What is protein used for? Protein for girls: should it be taken, effectiveness for weight loss, rules of use. For muscle growth

In most cases, protein is needed to build muscle mass. Protein is found in most human muscle mass. The substance is used to lose weight, maintain good physical shape, and increase muscle size. Why do you need protein?

Protein is consumed mainly by athletes. Bodybuilders drink it to build muscle mass and improve their athletic performance. They don’t wonder why they need protein because they know its properties well. We will talk about them in this article.

Protein requirement

Attention! Protein is a kind of powder concentrate that contains a large amount of high-quality protein of plant or animal origin.

So why do you need protein? If you constantly drink drinks that contain protein, the level of protein in your body will be high. Your diet will improve and your muscle mass will grow. Protein is also a source of amino acids, which are building materials for muscles and stimulate the production of proteins.

The amount of protein an athlete needs depends on the level of training.

Plus drink

So why do you need protein, and what are its effects on the body, we will now look at it.

It's best to drink a protein shake after a workout. Add a few tablespoons of powder, add milk, banana and beat everything in a mixer.

Protein is the basis for diet and training. The main advantages are:

  • convenient use. As a result of training, the athlete is not always able to prepare his own food on time, so this cocktail can easily replace it;
  • good product absorption. The liquid base of the cocktail is absorbed much faster than solid food;
  • taste. A variety of flavoring ingredients are included in protein supplements. They perfectly complement the overall diet;
  • nutritional value. All the necessary composition, including amino acids, is contained in protein.

Why do girls need protein?

Why do girls need protein? Many people believe that protein is not needed for the female body. This is wrong. After all, protein is necessary for any body, regardless of whether it should be taken by a man or a woman. It will be easier for a girl to get a sculpted body if she drinks a protein shake. Therefore, it will be possible to acquire a beautiful belly, arms and other parts of the body only by strictly consuming a protein shake. Therefore, having analyzed the question of why girls need protein, you can get a definite answer - for a beautiful body, especially if a girl plays sports.

Protein varieties

There are the following types of protein supplements:

  • whey It occupies a leading position in absorption in the body. The amino acid components are excellent. The additive can be divided into types: concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzate;
  • casein Absorbs slowly. Must be consumed before bedtime;
  • dairy. The composition contains whey and casein. Thanks to this mixing, the protein mixture is absorbed quite quickly;
  • soy. The cocktail lowers cholesterol in the blood;
  • egg. Expensive, has a characteristic taste;
  • wheat;
  • meat. Absorbs very well. The supplement is rich in amino acids.

Who uses protein?

We will now look at why protein is consumed and who needs it.

Attention! The mixture is well suited for people who engage in physical activity. Among them are: boxers, wrestlers, football players, sprinters, bodybuilders.

Of course, bodybuilders consume protein drinks the most, since their main goal is to build a beautiful, muscular body. And protein is precisely the substance without which this is impossible.

  • in the morning - whey;
  • in the intervals between meals - complex;
  • at the end of the workout - whey;
  • before going to bed - casein.

Protein for weight loss

So why should girls take protein? The answer is clear - lose weight. Many girls use protein shakes to lose weight. However, they should be consumed as an additional ingredient to the main diet. Food must be consumed at least 5 times a day, or even more. For snacks, protein-based shakes are perfect. Conveniently transportable. Be careful not to feel hungry while taking it. Otherwise, fat reserves will begin to be deposited again. By the way, hunger destroys muscle tissue. Large muscle mass helps to quickly reduce body fat. And the weight is gaining faster than expected. It is a good idea to take protein supplements 3 times a day. You should also drink plenty of clean water.

Are there any contraindications to taking protein?

Usually there are no side effects. However, some people are allergic to lactose. To do this, you need to change the type of proteins used. For a weight loss program to work, you need to work hard. Sports activities and a healthy diet are the basis for successful weight loss.

Protein for strong bones

Another reason why people drink protein: a large number of people do not get enough calcium for their bodies. However, only it strengthens bones and promotes muscle contractions. One scoop contains about 20% of the daily value of calcium.

How to properly consume a protein shake?

We have already figured out why to take protein, but now we will tell you how to do it correctly so that it is beneficial.

The cocktail looks like a beige powder. However, if flavors or dyes are added to it, it may be a different color. You can buy it in a jar of 1 to 2 kg. Natural powder costs a lot of money.

It is advisable to buy the mixture at a sports nutrition store or order it online. We do not recommend buying protein in packaged bags without a brand designation.

Attention! If you do not want to harm yourself, do not buy cheap products.

Take protein with milk, water or juice. The liquid is made warm, but under no circumstances hot, otherwise the protein will curdle. The manufacturer must indicate on the label how many milliliters of liquid to add to a serving of protein.

Drink before or after?

If you drink a cocktail after a workout, then you should think about whether you need it before class. Act as you wish and do not pay attention to the opinions of experts. In general, drinking a drink before or after training does not make any difference. The main thing is to consume it in sufficient quantities per day. However, if you take protein before your workouts, they will be more effective, and you will be able to burn more calories and gain muscle mass quickly.

Exercise on time and follow a diet. This is a fast way to achieve your goal.

Why drink when you can eat?

Why drink protein when you can eat it? Why then do they eat protein? The questions are quite interesting, since most people only know about protein shakes. However, the protein can be eaten. Protein bars consist of: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, it is possible to add creatine or energy components, excipients. It does not contain prohibited substances.

Are Protein Bars Healthy?

Why do you need protein in bars, and why is it so useful? The bar is useful because it contains protein and carbohydrates, which are a kind of energy drink, are easily delivered to the body, and are convenient to transport.

However, there are many fakes. Not everyone can afford a candy bar.

Types of bars and their purpose

What types of bars are there, and why do they add protein? There is a specific answer to this question.

The bars are:

  • cereals. They are used when they want to lose weight;
  • high protein. Helps very well in gaining muscle mass;
  • high carbohydrate. Contain a large number of calories.

There are other types of bars, but these are the most popular.

There are a number of reasons why bars can be said to be worse than protein powders:

  • have a low protein content;
  • they are characterized by a high price;
  • contain fat, sugar, carbohydrates.

In conclusion, we note that protein is a universal supplement that helps athletes achieve their desired goal.

Protein is protein! Remember immediately and forever, treat protein exactly like protein.

Protein (as a mixture) is always used for one purpose - to optimize the diet and increase the amount of protein in it. In this case, protein can be used both during the period of gaining muscle mass (in this case, protein is used as a source of additional building material for muscles), and during the period of reducing fat percentage (in this case, protein is used as a way to get additional “fractional” techniques) foods that are suitable in composition for your diet and help speed up metabolism, maintain the desired calorie intake and preserve muscle mass), and by any athlete (of any sport) - to speed up recovery after training, and even by any person who is not involved in sports, to optimize the diet regular nutrition, supplementing it with healthy protein.

In simple terms, protein is universal, if you want to gain weight, then you should use it in addition to a proper high-calorie diet (correct from the point of view of gaining muscle mass), and if you want to lose weight, i.e. reduce the percentage of fat, then use protein supplements in as separate meals - between meals of regular food, thus obtaining a fractional diet low in carbohydrates and fats, i.e. creating conditions for fat burning.

By the way, protein is the very key supplement to supplement the diet of an ordinary person who wants to speed up the fat burning process as much as possible. One of the main mistakes is irregular (in the morning - I didn’t have time, at lunch - I had a snack, in the evening - I ate “for two”) food with low biological value, rich in animal fats, quickly digestible (simple) carbohydrates, which often leads to obesity and is the main problem that must be eliminated first. Protein allows you to get the required number of meals (fractional diet), and achieve the correct ratio of protein/fat/carbohydrates.

