber mat under it;
  • During the exercise you may feel dizzy, so it is advisable to train next to a support;
  • You can’t spin on the disk until you feel sick; if this happens, you should slow down;
  • to reduce the unpleasant consequences of rotation, you should look at one point and not turn your head to the sides;
  • It is recommended to maintain the same moderate pace throughout the workout.

The main mistake of those practicing on the disc is that they neglect warming up. Within 5 minutes before training, you need to do bends, squats, jumps and other simple gymnastics movements.

After exercising on a rotating circle, it is advisable to do some stretching. This is necessary to relieve tension from the muscles and enter the recovery period.

We must not forget that disc training will not help you lose weight if you eat incorrectly. You don't have to follow a strict diet. It is better to create a balanced diet that includes healthy foods.


On the health disk you can perform exercises for almost the whole body.

It is best to work the abdominal area, as well as the muscles of the arms and legs.

For the belly

Using a rotating circle, you can pump up your abs and make your stomach firm. To do this, you can perform several exercises.

The simplest and most understandable thing is body twisting. It is aimed at developing the oblique muscles. Technique:

  1. 1. Stand on the disk. Keep your back straight.
  2. 2. Start twisting your body to the right and left so that it turns at the waist.
  3. 3. Hands should be held as comfortably as possible. To do this, you can bend them at the elbows and lift them.

Many girls think that this exercise helps to narrow their waist. But its implementation leads to the growth of the oblique abdominal muscles, as a result of which the waist can only expand. Therefore, you should not be zealous.

You can also perform the following exercise on the health disk:

  1. 1. Starting position - sit on a circle with your buttocks, rest your hands back on the floor, raise your legs above the floor and bend your knees slightly.
  2. 2. Turn the disk first in one direction, then in the other.
  3. 3. The arms and upper body should remain motionless.

In this exercise, not only the obliques are loaded, but also the rectus abdominis muscle, which allows you to hold your legs above the floor.

For legs

To tone your legs and thighs with the help of a health disc, you can do the following exercises.


  1. 1. Sit down with your feet on the disc.
  2. 2. Bend your back forward. You can rest your fingertips on the floor for support.
  3. 3. In this position, you need to turn the body in different directions.

When the exercise is mastered, you can lift your hands off the floor and swing them in the opposite direction from your legs. This will help speed up the pace and increase the efficiency of the movement.

Another effective exercise for strengthening the legs and buttocks is performed as follows:

  1. 1. Get on all fours so that your knees are on the disc and your feet do not touch the floor.
  2. 2. Turn the body first to the right, then to the left.

When performing the exercise, you need to tense your buttocks. If discomfort in the knee joints occurs during the process, you can put something soft on the disc.

For hands

While practicing at home on the health drive, we must not forget about strengthening our hands. Indeed, often in women they lose their elasticity and become flabby.

In this case, you should do this exercise:

  1. 1. Take a lying position so that your palms are on the circle.
  2. 2. Rotate it in different directions.
  3. 3. The lower body must be fixed.

The muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle will also receive load when performing this exercise.

All presented exercises must be performed within a certain time. For beginners, 30 seconds will be enough. In the future, you can do them until you become very tired for 1–3 minutes.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Sports equipment for the home is selected according to the criteria of availability, low cost and small size. It’s ideal when you can simply hide them in a drawer or under a table and quickly master the principle of their operation and basic exercises.

All these characteristics relate to the health disk. The simulator itself was popular already in Soviet times. Using the health circle, you can optimize muscle tone, pump up problem areas and adjust your waistline.

The design itself is quite simple: 2 plastic or metal circles are connected using a washer, and steel bearings are placed between them, due to which soft rotation is ensured. Improved variations are equipped with expanders or foot massagers. Some may even play a variety of melodies, alternating according to changes in exercise activity.

