Biceps exercises for women. Triceps exercises for women. Removing flabby arms. Triceps exercises at home

I continue my story about creating a training program for girls in the gym, taking into account the characteristics of the female physique. In the first part of the article, I talked about how to pump up your butt and with what exercises you can quickly improve your inner thigh. And today I will share the secrets of further transformation of the female body and talk about how to pump up the chest, beautifully outline the upper back and remove fat on the triceps.
Completing the two tasks of creating a beautiful, athletic butt and reconstructing the inner thigh was relatively easy for us, due to the fact that both of these muscle groups are large, easy to train, and they actively respond to the load. But creating a training program for women in the gym with an emphasis on developing the pectoral muscles, upper back and triceps is always more difficult. These muscles are small, requiring highly targeted, specialized workload and high mental concentration. But as they say, nothing is impossible.

Task No. 3. Mark the middle of the chest

Gym for girls lately it has become a familiar abode, a modern ladies’ club, if you like. And the simple truth that increasing the size of a woman’s breasts is subject to a plastic surgeon, and not a fitness trainer, is gradually gaining understanding among gym goers. But what beautiful ladies don’t know is that working out at a sports club can even make your breasts smaller. The reason for this is the large amount of fat located in this area of ​​the beautiful female body. Training in the gym increases calorie consumption and leads to a reduction in fat deposits not only on the waist and hips, but also on the chest.

You can't have low body fat, just where you want it. This may sound unexpected, but it’s honest. If you want to lose weight on your stomach, be prepared to reduce your bust size. However, it is still possible to slightly reduce the negative effects of such weight loss in the thoracic area by performing weight-bearing exercises.

Any training program for girls in the gym, with an emphasis on the pectoral muscles, should include barbell or dumbbell presses, since these heavy compound exercises load the maximum number of muscle fibers in the chest, increasing their density and elasticity. But if you have to choose between a barbell bench press and a dumbbell press, I advise girls to opt for the latter exercise.

The gym for a girl is, of course, a home, but only as long as they feel comfortable in it. I noticed that many women who come to the sports club subconsciously avoid doing this exercise, considering it purely masculine, rude and quite difficult. And in this case, the dumbbell bench press becomes . Firstly, it can be performed armed with the smallest dumbbells, which is convenient and simple for girls, and secondly, performing basic exercises with a barbell in a purely masculine, “refusal” style does not give women the same results as men.

Training program for women in the gym, and this must be taken into account when creating your set of exercises. And, in addition, girls who want to increase the density of their pectoral muscles should focus their attention on exercises aimed at developing the middle of the chest. This will highlight her charming shape and highlight her cleavage, which actively attracts the attention of immodest male representatives. Besides, it's not quite difficult. So…

with an emphasis on mid-chest development

The muscles of the middle of the chest are involved in work over a limited period of the trajectory when bringing the arms together in front of you. All exercises performed during training in the gym, which, one way or another, imitate this movement, allow you to pump up the muscles in the middle of the chest. This can be a combination of hands in a butterfly machine or a crossover; both of these exercises are equally effective and comfortable to perform. But there is no particular point in starting chest training with these exercises. First you need to perform a basic, heavy exercise, the same dumbbell bench press, to tone the entire array of pectoral muscles, and then move directly to working on the middle of the chest.

Reduction of arms in a butterfly simulator or in a crossover

Although both of these exercises are similar, the crossover has an undeniable advantage over the simulator, since it allows you not only to bring your arms together, loading the middle of the chest, but also to move them one after another. This makes it possible to load the muscles even more actively and achieve a stronger peak contraction. In addition, you can perform crossover mixing in several different ways. This can be done standing or lying down, and with the help of upper and lower blocks.

But the “butterfly” simulator, or as it is correctly called “butterfly”, affects the muscles of the middle of the chest actively, but in a straightforward and monotonous manner. Therefore, the muscles get used to such a load very quickly and eventually stop responding to it. And to prevent this, gym training program should change every lesson. For example, like this:

Week 1




Incline Dumbbell Press

3-4 10-12
Reduction of arms in the butterfly simulator3-4
Reduction of hands in a standing crossover2-3

Week 2




Dumbbell bench press

Reduction of hands in a standing crossover


Reduction of arms in the butterfly simulator

This simple alternation of exercises training in the gym allows you to load your chest muscles differently in each session. And this, in turn, allows you to keep your chest muscles constantly toned.