Protein is food, an addition to food, it should be consumed regularly, just as you eat regular food (you must agree, it doesn’t occur to you to eat meat today and then not eat for a month) and treat it accordingly, as a source of biologically valuable nutrients - squirrel! (protein-protein-protein - remember!) Muscles do not grow at a rate of 500 grams per day - this is a long and complex process, and throughout it you must create conditions for this very “muscle growth” (which means monitoring protein levels, consuming protein). Because of this wrong attitude, many consumers who do not have a sufficient budget for regular use of premium protein save/save and then purchase (also in a small package) the coolest protein isolate! This is happiness, which unfortunately ends quickly. Remember that the most correct approach to sports nutrition is “Budget”; if you can afford to allocate 2000-3000 rubles a month for sports nutrition, then you need to proceed from this, and not try to “jump in over your head.” Yes, of course, whey protein isolate is better absorbed than concentrate, easier to drink, contains less ballast substances, etc., but it is much more effective to regularly use concentrate (an inexpensive type of protein) - the key word is REGULARLY (as well as to train) than to buy a small jar isolate and drink it 10 days before.

One of the common mistakes is when protein chooses an obvious ectomorph to optimize the diet, moreover, with completely irregular and inadequate nutrition (1-2-3 times, the first of which is cookies with tea, the second is soup). Remember the first principle of effective weight gain - “positive calorie balance!” If you don’t eat and get the right amount of calories, you won’t grow! Protein is not a way to get extra calories - it's protein!

Remember! Don't choose protein if you can't provide yourself with 5-6 full meals a day. If you choose protein to gain muscle mass, get calories from regular food! BE SURE TO WATCH YOUR DIET

1) The percentage of pure protein in the mixture. The more pure protein in a given mixture, the better, because as consumers we pay for this protein, and it is pure protein that our muscles need;

2)Biological value. This characteristic consists of two parameters:

a) the usefulness of the amino acid composition (how close the amino acid score of a given protein is to the “ideal protein” (ideal for humans because everything is relative));

b) % protein absorption, i.e. how much pure protein will be absorbed by your body or “absorption efficiency”;

As you understand with this characteristic, everything is simple, the higher the biological value, the better.

3) Speed ​​of absorption. Most protein products can be divided into three categories based on the speed of absorption: fast proteins, proteins with an average rate of absorption, and slow proteins. At different times, you need different proteins.

4) Taste and other organoleptic qualities (color, smell, consistency). It’s also a very important parameter and a very subjective parameter (some people like chocolate, and some don’t, some like it thicker and sweeter, and some just the opposite). You remember that you need to treat protein as food, and food should be tasty.

5) Price. An important, but not very universal parameter because someone wants a very economical product, someone a product with an ideal price/composition ratio, and someone wants the best of the best and understands that you have to pay for the best, in our store we We divide products within the category “by segment” (economy, medium, premium) - this helps customers make their choice more efficiently.

All these key qualities directly depend on the type of protein in the protein product: whey, milk, egg, soy, beef, etc., the method of processing raw materials (concentration, isolation - type of isolation), the purity of the raw materials, the presence of other ingredients in the composition including those pursuing “marketing goals”.

Unfortunately, there is no ideal protein (the best in all these 5 points): you have to pay for a very high percentage of protein and increased biological value; such a protein cannot be cheap a priori. Therefore, it is most reasonable to make your choice taking into account the time for optimizing the diet (when will we drink protein - after training and in the morning or afternoon between meals, or at night?), as well as the allocated budget for sports nutrition.

Choose a protein from a manufacturer with a proven and good reputation - this will save you money and protect your health (how such “goreproteins” are produced can only be guessed at, but, for example, the salmonella virus is periodically found even in infant formula - don’t be fooled just by the tempting price, take into account all factors)

1) Post-workout and morning protein. Key time to use protein supplements: after training and every morning (daily - on training and non-training days) protein significantly outperforms regular food in terms of potential "anabolic response" (don't be scared by the word "anabolism", to simplify it - it's "muscle growth" ). There are special conditions post-workout and in the morning that allow you to get maximum results from the super fast absorption of whey protein, which is why whey protein is the best protein to take post-workout and in the morning. Which type of whey protein to choose depends largely on your budget.

The best "fast proteins":

Premium segment: The clear leader in this segment is . , then from Optimum Nutrition (packaging 1600 grams instead of 2270 has a very negative effect on the price/number of servings indicator).

Important! If your goal is to increase muscle mass, then post-workout/morning protein (let’s call it “fast” for simplicity) should definitely be the first protein you choose! No matter how complete your diet is, you will not find analogues from ordinary food and will not get a similar effect (for muscle growth). Remember - choose your post-workout/morning protein first. The ideal scheme for using “fast protein” in this case will look like this: immediately after training - a post-workout complex based on fast carbohydrates with increased molecular weight, free amino acids and creatine (the ideal product that solves this problem at this time is), and after 30 minutes after using it (when you come home, for example) - a portion of “fast protein” (if your weight is more than 100 kg, then two servings, provided that it is a very easy-to-digest protein (isolated and hydrolyzed, enriched with enzymes), ideal in this case )

Beginning bodybuilders quite often, wanting to quickly build muscle mass, do not pay close attention to the selection of a protein shake, purchasing the first one they come across, without thinking about the fact that each type of protein supplement has its own purpose. Protein should be selected taking into account the goals and objectives set by the athlete.

To achieve success in any sport, regular training alone is not enough; you also need to adhere to a special diet. Protein consumption as part of dietary sports nutrition is required in the following sports disciplines:

  • fitness;
  • bodybuilding;
  • powerlifting;
  • any sport aimed at muscle growth and strength development.

There are many types of protein supplements. Some are ideal for those who want to lose weight, while others, on the contrary, promote muscle growth. Consequently, the wrong choice can lead to the opposite of the desired result.

In sports nutrition, protein is the protein that makes up almost all body tissues. When protein is broken down in the body, energy is released.

There are two groups of protein - independent amino acids, which are vital, and interchangeable acids. Proteins from the first group are found in liver, fish, meat, dairy products, and from the second - in various types of cereals.

For the body to function normally, the daily protein intake per kilogram of a person’s own weight must be at least 1.5 grams. The ideal ratio is 2 grams.

Protein supplements produced by sports nutrition manufacturers are of organic rather than chemical origin. They are obtained from natural products, when all unnecessary substances and components present in them are removed and come in several types:


Protein in its purest form, the amount of impurities in which is minimal. It is easily absorbed by the body. This drug is the most expensive among whey proteins. It is taken after training to restore energy reserves and tone muscles.



The drug is not just purified, but partially fermented. Its main feature is instant digestibility. This is achieved due to the fact that each substance has the form of a peptide. The reduced load on the body leads to a decrease in the number of enzymes responsible for the process of protein breakdown, which results in energy production. This refers to a significant disadvantage of this category of protein.

Protein is obtained from various substances. Depending on the donor, the following groups of drugs are distinguished:


The most valuable protein, serving as a standard for assessing the usefulness and effectiveness of other types. In the body it is absorbed almost completely, that is, almost one hundred percent.

Whey Protein Isolate

The most valuable supplement containing the maximum concentration of BCAA amino acids, which has the highest rate of breakdown. Thanks to this, the drug instantly restores muscle condition and energy reserves. This makes it ideal for taking in the morning, when the body has not yet fully recovered from sleep, and after training.


It has a complex structure. It is obtained as a result of the use of a special enzyme, which leads to curdling of milk. It has a special structure and, upon entering the body, is converted into cheese mass, which is absorbed over a long period of time. The gradual breakdown of casein protein allows the body to obtain energy for a long period. You can use it both at night and when you need energy replenishment for some time.


The unique acidic composition of this type of protein has a beneficial effect on the concentration of cholesterol levels. It falls into the category of supplements that promote effective weight loss. It is usually used by people suffering from excess weight, as well as athletes with individual lactose intolerance. The downside to this soy-derived protein is that it can cause gastrointestinal problems. When taking it, you must follow a strict dosage.