The benefits and disadvantages of exercising on a health disk

Sometimes the simplest and easiest workouts have enormous benefits for the body. Here are the most obvious benefits of performing exercises on the health disk to get rid of excess volume:

  1. Exercises on the health circle do not imply preliminary physical preparation, and the low intensity of training makes it possible for representatives of all ages to exercise on this simulator.
  2. The muscles get rid of tension, the brain switches, and the mood lifts. Therefore, the health circle is recommended especially for those who work at a computer for a long time.
  3. Exercises on the health disk can replace a warm-up.
  4. The vestibular apparatus is trained, coordination in space is improved.
  5. Plasticity improves, muscles become more elastic, joints maintain mobility, and the spine remains flexible.
  6. The abs, leg muscles, buttocks are worked out, the waist becomes slimmer.
  7. The cardiovascular system is trained in a gentle manner.
  8. Metabolism accelerates.
  9. If there is a massage coating on the disc, acupuncture points on the soles of the feet are stimulated during training.
  10. The health disk is easily transportable, you can even bring it to work or take it on vacation.

But besides the benefits, there are also some disadvantages to training with a health disc:

  • By continuing the exercises for a quarter of an hour, you can only consume 100 kcal, and this will quickly be replenished with the next meal.
  • Training on the health disc gives only a light load on the abs, leg muscles and buttocks, which is not enough for weight loss. To see real results, work on the health circle should last more than 40 minutes. and combine with yoga or Pilates plus abdominal strength exercises.
  • Health circuit training requires consistency. A couple of days of even very active “twisting” will not give an effect. It will take a couple of months of regular exercise to get results.

Contraindications to exercises on the grace disc

Despite its simplicity and ease, there are contraindications to training on a health disc. Exercises on such a simulator are not recommended for people with spinal ailments or cerebrovascular accidents.

In addition, exercises with the disc are not recommended for pregnant women after the first trimester. Persons over 50 years of age are advised to exercise very carefully, having first consulted a doctor.

Exercises on the health disc for a thin waist

  1. A high-back chair is placed next to the health disk. You need to stand on the disc with both feet, after stretching your back muscles. Holding onto a chair, you should twist the lower body left and right. The upper half of the body is fixed. Rotations last for 3 minutes. This way you can work the oblique abdominal muscles and back muscles.
  2. Now you don't need a chair. The starting position is a small half-squat, that is, the knees are slightly bent, the back is slightly inclined. You need to rotate the disc with your feet, and swing your hands in the opposite direction to speed up the movement. The exercise also lasts 3 minutes.
  3. Next, you need to sit on the health disk, resting your hands behind your back on the floor, fingers pointing towards you. Bent legs rise above the floor at an angle of 90 degrees. Then you need to touch your heels to the floor on the right side and move your legs over the top to the left side. You can use your hands to help rotate and maintain balance, your abs tense. Runs for 3 minutes.
  4. While continuing to sit on the health disk located on the floor, you need to bend your legs at the knees and place your hands on your belt. When moving your feet, you need to rotate first in one direction, then in the other direction. Each time - 4 times. The exercise can be varied by moving your hands to the ankle joints or fixing them behind your head.
  5. The next exercise is performed on all fours: knees on the disc, feet off the floor, hands in front of you. You need to rotate your pelvis in opposite directions for 3 minutes.
  6. Now you need to put the simulator on a chair and sit on it. Twists are performed by the force of the thighs turning in different directions. This exercise on the health disk is one of the most effective. Perform for 4 minutes.
  7. While continuing to sit on the circle located on the chair, your hands should be placed on your knees. Moving your feet, alternating steps from heel to toe, you should move alternately to the left and right sides until it stops. Make 4 turns in each direction.
  8. In the same sitting position, you need to clasp your hands behind your head and leave your upper body motionless. Turning the legs left and right must be repeated 6 times.
  9. The health disk does not change location. Now you need to sit on it so that your right side touches the back of the chair. Having pushed off the floor with your feet, you need to turn 180 degrees. In a similar way, return to your previous position. Make 4 turns on each side.
  10. Next, the disc is clamped in the palms, which must be twisted in the hands in opposite directions. This is how the muscles of the arms and torso are trained.
  11. To perform the following exercises you will need 2 discs. Feet are placed shoulder-width apart, each on a separate disc. At the same time, you need to make rotational movements with your legs inward and outward. There should be 20 turns - 10 inward and 10 outward.
  12. The starting position is identical to that in the previous exercise, legs slightly bent at the knees. When both legs turn to the right, both arms should be moved to the left and vice versa. You should make 10 turns in each direction.
  13. Place your palms on two discs on the floor in a push-up position. When lowering the body, the palms turn inward, when rising, they spread outward. You need to do ten push-ups.