Workouts for women in the gym | Reduction of arms in the “butterfly” simulator

But when performing any exercises aimed at developing this department, it is necessary to remember that the muscles of the middle of the chest are involved in the work over a very short segment of the trajectory. Therefore, it makes no sense to move your hands far away. It is better to put more weight and concentrate on the last, peak part of the movement, while holding for 1-2 seconds.

Conclusion: there are few exercises aimed at forming this segment, but they give an effect quickly, provided they are performed regularly as part of a training program in the gym

Task No. 4. Outline the upper back

Oh, well, why do I need a back, many women will ask, and even some kind of mythical top? What can you say about summer dresses, sundresses and blouses that reveal not only the chest, arms, but also the back? Or do you think that a man will look anywhere else except his butt and long legs? It will happen, it will definitely happen, if a woman is attractive, a man will look her over from head to toe, starting naturally with her buttocks and bust.

But this task also fell under the pressure of my intellect, since by that time I already knew how to pump up my upper back, giving it a truly beautiful and voluminous look. In my opinion, the most suitable exercises for outlining the upper back and giving it definition are overhead pull-downs and .

But besides these movements, in gym training program I also included exercises aimed at developing the rear deltoid. Firstly, when training this small muscle, an indirect load falls on the same trapezius, and secondly, the rear delta gives completeness and roundness not only to the shoulders, but also to the entire upper back.

Gym training program for girlswith an emphasis on the upper back

Week 1




Pull-down of the upper block behind the head3-4
3-4 10-12

Week 2




Peak hands behind the head in crossover4-5

Pull-down of the upper block behind the head


Bent-over rear delt raises


Conclusion: These three exercises, performed in constant rotation, do an excellent job and allow you to outline and sculpt your upper back without adding unnecessary muscle mass.

Task No. 5. Build triceps, increase muscle density and reduce fat

This is how, speaking in normal language, my last task sounded. My wife outlined it more simply: so that it wouldn’t dangle anywhere. Yavol, wife! Many women who come to the gym are trying to pump up their triceps and solve this problem.

And we must give them credit, they do it creatively and with great imagination. Videos seen on the Internet, plus your own wild imagination, work wonders, sometimes turning seemingly simple exercises into something completely fantastic and absolutely useless. The training program in the gym for many girls is replete with complex, but ineffective exercises for the triceps. Working out in the gym is good, but the impact of visiting a sports club can be increased if you find a solution to two problems:

Problem 1. On the back of a woman’s arm (triceps), there are more fat deposits than on a man’s. And therefore, in order to pump up your triceps and show it to the world, you first need to reduce the amount of fat on your body. Because you can have super triceps worthy of Raphael's brush, but if it's covered in a layer of fat and water, then who will see it?

Problem 2. The triceps is a fairly large muscle, consisting of three bundles and occupying more than 60% of the volume of the arm. Moreover, the largest and strongest section of the triceps is located exactly on the back of the arm and is responsible for its condition. To pump up the triceps, the training program in the gym should include the simplest and most difficult exercises aimed at working out the entire array of this large and strong muscle group.

And since we have two problems, there are also two ways to solve them. So:

Solution 1. The main, main, basic (call it what you want), exercise for triceps is close grip barbell press. All men who want to know this know this. However, when I wanted to find a picture showing a woman doing this exercise, I couldn't. Women do not do such exercises, because it does not suit them, beautiful and airy, to perform such primitive movements. But I was lucky to find a video of fitness supermodel Sasha Brown doing exactly this exercise. Maybe that’s why she’s a supermodel, this Sasha? In addition to the fact that the close-grip press has an excellent effect on the entire triceps at once, it also has a beneficial effect on the middle of the chest and the front deltoids.

In general, I consider the Smith machine to be the best and most versatile equipment in the gym, equally effective for both women and men. I like doing exercises in the Smith machine so much that I dedicated an entire ode of praise to this wonderful device, which I called: . I highly recommend reading it, you won’t regret it.

Conclusion: If you want to pump up your triceps and increase its density, perform barbell presses with a narrow grip.

Solution 2. The problem of reducing the amount of fat deposits on the back of the hand can only be solved by reducing the overall fat reserves on the body. This process can be significantly accelerated if you include several exercises without interruption in your training program. This method of training is called (if there are two exercises), trisets (if there are three) or giant series (if you can work by performing four or even more exercises in a row). Such series combine movements aimed at different triceps bundles. For example: close-grip bench press + bench press + arm extension on the upper block. The number of repetitions changes with each new movement, in the press there are 8–10, in push-ups 10–12, and in straightening already 12–15.