Thanks to its amino acid composition, it strengthens ligaments, joints, skin, and connective tissues. The supplement is used as a complement to other main medications.


It consists of a mixture of casein and whey proteins, which are usually taken in proportions of 20 to 80 percent, and a small amount of milk carbohydrates.

Each of the listed protein types can be purchased separately. Sports nutrition manufacturers offer complex supplements that contain two or more proteins.

There are no supplements that are 100% protein. Its concentration varies between 50-90%. There are certain preparations in which protein makes up 95% of the total mass of the mixture. And in order to calculate the dosage and introduce the drug into your usual diet, you should take this fact into account and know how to take it correctly.

The additive is diluted with juice or water. The amount of liquid does not play any role. The only rule to remember when preparing a protein mixture is that you cannot use boiling water. Otherwise, the protein may simply coagulate, that is, become unsuitable for consumption.

To gain additional muscle mass, you need to take your daily protein supplement in two doses. The mixture is drunk the first time in the morning, and the second time - after training or before an evening meal, if it is a rest day. The amount of protein consumed can be divided into more meals. The main thing is not to drink the entire mixture at once. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the gastrointestinal tract will not be able to cope with such an amount of protein, some of which will not be absorbed.

When a protein mixture is consumed for the purpose of losing weight, it replaces part of the usual diet, but is not combined with usual meals. The supplement is used instead of snacks, breakfast or dinner. This approach allows you to replenish the protein required for the full functioning of the body, but reduce the calorie content of your usual diet. This will have a positive effect on weight in the direction of reduction.

Why do non-athletes need protein?

The use of protein mixtures has no age restrictions. It is obtained exclusively from food raw materials. It is well absorbed and physiologically compatible with the body. The high need for it is due to the lifestyle that modern people lead.

Stress, physical inactivity, and short-term physical activity helped reduce the need for carbohydrates and fats. However, given the vital importance of protein in providing energy to the body, the amount of protein required has remained unchanged.

This situation is not reflected in the food industry. The abundant fast food available contains a high concentration of fats and carbohydrates, but there is practically no protein in it. The result of this is protein starvation, which protein shakes are designed to counteract.

Possible harm from eating protein

A contraindication to the use of the supplement is individual intolerance to protein or another substance included in the mixture. Against the background of dysbacteriosis or a lack of protein-digesting enzymes, indigestion may occur. If a similar situation occurs, you should reduce the dosage of the mixture or start taking enzymes. This can happen even when an athlete purchases the best supplement.

Protein cannot cause any harm to internal organs, but can lead to an exacerbation of existing kidney diseases. To eliminate this consequence, it is enough to exclude the additive from your diet. This will allow the body to return to its original state.

Protein is essential for muscle growth and lean muscle mass gain. This guide will tell you about the different types of protein powders and other supplements, what they do, and how to take them correctly.


  • About the benefits of protein supplements and the importance of scheduling their intake;
  • About the different sources of protein included in the supplements;
  • Why adequate protein intake plays a critical role in the muscle building process;
  • About the thermogenic properties of protein, and how it affects fat burning and metabolism;
  • About the best natural sources of protein;
  • How much protein should you consume per day?
  • The advantages of natural products and what protein gives;
  • What is protein made from?
  • When to drink different types of cocktails;
  • How to combine protein with carbohydrates to gain weight;
  • How to choose the right protein powder, gainer, meal replacement and recovery drink;
  • What nutritional supplements go well with protein intake.

Welcome to the complete guide to what protein is and what it does. This digest combines information about all the nuances of taking these supplements, including the benefits of their use, the schedule of use and a description of the types of protein included in their composition.

If after reading the article you still have questions, you can ask them in the comments, we will answer each one.

I’ll say right away that protein is the protein that is found in chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and even plant products. Protein is often referred to as powdered supplements that are used to make shakes to consume your daily protein intake in a lighter, tastier form. This is not a chemical, it is the same product as baby food, which is also made from raw protein, which can be bought at the factory in large bags. And it's much more convenient than chewing chicken breast, especially after a workout.

What is protein (protein) and why take it?

Protein is one of three macronutrients that organisms convert into energy. Macronutrients include proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Scientifically speaking, protein is made up of a chain of amino acids. The bonds that prevent these chains from breaking apart are called peptide bonds. Amino acids are the main source of nitrogen in the body. Thanks to a positive nitrogen balance, proper growth and restoration of muscles, bones, nails, hair, skin and renewal of internal organs is possible.

In addition to building muscle tissue, the functions of protein include:

  • maintaining blood pH levels;
  • maintaining muscle mass during a diet or reducing caloric intake;
  • energy production with a lack of carbohydrates;
  • restoration and maintenance of appropriate hormonal levels;
  • carrying out vital chemical reactions;
  • ensuring proper functioning of the immune system;
  • regulation of water balance.

Protein for muscle growth

The combination of increasing your daily protein intake with strength training helps build lean muscle mass. The human body is in a continuous “protein cycle”. Muscle fibers are continuously restored and renewed. To make this process as intense as possible, you need to maintain a positive protein-nitrogen balance.

The body will suffer from a lack of protein. He needs to process so many raw materials that he is not able to provide the proper level of tissue restoration. As a result, this leads to loss of muscle mass. Other vital functions, such as regulating hormones and maintaining blood pH balance, are also at risk.

When you engage in an intense strength training regimen, more muscle tissue is required to recover than usual. This is why bodybuilders and weightlifters need more protein. Nitrogen balance has a stronger effect on muscle growth than on its maintenance.

Regular consumption of proteins is accompanied by a stable supply of amino acids and helps maintain a positive nitrogen balance.

The Importance of Protein for Fat Loss

Protein foods are thermogenic. In simple words, it takes more energy to digest it, which is very good for weight loss. The human body has to work 30% more actively to digest protein foods than to process and absorb carbohydrate and fat components. Thus, protein diets speed up metabolism and accelerate the loss of excess fat.

Adequate protein intake also helps convert body fat into energy. With a lack of protein, it is more difficult for the body to reach fat reserves. This entails “eating” muscle tissue to produce energy. This is why low protein diets make you sluggish and exhausted.

Protein for recovery

Without protein, muscle recovery and training progress are impossible. Two phenomena take place during the training process:

  1. Loss of muscle glycogen.
  2. Injury to muscles, after which they need to be restored.

Consistent consumption of protein ensures a positive nitrogen balance, which puts the body into “muscle repair mode.” The faster your muscle tissue is repaired, the faster you will recover. Conversely, protein deficiency results in a negative nitrogen balance. Under such conditions, the recovery process slows down.

Increased protein intake is of paramount importance, especially for those athletes who train frequently or cut back on the amount of fat they consume.

Protein Source Products

Protein foods include eggs, cheese, milk, seafood, fish, poultry, beef, pork, lamb, veal, soy, nuts and legumes. Fatty and starchy foods have a small amount of protein. The minimal protein content explains the fact that bodybuilders and athletes often neglect these products when preparing protein diets.

Based on the quality of protein, products are divided into complete and incomplete.

Complete protein foods contain the entire set of essential amino acids. This includes animal protein (meat). Incomplete protein foods, such as vegetables, lack several essential amino acids. Moreover, this shortage is different for all products.

The popularity of dietary protein supplements has increased significantly over the past 30 years due to several factors. They are convenient because you don’t need to spend time preparing them. They are also more cost-effective, since on average they cost less than beef, seafood or even chicken.

The benefits of protein (protein for health)

Adequate protein intake has a positive effect on health. This primarily affects:

Anabolism. Thanks to dietary protein, the body goes into a state of anabolism. When talking about muscle growth, “anabolism” is associated with building muscle, not breaking it down. The opposite concept is catabolism. Low protein intake leads to catabolization (breakdown) of muscle tissue.