Several exercises in pictures

You need to start with a 10-minute workout, with each subsequent week extending classes by 5 minutes. Exercises should be performed daily, or at least on weekdays.

Particular attention should be paid to hand work. They should move in the opposite direction from the hips. In this way, the necessary crunches for the abdominal muscles will be performed.

These rotations are useful both for the formation of a slim figure and for the normalization of intestinal activity, as a kind of massaging of the gastrointestinal tract occurs.

After finishing the workout on the health disk, you need to stretch, then take 5-6 deep breaths and exhales, and walk a little around the room.

As a rule, it is difficult for beginners to immediately perform the required number of repetitions, so they should start with a smaller number and gradually increase it.

In order for training on the health disc to bring greater results, a number of conditions must be met, since proper use of the simulator guarantees a good effect:

  1. The disk needs to be installed very securely. It’s good to place it on a rubberized mat or other non-slip surface so that it doesn’t “move” during an intense workout.
  2. At first, to avoid dizziness, you need to look directly ahead all the time. And in case dizziness does occur, at first it is better to practice near a wall or table that you can lean on.
  3. When practicing on the health disc, rhythm is important. The pace of execution should be constant regardless of how long the workout lasts - half an hour or three minutes. There is no need to exercise at maximum speed, you just need to maintain a uniform pace. This way you will be able to put a strain on your heart, and you will get a cardio workout.
  4. If you slowly drink 1.5 glasses of slightly warmed water half an hour before class, your workout will be more effective.
  5. Clothing for classes should be ergonomic; you can generally do without shoes.
  6. When doing exercises on the health circle, you cannot perform several variations of twists in a row, as this will create too much stress on the spine.

The result of exercising with a health disc is a toned body. If you alternate training with other sports and a well-designed diet, in a month you will be able to get rid of 3-6 kg of excess weight, narrow your waist by several centimeters and generally strengthen your body.

And expensive iron exercise equipment, but women still knew how to achieve effective weight loss and look stunning. Every beauty had such a simple exercise machine as the Grace disc. At that time, the simulator was a heavy steel circle that created a lot of noise.

The modern analogue of the Grace disc has been upgraded into a high-strength lightweight plastic device that allows you to use the exercise machine at home, at work, or even take it with you on vacation.

Health disk - compact and low-cost homemade one for maintaining muscle tone. Using it regularly, you can not only strengthen your abdominal and thigh muscles, “polish” problem areas and make a graceful curve from the waist to the butt.

Exercises on the health disc are ideal for both athletes and ordinary people of any gender and age who want to get rid of excess fat or just stay in shape. The health disk has a very simple design: two pancakes rotating relative to each other (with a diameter of 25 to 40 cm, depending on the model), between which there is a rotating bearing.

Exercises on the simulator involve working with your own weight, which allows you to efficiently work out all the muscles of the body with a sufficient and safe load. The same cannot be said about classic gym equipment, on which you can easily get “overtrained” or injured due to underestimating the working weight.

Thanks to the use of a floor circle:

  • The tone of the oblique abdominal muscles and transverse abdominal muscles increases;
  • The back muscles are trained, the mobility of the spine increases;
  • The vestibular apparatus is exercised, maneuverability and coordination of movements are developed;
  • The muscles of the legs and buttocks are involved and tightened;
  • The weight loss process is activated;
  • General well-being improves and performance increases.

Some modern models of discs can be equipped with a pimpled surface for massaging the active points of the foot and a mini-computer for monitoring calories burned. In this case, the training takes on a strength character: the muscles of the arms, back, chest are tightened, and the shoulders are developed. As a result, the waist is visually even smaller.

It is worth noting that the simulator will only be effective if classes are carried out on it regularly. A couple of days of intense “twisting” will not give any noticeable changes, but using the health disk for at least a month, not only you, but also those around you will notice transformations. In half an hour of use, the disk allows you to burn 200-300 kcal. In combination with other types of vigorous activity and a balanced diet, after 3-4 weeks you can lose 2-3 cm and achieve a weight loss of 2-3 kg.

How to practice?