Gym training program for girlswith an emphasis on triceps

Week 1




2.Push-ups from a bench
3. Arm extensions on the upper block

Week 2


approaches repetitions

1. Bench press with a narrow grip

2.French bench press



Conclusion: such a training program in the gym significantly increases the overall intensity of the session and increases energy consumption, while including in the work all triceps bundles and all types of muscle fibers without exception.

So, thanks to these training tricks, I managed to create a training program for my wife that completely solved all the tasks: pump up the triceps, increase muscle density and reduce the amount of fat.

I hope my article was useful to you and helped you create the perfect suitable training program in the gym, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the female physique. Be beautiful and graceful!

Any woman wants to have not only a beautiful face and fashionable outfits, but also a slender, elastic body with aesthetically toned muscles. But not everyone has the courage, time and desire to go to the gym to burn extra calories and structure muscle mass.

Several benefits of working out at the gym

  1. Atmosphere. It is more effective to pump up muscles where a person is separated from everyday problems and where he is surrounded by exercise equipment and sports mats. Nothing distracts from the process.
  2. Equipment. As a rule, gyms have a whole arsenal of means for pumping up muscles, so the process goes faster and more efficiently.
  3. Help. For an inexperienced novice athlete, a coach can select the first set of exercises or, in extreme cases, suggest how to pump up a particular muscle group.

Push-ups are usually difficult for women and girls at the initial stage. But regular training and systematic exercises give excellent results.

Ways to perform bench presses in the gym:

  • independently (without the help of additional funds);
  • with dumbbells (they can be used in different body positions);
  • with a bench;
  • on uneven bars, a special turnstile or a wall bars.

It’s always very unpleasant when your arms are flabby: it’s both aesthetically unsightly and you don’t have to wear open clothes. How to remove sagging triceps on a girl’s arms is a burning question. Several methods are offered.

The girl's hands deserve special attention. To maintain their beauty, prevent muscle sagging and sagging in the shoulder area, regular exercise is necessary. A set of simple exercises for training your arms at home will help keep your arm muscles toned.

Women's triceps exercises

Exercise 1 - Classic Floor Presses

An old, proven, “grandfather’s” method. Allows you to quickly pump up for women imply the following sequence:

  1. get on all fours;
  2. hand placement - shoulder-width apart, palms “looking” at the floor;
  3. legs - straight;
  4. slowly descend, then rise. Repeat 5-12 times.

If the exercise is difficult to do with straight legs, you can try bending them. But then only the upper part of the body will work.

Exercise 2 - reverse push-ups

Hands stand behind the torso with palms on the edge of the bench. Next, the body lowers and rises, and the elbows bend synchronously.

Exercise 3 - with dumbbells

The first option is to extend the arms on a bench with the back straight and at an angle. Take a dumbbell(s) in your hands. Sit on a special bench. The arms are bent, and the palms with the projectiles are behind the head. Next, the arms reach up and straighten. Repeat 6-10 times.

If the back is tilted at least 20 degrees, the load on the triceps increases significantly. This exercise also works the shoulders.

Reverse push-ups are in no way inferior to classic push-ups (from the floor) in terms of the effectiveness of pumping up the triceps. And reverse (back) push-ups provide the development of coordination and static stability.

The second option is bending arm extension. Triceps exercises for girls cannot be imagined without this body movement. Stand with your knee with your shin and palm (on one side) on the bench. Bend and straighten the other arm with dumbbells in the air.

The third option is lying arm extension. In a lying position, stretch your arms with dumbbells in front of you and do flexion-extension.

The fourth option is extension-bending of the arms while standing (French press). The same as in the first exercise, only performed in a standing position.

Every woman decides for herself how to pump up her muscles, in particular her triceps. But it doesn’t hurt to first consult with a specialist and read specialized literature.

Is it possible to ruin the spring mood with your own hands? Of course, if the short sleeves of T-shirts and blouses only emphasize full shoulders or flabby, saggy triceps. Strong hands and wise advice from fitness and bodybuilding experts will support all those who are discouraged.

The secret of triceps exercises is simple, and the result is accessible to everyone. Next, we will look at a set of triceps exercises for men and women in the gym.

Basic exercises

hold the barbell symmetrically relative to the edges

Exercises with free weights, which develop several muscles or muscle groups at once, not only give proportionality to the arms.

First of all the basic type of exercise is aimed at developing strength, endurance and overall muscle mass. Designed for athletes of any level, but especially recommended for beginners to prepare for strength training with serious weights.