Regulation of growth hormones. Good health cannot be maintained without an appropriate balance of growth hormones. This hormone contains 190 amino acids. A normal intake of protein provides the body with the necessary material for its synthesis. Growth hormone significantly affects metabolism. It is responsible for decreased bone density, muscle loss, and other health problems, including many physiological disorders.

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF1). It causes muscle cells to respond adequately to growth hormone. Consists of 70 amino acids. A lack of protein leads to a decrease in its level, as a result of which the body is not able to utilize the existing protein.

Metabolism. As noted earlier, digesting protein requires more energy, i.e. essentially, it stimulates metabolism. If there is a protein deficiency, the body is unlikely to be able to use fat deposits.

Insulin. Protein helps reduce insulin levels in the blood, which affects energy regulation.

What is my protein requirement?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) requires US adults to consume 0.8 g of protein per kg of body weight. Those who weigh 90 kg require a minimum of 72 g of protein per day. For a body weight of 70 kg, the lowest recommended dose is 54 g daily.

Anyone who exercises intensely and wants to gain muscle mass should consume twice the amount of protein recommended by the RDA. On average, bodybuilders are advised to take approximately 2-3 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Another useful tip is to ensure that 20-40% of your daily calories come from protein.

2-3 g of protein per 1 kg of weight

  • 56 kg – 125–188 g
  • 70 kg – 150–225 g
  • 80 kg – 175-263 g
  • 90 kg – 200-300 g
  • 102 kg – 225-338 g
  • 113 kg – 250-375 g

20-40% of daily calories as protein

Calories - required amount of protein

  • 1500 Kcal – 75-150 g
  • 2000 Kcal – 100-200 g
  • 2500 Kcal – 125-250 g
  • 3000 Kcal – 150-300 g
  • 3500 Kcal – 175-350 g
  • 4000 Kcal – 200-400 g
  • 5000 Kcal – 250-500 g

Protein supplements and sports nutrition

We looked at the role of adequate protein intake in maintaining good health. We have found that athletes and bodybuilders need more protein to promote rapid muscle recovery and growth. With that in mind, let's take a closer look at protein supplements.

What is the point of protein supplements?

You already understand what protein is and why it is needed not only for those who play sports, but also for ordinary people. Sports supplements are rich in protein and nutrients designed to help bodybuilders and athletes reach recommended protein intake levels. The range of supplements includes protein powders, bars, gainers and meal replacements.

Often, one serving of protein supplements contains 20-30 grams of protein, fortified with vitamins and minerals. These supplements come in a variety of flavors, from fruity protein powders to cookies-and-cream flavored mass gainers to peanut butter-flavored protein bars.

Introduction to General Terminology

(isolate, multi-component proteins, amino acids, etc.)

Below is a list of commonly known terms associated with protein supplements:

Isolate. An isolated protein source is a chemically purified product that contains virtually no impurities other than the actual protein source. Most often, the isolate includes 90% or more purified protein.

Concentrate. A concentrated protein source contains more impurities than an isolate. It mainly accounts for 70-85% of proteins. Concentrates are higher in fat, carbohydrates and, when it comes to whey protein, lactose.

Multicomponent proteins. It is a combination of several protein sources of varying concentrations. Such proteins may cost less than isolates. Another advantage is the presence of sources of both slowly and quickly digested protein.

Amino acids. They are components of proteins. Despite the presence of more than 100 amino acids, only 20 of them are considered standard. In turn, they are replaceable and irreplaceable. Essential ones are not produced by the body; their reserves must be replenished with food. Replaceable ones can be synthesized by the body.

BCAAs. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are the chains found in the three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. The combination of these three essential amino acids makes up more than a third of the human body's skeletal muscle and stimulates protein synthesis.

Gainer. Gainers are high-calorie protein powders taken by athletes and bodybuilders to quickly gain weight. They are consumed as a snack or between meals to increase your daily calorie intake.

Meal replacements. Protein meal replacement products are considered complete meal replacement products. They contain a balanced nutritional and macronutrient mixture that provides not only the optimal dose of protein, but also the necessary amount of carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Recovery drink. This supplement contains varying amounts of additional non-protein products with the main goal of promoting post-workout recovery. Such drinks can be made with creatine, multivitamins and minerals, and also contain large doses of glutamine and taurine.

Slowly digested protein. This slow-digesting protein source promotes a consistent supply of protein and amino acids, and helps maintain a positive nitrogen balance over time. Ideal for taking between meals.

Fast digesting protein. Fast-digesting protein sources like whey act immediately to regulate nitrogen levels, especially after a long break from eating. Suitable as a post-workout protein supplement.

Energy bar. These bars serve as a quick, healthy and stable source of energy when you need a snack between meals. Even though they contain some amount of protein, this dose is still much less than in protein bars.

What are protein supplements for?

Most athletes eat protein foods in small portions at least 5-8 times a day. It can take a very long time to prepare this amount of food. The key benefit of protein supplements is that they are quick to prepare.

Often they are completely ready to eat. How often has life interfered with your plans for the day and completely ruined them? This happens often to most people. Protein supplements do not need to be refrigerated and are convenient to carry with you. They can accompany you everywhere unnoticed.

You will also appreciate how affordable they are. Beef, salmon and other popular protein products are quite expensive. On the other hand, the cost of a 30-gram serving of protein powders is much less. You can spend the money saved in this way on purchasing higher quality and more expensive protein foods. And if you are trying to gain weight, then gainers will be even more economical.

Creating the right protein supplement regimen will help you gain maximum muscle mass. Protein supplements give you the option of taking fast- or slow-digesting proteins whenever needed.

Who should take protein supplements?

Bodybuilders. For anyone looking to build muscle, protein supplements are not a choice... they are a necessity. Whether you're a whey protein fan or just like to keep a protein bar in reserve, protein supplements have your back.

Athletes. It's not just bodybuilders who need protein supplements. Hard-training athletes need extra protein to produce energy, repair muscles, and ensure proper body function.

Dieters. Protein foods speed up metabolism and allow you to more actively burn fat deposits. After eating a protein meal, you feel fuller and more satisfied. Dieters use protein supplements and meal replacements to stimulate fat burning and combat hunger.

Hardgainers. People who are underweight or have fast metabolisms have difficulty eating enough to maintain their weight. Protein products, especially gainers, will help make up for the lack of calories at that time of day when you don’t feel like eating, but need to.

Protein supplements or natural products: which is better?

Benefits of protein supplements:

  • Fast-digesting proteins are more suitable for taking in the morning or after a workout. The energy value of whey protein makes it an optimal source of protein during these hours.
  • Protein supplements can help you save money. A 30 g serving of certain categories of protein products (beef, fish) will not be cheap.
  • Protein supplements primarily provide more complete and balanced sources of protein.
  • Vitamins and minerals are often included in protein supplements, making them a versatile protein food.
  • Gainers are easily digestible and high-calorie foods that do not cause a feeling of heaviness.
  • Protein supplements are available in a wide variety of flavors to combat the temptations that often plague high-protein dieters.
  • Many protein supplements can serve as low-calorie desserts for those with a sweet tooth.
  • Protein supplements are easy to use and virtually hassle-free.
  • Protein supplements are less temperature sensitive and generally do not require refrigeration or heating.
  • Some protein supplements have greater biological value than natural products.
  • A protein shake doesn't put as much strain on your stomach at night.

Benefits of natural food:

  • You know exactly what you are eating and what its origin is.
  • Protein foods like eggs, braided cheese, milk and tuna may cost less than some protein supplements.
  • Natural food is varied. It can be combined with other foods when you want something special.
  • Some protein supplements may not contain the ingredients listed on the package.
  • Cervixes can cause bloating in some people.
  • A wide variety of natural foods provide nutritional diversity that is difficult to achieve with protein supplements.
  • Milk and eggs have record nutritional value.
  • Research shows that beef helps you gain more muscle mass compared to other protein sources.