Before you begin the actual exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with the general rules for working with the disc:

  • To comply with safety regulations, the disc must be installed on a flat, non-slip surface. Ideally, this is a rubber training mat.
  • To start metabolic processes in the body and activate weight loss, half an hour before training you need to drink a glass of warm still water.
  • “Pioneers” should not make too sudden, sweeping movements. Unaccustomed use can make you feel dizzy. To avoid losing your balance, you should think in advance about what you can lean on if necessary.
  • The feet must be firmly fixed on the disc; no “trampling” from foot to foot is acceptable.
  • Performing turns with the whole body, only rapid exhaustion will set in, but you will not be able to get closer to the desired result. Correct technique is important!
  • It is necessary to rotate only the lower part of the body, leaving the shoulders motionless. This is the only way to work out the abdominal muscles and burn off excess deposits.
  • Clothes should be comfortable, not restrict movement and not “float” in different directions. Wear thin cotton socks on your feet or exercise barefoot.
  • The effect of the exercises will be more progressive if you supplement them with a tonic massage and do not abuse high-calorie foods (flour, sweet, smoked, fried).

The disc is very practical and easy to use. Everyone can decide for themselves the intensity and duration of the training. The longer the session lasts, the more energy is spent, the chances of the desired weight loss increase and the muscles involved in the work acquire tone faster.

Exercises for weight loss

There are as many variations of exercises with a health disc - as rich as your imagination is. Use not only classic scrolling, change the position of your feet, the angle of inclination of your body, and the dynamics of movements. Each time, experimenting even with the same exercise, you can efficiently work out even the smallest muscle fibers.

An approximate list of exercises for a half-hour workout:

  1. Stand on the disk with both feet, bend your elbows and spread them parallel to the floor. Perform rotations while keeping your upper body stationary.
  2. Stand on the machine with a chair in front of you. Bend over, lean your hands on the chair and begin to perform bent over crunches. The lower back should have a slight arch. Each time you need to “roll” your waist so that you can feel which muscles (abs and back) are working.
  3. Standing on the disc, bend your knees and tilt your back slightly. Start doing crunches using your arms. The gaze throughout the entire execution should be directed forward, and not control the legs. In addition to the abs, the exercise works well the gluteal muscles, biceps, and quadriceps femoris, and the cardio load is excellent.
  4. Sit on the machine with your hands on the floor behind you so that your fingers point forward. Bend your legs while hanging at a right angle. With a straight back, move your legs to the right side and touch your heels to the floor, then move them over the top to the left side. The rectus abdominis muscle along with the obliques will “burn”!
  5. Change the previous position only by bringing your legs closer to your stomach. Using your hands, rotate to the sides. Now complicate the task - extend your straightened legs and keep them hanging while twisting.
  6. Place the disc on a chair, and then sit on it, with your feet on the floor and your hands on your knees (you can put them behind your head for additional tension on the triceps). Now start rotating with the maximum possible range of motion without using your upper body.
  7. Take the starting position as in the previous exercise. Just rotate 180 degrees so that the back of the chair is either near your right or left shoulder.
  8. Stand with one foot on the chair and the other on the disc. Make “deep” turns with your torso, change the position of your legs and repeat the exercise the same number of times in the other direction.
  9. Get on all fours, pull your stomach in, keep your arms in front of you, place your knees on the machine. Rotate your tail vigorously.
  10. Take a lying position so that your hands are on the disc. Move your feet left/right. Then change position, put your feet on the machine and move your hands. A seemingly quite easy exercise (imitation of a plank) forces all the muscles of the body to work.
  11. To load the muscles of your arms and chest, hold the disc between your palms and place it at chest level. Rotate your palms in opposite directions, pressing intensely on the circles.

Perform each exercise for 2-3 minutes, until a burning sensation occurs in the muscles being worked. Then the weight loss process will be effective, and you will soon be able to admire your new figure.


The Grace simulator is not equally useful for everyone. The disc should not be used in training by people who:

  • Poor blood circulation to the brain;
  • Problems with the back or spine (sciatica, spinal hernia);
  • Osteoporosis or recent injuries of the legs, knees, hip joints;
  • Any chronic diseases;
  • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

If you don't have any of the above indications, don't be lazy! Patience, persistence and regularity work wonders. After just a month of training, you can completely transform your body.

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