For the harmonious development of triceps, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Gaining muscle mass is ensured by 1 workout per week.
  • It’s better to train triceps on different days.
  • It is necessary to alternate the degree of load and intensity of training from light to heavy. Peak loads require a break of at least a week for muscle recovery and growth.

Classic bench press with a narrow grip. Does not require complex exercise equipment; it also works the chest and shoulders.

Lying in the starting position and holding the barbell with outstretched arms, give the barbell a stationary position. Lower the bar, trying to keep it within a two-second interval. In this case, the end point of the barbell’s trajectory should coincide with the lower edge of the pectoral muscles. Squeezing the bar upward is done either vertically or with an initial slope towards the collarbones and a subsequent transition to the vertical. During the exercise, the barbell is gripped symmetrically relative to the edges, which prevents it from skewing. Breathing technique: the top position of the bar - inhale, then hold your breath and exhale while lifting back up.

French bench press. Recommended for both beginners and professionals to work all parts of the triceps muscle. Changing the position of the hands on the curved bar of the EZ bar emphasizes the development of muscle bundles in the same way as changing the trajectory of the barbell with a straight bar and the way it is gripped.

Mass training

start the exercise only from the top point

This type of exercise is aimed at increasing the size of the triceps. To improve training efficiency A low number of repetitions at maximum weight is recommended.

Push-ups on parallel bars. Helps increase the size of the triceps muscle, especially its lower part.

To avoid injuries, push-ups begin from the top point, taking an emphasis with straight arms on the uneven bars. Slowly lower yourself down, bending your elbows. In this case, the body should be slightly tilted forward. Having fixed in the lower position so that your shoulders do not touch the bars, take a two-second pause. As you exhale, slowly straighten your elbows and return to the starting position.

A more convenient analogue of push-ups is considered to be exercises on a lever machine.

Isolation exercises for triceps

The maximum load on the triceps falls when the palms are facing each other

The main benefit of this type of load is the uniform development of all bundles of the muscle body and improvement of its relief. This is exactly what the triceps brachii muscle is, including the lateral, medial and long parts.

Exercises are recommended for those who have been practicing for at least two years. Allows you to correct uneven development both as a result of a genetic predisposition to the growth of individual parts of the muscle, and “flaws” of basic training.

Extension of arms on the upper and lower blocks. Works the middle part of the triceps. The exercise can be performed standing either with your face or with your back to the block device of the simulator. Depending on the position of the block and the triceps handle, the initial position of the hands is vertically up - with the upper one or down - with the lower block of the simulator. While keeping the upper arm motionless, the forearms are flexed at the elbow joint to an angle of 90 degrees.

The exercise is more effective than straightening your arms while holding a dumbbell.

Triceps training video.

Pumping up muscles on the horizontal bar

This method is no worse than training in the gym, although it is less popular. The thing is that the triceps works for extension, but nevertheless there is a way, and it does not require complex training equipment.

Exit by force. Grasping the bar with a medium-wide straight grip, you need to swing your body. At the top point of the swing amplitude, a jerk is made upward to a position in which the body is fixed above on straight arms. When lifting, the elbows do not bend.

The exercise requires good physical preparation, coordination and self-control. Not recommended for beginners due to high risk of injury.

Specifics of exercises for girls

for a significant transformation of the triceps you need to exercise for at least 3 months

Women's tendency to accumulate fat cells on the back of the upper arm is physiologically determined. A sedentary lifestyle and high-calorie diet significantly accelerates this process. Yes and In everyday life, serious stress on the triceps muscle occurs much less often than on the biceps. But the ratio of the volumes of these muscles is expressed in the proportion of 2 to 1.

But even if you become a hostage to a diet, you cannot create an attractive hand shape without physical activity. If you follow the following training principles, you can not be afraid to pump up the massive muscles of bodybuilders:

  • It is enough to spend 30-45 minutes per session in order to remove fat deposits in the upper arm and keep the triceps in good shape.
  • It is not recommended to train more than three times a week.
  • Strength training should be alternated with. This scheme develops strength and endurance, preventing muscle gain.
  • A large number of repetitions with light weight “dries out” the hands, i.e. burns subcutaneous fat.

Arm extension on a lever machine. Gives a load on both the triceps and the muscles of the shoulder girdle and forearms.

Take a position on the machine: your back is straight, your shoulders are relaxed, your palms are closed on the levers of the machine. Slowly extend your arms at the elbow joints as you exhale. In this case, the elbows are pressed to the body. Return to the starting position while inhaling.

Video training for girls.