Types of proteins

There are different types of protein, which are all equally rich in protein and amino acids, but may differ in the rate of absorption, amino acid composition and content of fats, carbohydrates and other additives.

Whey Protein

Whey proteins contain 20% milk proteins. It is a by-product of cheese production. Originally a waste product, whey protein is now the most popular protein supplement. It has high nutritional value and is rich in amino acids important for muscle growth: leucine, isoleucine, valine. This is a source of quickly digested protein that does not cause heaviness in the stomach. It is also low in glutamine and arginine.

Whey isolate

This is a more expensive version of whey protein. It is a high-quality source of protein with high biological value (BC). One serving contains less lactose than whey concentrate. Whey isolate contains 90-98% protein, compared to 70-85% protein in whey concentrate.

Whey concentrate

The most economical representative of the whey family. It is quickly digestible, but is rich in fats and lactose. Protein concentration reaches 70-85%.

Multi-Component Whey Proteins

They are made using a special formula of a combination of whey isolates and concentrates. They are cheaper than whey isolates, but their protein percentage is higher than whey concentrates.

Casein protein

80% of the protein in this type of protein comes from milk protein. Casein protein is a slow-digesting protein extracted from milk. Overall it contains 92% protein and has a rich flavor. Thanks to this, he was especially loved by those who wanted to gain weight. Despite its lower biological value than whey protein, casein protein is more effective in building muscle mass. Most of the casein protein consumed is used for muscle growth rather than energy production, which forces the body to use fat deposits and carbohydrates for these needs. Casein also contains more glutamine, which is popular among bodybuilders.

Egg albumin

This is nothing more than egg white. Its popularity among bodybuilders is explained by its higher concentration of essential amino acids compared to non-essential ones. It is also important that the egg white contains less cholesterol than the yolk. Eggs are often considered the king of natural protein foods due to their high dose of essential amino acids. For those suffering from lactose intolerance, there is no better option than egg white.

Soy protein

High quality protein, but less effective than whey and casein. This is a source of quickly digested protein with a very mediocre amino acid composition. Therefore, it is less valuable for building muscle.

Soy Protein Isolate

It has a higher biological value than soy protein, therefore, it is better absorbed by the body. However, its quality is significantly lower than that of soy protein.

Goat milk protein

The biological value of this type of protein surpasses all currently existing ones. Moreover, the dose of BCAA in goat milk is record high, and there is no lactose at all. Its biological value reaches 104, which exceeds all other products, including eggs with a BC of 100.

Wheat protein

It is a healthy and natural alternative to dairy and egg based proteins. Does not contain lactose or cholesterol, and is perfect for vegetarian bodybuilders and athletes. Wheat protein contains a lot of glutamic acid.

Pea protein

100% glutamine free and suitable for vegetarians. Like wheat, it does not include lactose and cholesterol. It is easily digested, being a storehouse of amino acids.

Whole milk protein

Made from milk protein powder with fats and carbohydrates removed. Nutritious product containing calcium and other vitamins and minerals. It contains both whey and casein proteins.

How to Take Protein for Maximum Results

Reception regimen: how to drink protein correctly

Determining the time and method of taking protein is a whole science that allows you to achieve the best results. It’s not enough to buy the protein you like, mix it and drink it. Other factors need to be taken into account.

Take on an empty stomach. Immediately upon awakening, the body experiences hunger. You've been without protein for some time, and the body craves fast-digesting protein to maintain a positive nitrogen balance.

In this situation, a protein powder made from a combination of fast and slow digesting proteins works best. This could be a whey protein drink accompanied by a solid protein product (egg or cheese), or a combination of whey and casein protein powders.

Fast-digesting proteins will instantly provide a positive nitrogen balance, allowing you to start the day by fueling your muscles with everything they need to grow. With a slow-digesting protein like casein, amino acids will continue to flow into your bloodstream, helping you last until your next protein meal.

Before training. Your pre-workout meal should consist of slow-digesting protein powders to prevent your nitrogen levels from depleting during your workout.

After training. The principle is similar to taking protein on an empty stomach. Eat a mixture of fast and slow digesting proteins to help you recover faster after training and maintain optimal nitrogen balance while waiting for your next meal.

Between meals. Occasional protein supplements used as snacks throughout the day should contain slow-digesting proteins, such as casein or egg. Eating slow-digesting proteins between meals helps maintain optimal nitrogen balance around the clock.

Night time. Eating slow-digesting proteins at night will help maintain a positive nitrogen balance while you sleep. When going to bed, it is better to take casein protein.

Meal replacements

This is the most underrated type of protein supplement available. It is not just a source of protein, but a complete and nutritious food.

A meal replacement bar or shake may include slow- or fast-digesting proteins or multi-proteins. When purchasing a meal replacement product, take the time to find out the source of its protein ingredient. Similar to protein powders, this product can be taken at any time of the day. It should be noted that among food substitutes there are both dietary varieties and, conversely, those that promote weight gain.

Meal replacements containing whey protein (or multi-component whey protein) are suitable for consumption in the morning instead of breakfast. Fast-digesting whey protein will help restore a positive nitrogen balance and begin the process of muscle building and repair.

Meal replacements labeled "diet" are intended for weight loss and are suitable as an alternative to main meals such as breakfast or lunch.

Meal replacement shakes or bars made from slow-digesting non-whey proteins work well as lunch or dinner. Slowly digested proteins will maintain a positive nitrogen balance for a long time.

Gaining weight with proteins and carbohydrates

For skinny “hard gainers” or athletes looking to bulk up, taking in quality carbohydrates is also important, as well as kicking and eating protein regularly. Gainers will be a wonderful source of simple and complex carbohydrates that are digested faster than whole foods.

For maximum effect, you should take gainers at least 2-3 times a day. The correct way would be to drink two gainer shakes between meals, with an additional drink before bed.

Advantageous combination of protein with fast carbohydrates

Each protein meal should be accompanied by the consumption of high-quality carbohydrates, which ensure better transportation and absorption of proteins. A number of fast-digesting carbohydrate products have been developed to complement protein supplements.

Maltodextrin, which is added to mass gainers, is a comprehensive source of complex carbohydrates, ideal for use before, during or after training. This product is able to replenish glycogen stores faster than whole food sources of complex carbohydrates, while being a champion among other carbohydrate supplements.

Carbohydrate powders are rich in quality complex carbohydrates. They are easily mixed into protein powders and can be consumed throughout the day for maximum weight gain.

Approximate regimen for taking protein supplements

Protein Supplement Schedule for Building Muscle.

Below are approximate times to take various protein supplements. However, it is not recommended to limit yourself to dietary supplements alone. A variety of protein sources will support health and help build muscle mass.

  • Morning – Protein shake, whey/casein protein powder mix.
  • Late Morning – Protein Bar
  • Lunch – Protein shake, a slow-digesting protein like casein or egg whites.
  • Afternoon – Protein bar
  • Pre-Workout – Whey Protein Shake, Fast Digesting Protein
  • Workout – Whey protein combined with carbohydrates
  • Post-workout – Protein shake, whey/casein protein powder blend, or mass gainer
  • Before bed - Protein shake, a slow-digesting protein like casein or egg whites.

Schedule for taking protein supplements for weight gain

Here is the optimal schedule for taking different protein supplements. You shouldn't limit yourself to just one type. A wide range of protein foods will help maintain health and accelerate muscle growth.

  • Morning – High-calorie meal replacement in the form of a bar or a whey protein-based gainer shake.
  • Late morning – A serving of gainer, a source of slowly digested protein (casein or egg protein).
  • Lunch - High-calorie meal replacement bar
  • Afternoon - A serving of gainer, a source of slowly digested protein (casein or egg protein).
  • Pre-Workout - Whey Protein with Carbs
  • Workout - gainer
  • Post-Workout Whey/Casein Protein Powder Mix
  • Before bed - casein or egg protein.

Secrets to choosing the right protein powder

It can be difficult to choose the right protein powder. There are literally hundreds of brands, varieties and flavors of these products. We invite you to read the information below to know which protein to choose for beginners and to achieve certain goals, so as not to make a mistake with your purchase.

Value for money

Protein is different from protein. You shouldn't buy protein powder based solely on price. There are many factors that go into making protein powders. Often the low cost is due to the low quality of raw materials, as well as inappropriate quality control of the product. Violation of production technology can negatively affect the quality of the finished product, leading to a decrease in protein bioavailability. Simply put... you'll be flushing money down the drain because low-quality protein is less digestible.

Here, as with most products, price determines quality. Take your time, study everything thoroughly. As a general rule, the more expensive you buy, the more benefits you will receive.

Whey Protein: Isolate, Multi-Protein or Concentrate?

Whey isolates are the purest group of whey proteins. They boast 90-98% pure protein with a small amount of fat and lactose. Therefore, whey isolate is a decent, low-calorie protein source for athletes who are trying to control their weight or want to cut calories. The high concentration of protein in whey isolate makes it expensive.

With approximately 70-85% pure protein, whey concentrate contains higher levels of fat and lactose than whey isolate. It is characterized by high calorie content and low cost. Considering these aspects, whey concentrate is the best choice for weight gainers and muscle builders.

The golden mean belongs to multi-component whey protein. This is the optimal source of protein for everyone interested in high-quality and budget-friendly protein, and not trying to build muscle or cut calories in their diet.

In search of the optimal amino acid composition

The amino acid composition reflects the amount of amino acids, BCAA and essential amino acids contained in the protein powder. When studying these indicators, pay attention first of all to the volume of essential acids and BCAA in one serving of the product.

BCAA is 3 amino acids:

  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Valin

Essential amino acids are presented:

  • Phenylalanine
  • Valin
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Isoleucine
  • Methionine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine

There are 12 essential amino acids. Replaceable ones are easily reproduced by the body. It is more important for a protein powder to have a balanced composition of essential amino acids, so when choosing a product, pay less attention to the non-essential ones.


When choosing a gainer, consider these seven aspects:

  1. Compliance with price and quality. Gainers follow the same principle as protein powders. Cheapness often means poor quality product ingredients, low manufacturing standards, poorly digestible protein, and possible mismatch between stated and actual ingredients. It is better to give preference to well-known, reputable brands.
  2. Taste. What good is a quality mass gainer if it tastes bad? If possible, read product reviews before purchasing. The last thing you want is to waste money on a gainer that is astringent, lumpy, grainy, and tasteless.
  3. Protein. Look for a gainer with a high concentration of protein per serving, at least 40g per shake. You should consume protein first thing after waking up, and also immediately after finishing your workout. For these purposes, a gainer with 50-60 g of protein in one serving will do.
  4. Protein to Carbohydrate Ratio. The gainer must ensure sufficient calories in the form of carbohydrates. The best ratio of protein to carbohydrates is 2:1 per serving.
  5. Sugar. Pay attention to the amount of sugar in one serving. Some mass gainers are nothing more than a mixture of sugar, flavoring and protein powder. You need a gainer that contains no more than 30 grams of sugar per serving. For some high-quality gainers, this figure barely reaches 10 g.
  6. Cholesterol. It is recommended to choose gainers that contain less than 100 mg of cholesterol per serving.
  7. Saturated fats. These are unhealthy fats. Most quality mass gainers have saturated fat levels between 5-10g per serving. And in some, this figure increases to 20 g.

Recovery drinks

Muscles do not grow in the gym. They begin to form from the moment you leave there, throughout the recovery period. These drinks are most often consumed after workouts. When comparing different recovery drinks, pay attention to:

  1. Maltodextrin. The product consists of quickly digested complex carbohydrates that will immediately saturate depleted muscles with glycogen.
  2. Amino acids. Your recovery drink should be rich in essential amino acids and BCAA.
  3. Creatine. Some recovery drinks are made with creatine, guaranteeing you faster muscle growth. A very profitable investment.
  4. Squirrels. Although the amount of protein is not the most important characteristic of a recovery drink, some products contain slightly more of it.
  5. Sugar. Some recovery drinks contain quite a lot of sugar. It is necessary to control this point when choosing a product.
  6. Other Ingredients. Many recovery drinks add plant extracts and additional components such as beta-alanine and glutamine.

The modern recovery drink market offers many different options for combining product ingredients. We advise you not to be lazy and thoroughly understand the issue so as not to waste money on an unsuitable product.

Meal replacements

Meal replacements are available in a wide variety of products and forms. You may see meal replacements in the form of breakfast cereals or bars. There are special shakes for women and meal replacement powders for gaining lean muscle mass. When buying a meal replacement, carefully study not only its composition, but also its purpose.

Regardless of the type of product, consider the following factors when choosing a meal replacement:

  1. Squirrels. Pay attention to the dose of protein per serving. If it is a multi-component mixture, watch the ratio of quickly and slowly digested proteins. Breakfast replacement products should include some form of fast-digesting whey protein. Meal replacement shakes and lunch bars should contain slow-digesting protein sources, such as casein protein. You'll also find less than 30 grams of protein per serving in some foods. Of course, this may be enough for athletes and female bodybuilders. However, for men who want to gain muscle mass, this figure is too low.
  2. Nutritional value. Look beyond the overall nutritional value of the product. Consider the total nutritional value of one serving.
  3. Calorie content. Despite their satiety, many meal replacements are quite low in calories. In fact, the energy value of most of these products rarely exceeds 200 Kcal.
  4. Vitamins and minerals. The goal of meal replacements is to serve as a complete meal, so they must be loaded with vitamins and minerals. Always compare a product's vitamin and mineral content or MRP standards before purchasing.
  5. Additional components. Some meal replacements contain additional nutritional supplements, or are fortified with amino acids and BCAA. These small benefits will save you money.

Taste, solubility, aftertaste

Even high-quality protein powders made from excellent raw materials by a reputable company can leave much to be desired. After all, quality ingredients are no guarantee of good taste. A good protein supplement is determined not by quantitative indicators at all: excellent taste, rapid solubility, absence of aftertaste.

One of the best ways to learn about these benefits of protein powders is to either look at reviews of the product or browse the Muscle and Strength forum. Gather information and don't be shy to ask questions.

Some low-quality protein powders dissolve well. And some high-quality analogues have an astringent taste, do not dissolve well and leave a bad aftertaste. To stay on topic, the taste and texture of protein bars can also vary.

Combining other protein supplements


Creatine will help you gain an extra 5 kg of muscle mass and increase your strength by 10%. A more powerful effect from taking creatine can be obtained by combining it with the consumption of protein and carbohydrates in a 1:1 ratio. Therefore, the duo of creatine and protein is extremely beneficial.

Before training

Nitric oxide, creatine, and beta-alanine are among the best pre-workout supplements. Many types of pre-workout products rely on these valuable ingredients, but not all contain protein. Research shows that consuming protein before a workout is much more important than after it. The ideal pre-workout drink would be a combination of protein, maltodextrin with nitric oxide (or pre-workout complex). This way you will not lack energy during the session, and will also maintain a positive nitrogen balance. Nitric oxide and creatine will help you give it your all for maximum results.

During training

Consuming whey protein and maltodextrin before training can help fuel your strength and restore nitrogen balance. However, there are ways to make your training more effective. Supplements taken during training are becoming increasingly popular. They often include vitamins C and E, an optimal complex of amino acids and BCAA, beta-alanine, B vitamins, creatine, glutamine, arginine and others. Such an abundance of substances included in their composition ensures the high nutritional value of such supplements.