Pros and cons of triceps training

Triceps exercises are dangerous

The benefits of triceps exercises are not limited to just increasing muscle tone or growth:

  • Harmonious, relative to the biceps, development of the triceps muscle ensures the beauty of the arms.
  • Most basic triceps exercises also develop other muscle groups.
  • Physical activity strengthens the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.
  • Improves metabolism. The need for energy burns calories and excess weight. At the same time, the activation of sweating promotes the removal of toxins through the pores.

The negative side of working on triceps is the high risk of injury. Most often it accompanies strength exercises with incorrect technique:

  • This doesn't just apply to your hands. The spine, shoulder girdle and chest also become risk areas.
  • Tendons, joints and ligaments - the structure is quite fragile, requiring warm-up and cool-down after training. This will help avoid not only arthritis and tendinitis, but also problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Fully straightening your elbows when lifting heavy weights often causes tearing stress on your joints. The result is sprains, dislocations and displacements of intra-articular surfaces.
  • Forceful loading during triceps exercises with a barbell or weights deforms the interarticular discs, which over time leads to osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine and arthrosis of the leg joints.


Triceps strength exercises are prohibited for people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system such as arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other damage to the ligaments, joints and tendons. Heavy loads are unacceptable for certain types of scoliosis, anomalies in the development of osteochondral tissues and osteoporosis. In the same time Light exercise during the period of improvement strengthens joints even with chronic inflammatory diseases.

Other contraindications: tendency to heart attacks, strokes, vein thrombosis, hypertension.

Training will not be beneficial for acute respiratory viral infections with fever, lung diseases, inflammation of the kidneys, abdominal and pelvic organs. Women should avoid excessive exercise during their menstrual cycle.

Consultation with a surgeon will be necessary during the recovery period after injuries and operations.

Even if you miss it, you can catch up at home. Flexion and extension of the arms with dumbbells, and even - it is not difficult to find a way to improve the shape of the arms. The result will not be slow to appear in 1-2 months.

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Triceps exercises for women

Women pay a lot of attention to their figure. They strive to pump up their butts, get six-pack abs, and do exercises for their chest and back. Although the beauty of the hands is also very important. With well-developed arm muscles, the whole body looks more attractive and harmonious. The triceps muscles of the arms (triceps) cause more trouble than the biceps. With age, if they are not pumped up, they become flabby and saggy. If this has already happened, then all is not lost; this defect can be corrected. To do this, you need to regularly perform a set of exercises for the triceps. We present to you the best triceps exercises, tailored specifically for women, that you can do at home or in the gym.

Triceps structure

All three heads of the triceps are stimulated during arm extension movements. The lateral (outer) head or band of the triceps starts from the back of the shoulder bone and extends to the elbow joint. The long (inner) head of the triceps muscle of the arm is attached just below the shoulder, at the scapula itself, and, like the outer head, extends to the elbow joint. The short head (middle, the shortest of all three heads) is located between the long and lateral ones - the medial head. It also starts from the humerus, but is attached much higher than the inner and outer heads of the triceps.

To give the triceps muscles of the arms a beautiful shape, you need to perform exercises that involve both the external, internal, and middle heads. That is, presses, extensions and their varieties.

Triceps exercises for girls

This exercise works the entire triceps. Of course, the emphasis is on a certain part - on the inner head of the triceps muscle. But this does not spoil the exercise. By performing push-ups while lying down in a narrow position (arms shoulder-width apart, or slightly narrower), any woman will transform her triceps muscles in a matter of months. Of course, push-ups are not enough for a complete transformation. But without them the complex will not be effective. That is why “narrow” push-ups should be part of the complex of every woman who wants to seriously transform the backs of her hands.

Get on all fours. Then rest your hands on the floor, placing them so that the width between your palms is equal to the width of your shoulders, or slightly narrower. Straighten up so that your legs and back are in one straight line. Lower yourself steadily, bending your elbows without changing your body position. Then quickly return to the starting position. Exhale and repeat the movement again. Do 4 sets of 15 reps.

Reverse push-ups for triceps are similar in action to the previous exercise. The only difference is that the hands are behind the back, and not in front of the torso. For those women who can already easily perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions in push-ups, the classic version of push-ups will be more productive. For those who prefer to perform this exercise instead of “narrow” push-ups, it is better to prefer its lighter version.

A lightweight version of push-ups from a bench is the same push-ups, with your hands resting on the bench, but your feet resting firmly with your heels on the floor. In the classic version, the legs rest on an elevated platform. The recommended number of sets and repetitions is the same as for push-ups – 4 to 15.