The combination of whey protein and maltodextrin is a staple training supplement. Maltodextrin not only promotes protein transport and absorption, increasing whey protein potential, but it also provides a source of fast-digesting complex carbohydrates, supplying muscles with that coveted glycogen.


Multivitamin supplements rarely get the attention they deserve. The body needs the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals to function optimally. It goes without saying that athletes and those wishing to gain muscle mass require more vitamins and minerals than the average man and woman. Make sure you are purchasing a quality, approved vitamin and mineral supplement.

Fat burners

When looking to burn excess fat and shed a few pounds, you can't go wrong by pairing a protein supplement with a fat burner. Protein by its nature has a fat-burning ability, requiring more energy to digest and assimilate than carbohydrates and fats. By adding a fat burner to the mixture, you will increase the effectiveness of the fight against excess fat.

Often, protein is understood as a sports supplement in the form of a powder from which cocktails are made and drunk during training, mainly by athletes to build muscle or lose weight. There is still debate about the benefits and harms of this supplement; many often confuse it with chemicals and classify it as a prohibited drug. We decided to look into the issue and put everything on the shelves.

With constant training and physical activity, the body is more depleted than usual, so it needs additional nutritional supplements. Therefore, athletes take protein in order to receive the daily protein requirement, for example, when drying the body, it is necessary to sit on a low-carbohydrate diet and protein shakes help increase the amount of protein in the diet. But not only athletes benefit from taking this supplement; it is great for women and men to gain muscle mass, lose weight and burn fat.

In this article we will explain in simple terms what protein is and why the body of any person needs it. Let's figure out the difference between protein and protein, find out whether it's chemical or not and how to take it correctly for gaining weight and how to lose weight.

Protein and protein are the same thing and what is the difference?

Protein is a complex organic substance consisting of amino acids linked into a chain by a peptide bond. Amino acids are necessary for the body to maintain proper metabolism (enzyme proteins) and the construction of new cells. It performs a number of important and vital functions in the human body.

Functions Description Example
Antibodies Antibodies bind to certain foreign particles, such as viruses and bacteria, to protect the body. Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
Enzymes (enzymes) Enzymes carry out almost all of the thousands of chemical reactions that occur in cells. They also help form new molecules by reading the genetic information stored in DNA. Phenylalanine hydroxylase
Conductors These proteins transmit signals to coordinate biological processes between different cells, tissues and organs. A growth hormone
Structural component These proteins provide structure and support to cells. Globular protein actin
Transportation/storage These proteins bind and transport atoms and small molecules inside cells and throughout the body. Ferritin

Protein - this is protein, its transliterated English name - enters the body with plant and animal foods. It is especially abundant in white meat, fish, dairy products, legumes and soybeans. During the digestion process, proteins are broken down by enzymes into individual amino acids, which subsequently participate in various chemical and reduction processes.

Lack of protein in the body leads to slower growth, worsening metabolism and decreased physical performance. In the absence of protein, organs, bones and muscles do not have sufficient recovery and wear out faster. A deficiency of amino acids is especially fraught with constant physical activity, because during training, muscles and ligaments receive microdamages, which the body must eliminate in a timely manner.

What is protein for?

Protein, as a source of high-quality protein with a full set of amino acids, is necessary to accelerate the processes of restoration and construction of muscle cells, for the functioning of internal organs, for the health of hair and bones. It can be consumed by anyone who has a lack of protein in their diet. It’s also a very convenient option for a snack or even a full meal when you don’t have time to cook. For example, to meet the daily requirement of 4 grams per kilogram of body weight, a standard athlete would have to eat 1.5 kilograms of chicken or 30 eggs. Of course, certain amino acids come from almost all types of food, but to obtain a sufficient amount of them it is convenient to use concentrated supplements.

Protein shakes for muscle growth

To maintain (not accelerate and not as an alternative to training) muscle growth, freeze-dried protein is used in almost pure form. Cocktails are prepared based on the powder additive, which are drunk before and after training to meet the body’s need for protein.

For specific muscle growth, it is better to use whey protein isolate, which minimizes the content of carbohydrates and fats.

Protein for weight gain

If the goal is not only an increase in muscle mass, but also a general weight gain (more often required by people with an ectomorphic physique), then you can use supplements with additional carbohydrate content. Such powders are called gainers (from the word gain - “set”). Gainers satisfy the increased post-workout need for both protein and energy. Regular use after and between workouts ensures gradual weight gain. If a gainer is too radical a solution in terms of calories, it is recommended to use protein concentrate (with approximately equal shares of protein, fat and carbohydrates).

It is important to understand that supplements do not replace training and are not artificial growth boosters.

Protein composition

Protein composition can be viewed from several perspectives, depending on what features of the supplement are of interest.


  1. By amino acids

The amino acid composition of protein is determined by 20 main amino acids involved in biological recovery processes. They are divided into non-replaceable and replaceable. The main ones primarily necessary for an athlete are leucine, isoleucine and valine. Phenylalanine and aspartic acid are also important.

All amino acids are required by the body to maintain healthy functioning, so when selecting protein, you need to pay attention to their balance.

  1. By Protein Source in Powder Supplement

Protein sources for protein powder can be whey (whey), egg white (egg white), milk (casein protein). There is also beef and soy protein. The first two are characterized by an optimal composition of amino acids and rapid absorption, while casein is characterized by long-term breakdown and an alternative set of acids. Soy protein is cheaper, but is much inferior to animal protein in terms of the set of necessary substances.

  1. Based on the ratio of protein to carbohydrates and fats, they are divided into:
  • isolate - a more expensive protein, almost a protein squeeze from raw materials containing up to 90% pure product;
  • concentrate - evaporated raw materials, dry powder containing all three components of nutrients and a protein proportion of 30 to 40%.
  1. Based on the presence of third-party ingredients in the protein.

Third-party ingredients primarily refer to sweeteners. Almost the entire line of powders contains different types, from classic aspartame to potassium acesulfate. Another important point is the presence of lactose and its proportion in the product - after all, powder with lactose is not suitable for athletes with personal intolerance.

Protein shelf life

For closed powder packaging, the shelf life varies from 2 to 3 years, depending on the manufacturer. A lot of marketing sources claim that after opening the package, the protein retains its “useful” properties for only 2 weeks, and then its use is pointless. This information is aimed at increasing consumption and market capacity. In fact, opened powder can last up to a year in the right conditions, but it is not recommended to stretch one jar for more than 3 months. In old supplements, some of the amino acids are destroyed and rancidity appears.

Storage conditions are associated with the high sensitivity of the protein to increased temperature and the dry state of the sublimate, which ensures a long shelf life. It is recommended to store the powder at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees in a dark and dry place. Avoid heat from the sun or other sources, as well as moisture getting into the jar and causing the product to become damp.

The finished cocktail can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Why do girls need protein?

Protein, as a building element that has no gender identity, is equally necessary for both men and women. Taking protein as a supplement to increase the proportion of protein in the diet is also possible and harmless for both sexes.

The difference lies in the goals of sports activities. For men, it is important to build mass and muscle; protein for them is an agent for accelerated recovery and construction. For women, volume is not as important as a slim and lean figure, so in their case protein is a dietary aid.

Protein for weight loss

Eating protein while burning fat helps you maintain muscle, reduce hunger, and maintain a high metabolic rate while consuming fewer calories. This helps prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar. It is also important that the body has to spend more calories and energy to digest protein than digesting fat and carbohydrates. When daily caloric intake and exercise are reduced, adequate protein intake maintains muscle mass. Weight loss occurs when you create a calorie deficit, or burn more calories than you consume. If this is done without exercise, the body often uses valuable dry tissue for fuel, and most of the weight that is lost is muscle mass.

High-protein diets help treat obesity and metabolic syndrome, a group of symptoms including high blood pressure and excess blood lipids.

Beneficial properties and possible negative effects

Protein intake is essential for the healthy functioning of the body, so it is worth monitoring your daily intake.