3) Triceps exercises with dumbbells

In this exercise, the emphasis is on the long head of the triceps muscle of the arm. Taking a dumbbell, sit on a bench. Press your arms with the dumbbell up and bend them until you feel a full stretch in your triceps. Do 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

The back of the bench should be tilted so much that when performing triceps extensions, the working muscles do not feel the slightest discomfort. That is, somewhere between 25 and 45 degrees. It is advisable - for a higher effect - to change the angle of the bench every 3 - 4 workouts.

Arm extensions on a bench with an inclined back will be more effective for those women whose triceps ligament ends at the elbow, and not above it. For those with short triceps (the triceps tendon ends above the elbow), it is also suitable, but for the best effect they should prefer arm extensions with dumbbells in a lying position.

This exercise is for those women who have already achieved some success in the development of triceps. Arm extensions in a sitting position (the torso is strictly perpendicular to the floor) are inferior to the previous extensions in terms of gaining muscle mass, but for improving the relief and separation of the long (inner) head of the triceps it will be much more effective.
Taking a dumbbell in your hand, sit up straight. Curl the dumbbell until your triceps are fully stretched. Then, without pausing at the bottom point, straighten your arm. Do 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

Take a dumbbell in one hand, and, bending at the waist, bend one leg at the knee and place it on the bench, resting your hand on the same side. Remaining in this position, bend your other arm with a dumbbell at the elbow so that the shoulder part of your arm is parallel to the floor. Extend your arm with the dumbbell without changing the position of its shoulder part. Perform 5 sets of 8 – 12 repetitions for each arm.

This exercise primarily works the lateral (outer) head of the triceps muscle of the arm. It is advisable to include extensions in a standing position with emphasis on one knee in the training program when the desired mass has been achieved and it is necessary to improve the definition of the back of the arms.

It is also advisable to perform this exercise when you need to “fry” your triceps. It also works the outer heads of the triceps. Only, unlike the previous exercise, the middle head is practically inactive here; Only one lateral head of the triceps works.

Triceps training occurs in this way: lie down on a horizontal bench, raise your arm with the dumbbell up so that it is strictly perpendicular to the floor. Lower the dumbbell by bending your elbow so that your shoulder remains vertical. Lower your arm across your torso. At the lowest point, the dumbbell should touch the bench, just above the opposite shoulder. 4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions.

Reciprocal transverse triceps extensions (another name for the Tate press) are an exercise similar to the previous one. It differs only in that when performing its extensions, both hands work at once.
Taking a dumbbell in each hand, lie down on a horizontal bench. Straighten your arms - just like in transverse extensions - and lower the dumbbells across your torso, bending your elbows. The dumbbells should not touch throughout the entire set, and the palms should always be facing backwards. 5 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Sets of triceps exercises for girls

Below are three triceps workout routines. These are the most effective triceps exercises you can do at home. The first complex is for women who have just started fitness training and do not have problems with excess weight. The second is also for beginner girls and women, but with excess weight problems. The third is for all women who have already achieved little success in training the triceps muscles of the arms.

1 complex

Monday: Narrow push-ups – 4 sets of 12 – 15 reps.
Dumbbell extensions while sitting on a bench, or a similar exercise on a horizontal bench (depending on the length of the triceps). 3 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions.

Friday: Narrow push-ups. 4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions. For the first two workouts, perform no more than 4 sets of 15 repetitions. From the third week, replace this exercise with push-ups and use weights.

You need to practice this complex until 4 sets of 15 repetitions are given without much difficulty.

2 complex

Monday: Push-ups. Set the weight with which you can perform 15 repetitions, and do 4 sets of 10 repetitions with it, resting 1 - 1.5 minutes between them. then rest for 3 minutes, and complete the 5th approach - with the maximum number of repetitions.

Extension of arms while standing in an inclined position. Do 5 sets with a weight that allows you to complete 12 reps. The interval between approaches is 1.5 – 2 minutes.
Transverse arm curls. 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: Narrow push-ups. 5 approaches: in the first four sets - 15 repetitions, in the last - the maximum number of repetitions.

Seated triceps extensions. Take a dumbbell that you can do 20 reps with. Perform 6 sets of 15 reps, resting 2 minutes between sets.