  1. Increased muscle mass

Consuming enough protein is essential to building and maintaining healthy muscle mass, as well as supporting healthy joints, ligaments, and other body tissue.

  1. Helps manage weight

Controlled calorie intake combined with moderately high protein intake can be an effective and practical weight loss strategy.

  1. Stabilization of blood sugar levels

Insulin is a hormone that is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein. However, carbohydrates require much more insulin than fat or protein. Eating foods with protein has a minimal effect on blood glucose levels and slows down the absorption of sugar during meals.

A high-protein diet can help prevent spikes in blood glucose, which is especially important for preventing diabetes.

  1. Improved mood

Certain amino acids from protein foods are needed to naturally balance hormones, control mood, and act as a natural remedy for anxiety. Proteins help neurotransmitters function and synthesize hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, which calm you down and keep you positive.

  1. Promote healthy brain function and learning

Proteins are needed to make enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters that are critical for cognitive function. The brain requires a constant supply of amino acids to maintain concentration, focus and performance. When amino acid deficiency occurs, learning and coordination suffer, but once all essential amino acids are reintroduced into the diet, learning skills and motor abilities improve.

  1. Strong Bones

There is a positive relationship between consuming adequate amounts of protein foods and improved bone health, better fracture healing, less bone damage, even osteoporosis, increased calcium absorption and bone metabolism.

  1. Healthy heart

There is an inverse relationship between protein intake and the risk of heart disease, as high protein diets are one of the natural ways to normalize blood pressure. Additionally, replacing carbohydrate foods with protein results in lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels with low LDL levels.

  1. Slowing down the aging process

One of the key roles of protein foods is to help the body synthesize glutathione, often called the "master antioxidant." Glutathione helps detoxify and reduce carcinogens that affect aging. Adequate protein intake is critical to maintaining glutathione and helping to remain in a state of balanced "homeostasis." Lack of glutathione contributes to oxidative stress, which plays a key role in age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, liver disease, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, cancer and viral infections.

Most people get their protein intake from their normal diet, and the need for additional protein can only be determined by calculating the difference between the daily requirement and actual intake.


  1. Excessive loss of calcium.

Calcium plays a significant role in maintaining good bones, and consuming excess protein can compromise bone health. The increasing increase in protein causes a significant increase in calcium lost through urine.

  1. May harm kidney function.

The kidneys filter waste and toxins from the bloodstream. Increasing protein intake increases the load on the kidneys.

Eating large amounts of protein over a long period of time significantly increases the acid load on the kidneys and increases the risk of stone formation.

  1. Pollution of the body with heavy metals.

Most protein powder supplements contain either low levels of heavy metals or levels above the daily amount considered safe when consumed in multiple servings daily. For example, the average lead level in three servings of one protein powder is 13.5 mcg, which is higher than the 10 mcg limit.

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Negative qualities depend on the specific product and most likely relate not to the protein itself, but to the consumer or the sale of a low-quality product.

Side effects

Consuming high levels of protein in the form of protein powders or even just from food can be detrimental to your health:

  1. Increase in adipose tissue.
  2. Bone loss.
  3. Impaired renal function.
  4. Dehydration.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Lethargy.
  7. Bad breath.

You should adhere to your individual daily protein intake to avoid complications.


Consumption of freeze-dried protein and other sports nutrition products is not recommended for people with:

  • individual intolerance to product components;
  • renal failure.

In addition, you should not eat isolated protein in large quantities if your diet does not contain enough carbohydrates - energy - to break it down and absorb it. This is not a direct contraindication, but can cause unpleasant consequences.

Types of protein

Protein presented in sports nutrition stores is divided into types according to the source of protein and the method of obtaining the finished product.


It is obtained from whey by boiling the liquid. Contains basic essential amino acids. Quickly absorbed, suitable for filling “protein windows” after training and sleep.


Contains more amino acids. It is obtained from milk. Absorbed not as efficiently as whey, up to 5-6 hours. In this regard, it is ideal for replenishment during “hungry” hours, for example during sleep.

Soy protein

It is obtained from plant materials. It is inferior in the number of amino acids, but lowers cholesterol levels and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


It is a method of obtaining a finished product in which the original raw material is dehydrated and the entire dry residue is collected - a mixture of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Concentrate is not the purest protein, the proportion of protein in it is from 30 to 70%. This is the optimal solution for gaining weight.


Using filtration or ion exchange, the protein part of the raw material is directly isolated and dehydrated. Thus, a pure product is obtained containing 90-95% protein. This type is more expensive, ideal for drying and losing weight.


It is a powder obtained through the process of hydrolysis. When protein is isolated, its large molecules are split into smaller chains, which facilitates the absorption of the product (almost to the state of individual BCAA). Also optimal for post-workout loading. Low quality hydrolyzate may taste bitter.


It is a mixture of several types of protein, which helps optimize the nutritional properties of the powder. Makes the time of its absorption consistent with the time between meals.

Protein in food

Protein-rich foods – meat and poultry, preferably white meat. Boiled beef and turkey fillet are best digestible. Seafood and fish are also rich in protein - perhaps the healthiest source of protein. Eggs and dairy products are rich in protein. Plant foods include legumes and nuts.

Which is better

The choice of protein is based primarily on the purpose of its use. The optimal price-to-effect ratio is whey concentrate. Isolate is better suited for drying the body. It is advisable to use casein at night, because it will be used during sleep to restore damaged cells, but it is worth considering that it is useless before and after training, as it is absorbed extremely slowly.

What to replace

Protein as a nutrient cannot be replaced by anything, since it is the only source of essential amino acids. During training, you can take BCAA, but they are used not so much for muscle growth, but to protect them from destruction under the influence of cortisol.

The protein powder itself can be replaced with dietary meat, fish, eggs without yolk, lentils, beans, and casein with slowly digested cottage cheese.

How to take it correctly

During an exercise program, whether it is based on weights, cardio or endurance training, the body requires more protein to recover and function properly. Powder shakes offer a quick and easy way to increase your daily protein intake. Whey protein is especially beneficial after a workout as it is absorbed effectively within a short time. Casein, a slow-release protein, is an excellent option to consume before bed because it supplies the body with nutritional amino acids through the bloodstream.

Protein powder is primarily a supplement and is designed to fill nutritional gaps. But it does not replace a full and varied diet.

It is necessary to control your daily protein intake based on individual needs. It is best to use daily dietary protein from red and white meat and fish. Additionally, this makes it possible to receive more essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

How to make a protein shake at home

Any liquid is suitable for making a cocktail: water, juice, milk. But it is better to use skim milk to improve taste. You can warm it up a little so that the powder dissolves well. But do not bring it to a hot state, otherwise the protein will curdle. Next, add the dry mixture in the dosage indicated on the package. As a rule, this is 30-40 grams or 2 measuring spoons.

Since the powder does not dissolve very well in liquid, it is better to use a shaker to prepare a cocktail. To make it convenient to distribute doses throughout the day and not carry a ready-made cocktail with you, there are shakers with a double bottom into which the required number of servings of powder is poured.

A protein shake can be prepared not only from special protein powder, which is sold in sports nutrition stores. As a rule, such cocktails are not cheap, and they are used by professional athletes. Preparing a nutritious drink is possible at home using available products. It's easy and doesn't take much time. And allows you to use only natural ingredients.

Recipe No. 1.

  • Cottage cheese 50 gr.,
  • A glass of milk,
  • 1 egg white,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sweet syrup.

Preparation: mix all ingredients thoroughly or beat with a blender.

Recipe No. 2.

  • A glass of milk,
  • 100 gr. cottage cheese,
  • 1 banana.

Preparation: beat with a blender until smooth.

Recipe No. 3.

  • Sour cream - 200 gr.,
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.,
  • Nutrition for athletes - what and in what quantity...

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