3 complex

Monday: Dumbbell extensions while sitting on a bench, or bent over triceps extensions with emphasis on one knee. 6 sets of 6 reps. With weights for 8 reps, perform 6 sets of 6 reps, resting 1 minute after each set.
Transverse curls – 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: Push-ups. Set the weight for 8 reps, do 8 reps. Then, without resting, lose 5 kg and complete the set to failure. Do 2 more sets of lowering the weight, also without resting between them.
Tate press. Perform 5 sets of 10–12 repetitions, resting 2–2.5 minutes between sets.


For some women, it is enough to practice the 1st complex for two months to begin “advanced” training. For others, even six months is not enough. It's all about genetics and body fat levels.

Typically, in women with excess weight problems, the triceps are transformed no earlier than after 2 months of training. For “inchies” who are not burdened with excess weight, this period is significantly shorter – 4–5 weeks. To significantly transform your triceps, you need to exercise for at least 3 months. You learned how to pump up a girl’s triceps at home. If you have achieved good results and want to continue pumping your triceps to get relief, use this set of triceps exercises.

To give the triceps muscles of the arms a beautiful shape, you need to perform exercises that involve both the external, internal, and middle heads.

Triceps exercises for women

Women pay a lot of attention to their figure. They strive to pump up their buttocks, get six-pack abs, and do exercises for the chest and back. Although the beauty of the hands is also very important.

With well-developed arm muscles, the whole body looks more attractive and harmonious. The triceps muscles of the arms (triceps) cause more trouble than the biceps. With age, if they are not pumped up, they become flabby and saggy. If this has already happened, then all is not lost; this defect can be corrected.

To do this, you need to regularly perform a set of exercises for the triceps. We present to you the best triceps exercises, tailored specifically for women, that you can do at home or in the gym.

Triceps structure

All three heads of the triceps are stimulated during arm extension movements. The lateral (outer) head or band of the triceps starts from the back of the shoulder bone and extends to the elbow joint. The long (inner) head of the triceps muscle of the arm is attached just below the shoulder, at the scapula itself, and, like the outer head, extends to the elbow joint. The short head (middle, the shortest of all three heads) is located between the long and lateral ones - the medial head. It also starts from the humerus, but is attached much higher than the inner and outer heads of the triceps.

To give the triceps muscles of the arms a beautiful shape, you need to perform exercises I, in which both the external, internal, and middle heads are involved. That is, presses, extensions and their varieties.

Triceps exercises for girls

1) Triceps push-ups from the floor

This exercise works the entire triceps. Of course, the emphasis is on a certain part - on the inner head of the triceps muscle. But this does not spoil the exercise. By performing push-ups while lying down in a narrow position (arms shoulder-width apart, or slightly narrower), any woman will transform her triceps muscles in a matter of months.

Of course, push-ups are not enough for a complete transformation. But without them the complex will not be effective. That is why “narrow” push-ups should be part of the complex of every woman who wants to seriously transform the backs of her hands.

Get on all fours. Then rest your hands on the floor, placing them so that the width between your palms is equal to the width of your shoulders, or slightly narrower. Straighten up so that your legs and back are in one straight line. Lower yourself steadily, bending your elbows without changing your body position. Then quickly return to the starting position. Exhale and repeat the movement again.

Do 4 sets of 15 reps.

2) Triceps push-ups

Reverse push-ups for triceps are similar in action to the previous exercise. The only difference is that the hands are behind the back, and not in front of the torso. For those women who can already easily perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions in push-ups, the classic version of push-ups will be more productive. For those who prefer to perform this exercise instead of “narrow” push-ups, it is better to prefer its lighter version.

A lightweight version of push-ups from a bench is the same push-ups, with your hands resting on the bench, but your feet resting firmly with your heels on the floor. In the classic version, the legs rest on an elevated platform.

3) Triceps exercises with dumbbells

1. Arm extension with a dumbbell while sitting on a bench with an inclined back

In this exercise, the emphasis is on the long head of the triceps muscle of the arm.

Taking a dumbbell, sit on a bench. Press your arms with the dumbbell up and bend them until you feel a full stretch in your triceps.

Do 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

The back of the bench should be tilted so much that when performing triceps extensions, the working muscles do not feel the slightest discomfort. That is, somewhere between 25 and 45 degrees.

It is advisable - for a higher effect - to change the angle of the bench every 3 – 4 workouts. Arm extensions on a bench with an inclined back will be more effective for those women whose triceps ligament ends at the elbow, and not above it.

For those with short triceps (the triceps tendon ends above the elbow), it is also suitable, but for the best effect they should prefer arm extensions with dumbbells in a lying position.

2. Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head

This exercise is for those women who have already achieved some success in the development of triceps. Arm extensions in a sitting position (the torso is strictly perpendicular to the floor) are inferior to the previous extensions in terms of gaining muscle mass, but for improving the relief and separation of the long (inner) head of the triceps it will be much more effective.

Taking a dumbbell in your hand, sit up straight. Curl the dumbbell until your triceps are fully stretched. Then, without pausing at the bottom point, straighten your arm.

Do 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

3. Bent over arm extension

Take a dumbbell in one hand, and, bending at the waist, bend one leg at the knee and place it on the bench, resting your hand on the same side. Remaining in this position, bend your other arm with a dumbbell at the elbow so that the shoulder part of your arm is parallel to the floor.

Extend your arm with the dumbbell without changing the position of its shoulder part. Perform 5 sets of 8 – 12 repetitions for each arm. This exercise primarily works the lateral (outer) head of the triceps muscle of the arm.

It is advisable to include extensions in a standing position with emphasis on one knee in the training program when the desired mass has been achieved and it is necessary to improve the definition of the back of the arms.

4. Lying dumbbell extension

It is also advisable to perform this exercise when you need to “fry” your triceps. It also works the outer heads of the triceps. Only, unlike the previous exercise, the middle head is practically inactive here; Only one lateral head of the triceps works.

Triceps training occurs in this way: lie down on a horizontal bench, raise your arm with the dumbbell up so that it is strictly perpendicular to the floor. Lower the dumbbell by bending your elbow so that your shoulder remains vertical. Lower your arm across your torso. At the lowest point, the dumbbell should touch the bench, just above the opposite shoulder.

4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions.

5. Tate Press

Reciprocal transverse triceps extensions (another name for the Tate press) are an exercise similar to the previous one. It differs only in that when performing its extensions, both hands work at once.

Taking a dumbbell in each hand, lie down on a horizontal bench. Straighten your arms - just like in transverse extensions - and lower the dumbbells across your torso, bending your elbows. The dumbbells should not touch throughout the entire set, and the palms should always be facing backwards.

5 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Sets of triceps exercises for girls

Below are three triceps workout routines. These are the most effective triceps exercises you can do at home.

First complex– for women who have just started fitness training and do not have problems with excess weight. Second– also for beginner girls and women, but with excess weight problems. Third– for all women who have already achieved some success in training the triceps muscles of the arms.

1 complex

Monday: Push-ups from the floor in a narrow setting - 4 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions. Dumbbell extensions while sitting on a bench, or a similar exercise on a horizontal bench (depending on the length of the triceps).

3 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions.

Friday: Narrow push-ups. 4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions. For the first two workouts, perform no more than 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

From the third week, replace this exercise with push-ups and use weights.

You need to practice this complex until 4 sets of 15 repetitions are given without much difficulty.

2 complex

Monday: Bench push-ups. Set the weight with which you can perform 15 repetitions, and do 4 sets of 10 repetitions with it, resting 1 - 1.5 minutes between them. then rest for 3 minutes, and complete the 5th approach - with the maximum number of repetitions.

Extension of arms while standing in an inclined position. Do 5 sets with a weight that allows you to complete 12 reps. The interval between approaches is 1.5 – 2 minutes.

Transverse arm curls. 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: Narrow push-ups. 5 approaches: in the first four sets - 15 repetitions, in the last - the maximum number of repetitions. Seated triceps extensions. Take a dumbbell that you can do 20 reps with. Perform 6 sets of 15 reps, resting 2 minutes between sets.

3 complex

Monday: Arm extensions with a dumbbell while sitting on a bench, or bent over triceps extensions with emphasis on one knee. 6 sets of 6 reps.

With weights for 8 reps, perform 6 sets of 6 reps, resting 1 minute after each set.

Transverse curls – 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: Bench push-ups. Set the weight for 8 reps, do 8 reps. Then, without resting, lose 5 kg and complete the set to failure.

Do 2 more sets of lowering the weight, also without resting between them.

Tate press. Perform 5 sets of 10–12 repetitions, resting 2–2.5 minutes between sets.


For some women, it is enough to practice the 1st complex for two months to begin “advanced” training. For others, even six months is not enough. Here It's all about genetics and body fat levels.

Typically, in women with excess weight problems, the triceps are transformed no earlier than after 2 months of training.. For “inchies” who are not burdened with excess weight, this period is significantly shorter – 4–5 weeks.To significantly transform your triceps, you need to exercise for at least 3 months.

You learned how to pump up a girl’s triceps at home. If you have achieved good results and want to continue pumping your triceps to get relief, use this set of triceps exercises.published
